
Chapter 142: God thunder tree!

This is a forest, an ancient forest constructed entirely of various medicinal materials.

The trees are as tall as clouds, and the canopies are continuous, blocking the entire sky. Only a few rays of sunlight shine through the gaps in the canopy.

Thigh-thick vines spread from the ground and have been entwined with ancient trees. The vines are covered with flowers and medicinal fruits of various colors.

"This...this..." Ya Fei looked at the pieces of rare and precious medicinal materials in front of the outside world, and she couldn't say a complete word in amazement.

The black figure that came in first disappeared, and only the old man in the shadows kept searching for precious medicinal materials and loading them into the ring.

"It's done, it's done." The group of people coming in behind, with extremely fiery eyes, rushed into the medicinal forest like crazy.

Chen Mo saw that there was no danger, and said lightly: "Looking at the high-end medicinal materials, you can grab it when appropriate."

Chen Mo glanced at Lu Yuanqing and told him that he was protecting Concubine Ya and swept toward the front of the forest.

Lu Yuanqing's face was full of black lines.

In the vast ancient forest, with the fragrance of medicine lingering, Chen Mo looked at a red fruit growing on the vine in front of him.

Chiyuan Zhuguo contains powerful fire attribute energy.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Seeing that Chen Mo dared to get in front of him, the yin-yellow old man screamed, vindictiveness surged out, turning into a vindictive storm, and swept towards Chen Mo.

Perceiving the strong fluctuations in the rear, Chen Mo frowned and turned around. A powerful and unparalleled aura radiated from Chen Mo, and he smashed the storm of vindictiveness with one punch.

"You go pick it." Chen Mo Fang Ya concubine came down, rubbing his fists, and approaching the old man step by step, and sneered as he walked: "Old fellow, if you don't bother you, you dare to attack me and live. Are you getting impatient?"

At this time, the image of Chen Mo is the villain in a proper TV novel.

"Be careful." Concubine Ya exclaimed, leaping forward and picking it towards Chiyuan Zhuguo.

"Boy, the mere king of Douwang's tone is so big, I'm not afraid of his tongue flashing?" The Yinyi old man just spied Chen Mo's only breath of Douwang, and he also liked Zhu Guo in front of him, so he started to attack Chen Mo. attack.

The movement of this side was naturally noticed by a few people who were picking medicinal materials in the back.

Someone who had watched Chen Mo play against the demon puppets in the battlefield before, at this time looked at the shadowy old man, there was a lot of sympathy.

"I really don't know how you lived until now." Chen Mo stopped, twisted his neck, stretched out a finger, and said: "One move, as long as you can catch my move, I will spare your life. ."

"Arrogant." Seeing the woman behind Chen Mo took off Zhu Guo to accept the ring, the former was still so arrogant, the dark old man snorted coldly, stomped the soles of his feet, and cracks appeared in the grass under his feet.

The billowing cyan fighting energy erupted from the body, turning fists into claws, and coming through the void with a fierce wind.

"Where's the brain-dead thing." Chen Mo pinched the Yin Jue with his hand, slapped it with a palm, engulfing the monstrous might, forming a long ravine wherever he went.

With a sharp scream, the old man Yinyi instantly turned into nothingness.

"Ding, kill the Eight-Star Douzong and get 38,000 luck points."

Chen Mo frowned. This was the only one who was okay looking for trouble at the moment.

Everyone's pupils shrank slightly, and even though there were a few people who had seen Chen Mo take action, they were surprised to solve one person so cleanly.

You must know that although the old man of Yinyi hadn't shown his true strength before he was second, how could the aura he radiated before was also higher than that of Dou Wang.

"Pavilion Master, what's the matter?" Lu Yuanqing was a little far away from the two of them. Hearing the movement, he hurried over.

"There is a wise man who is looking for trouble, and I solved it easily." Chen Mo said lightly.

Lu Yuanqing nodded blankly.

As for who caused the trouble, I didn't ask, as if a small incident happened, I wasn't interested.

"Go ahead and take a look, I have a feeling that the good things are all in front."

After that, Chen Mo habitually hugged Concubine Ya, but Concubine Ya gently hid, and it was Chen Mo's hand that dodged, with a trace of shame on her seductive cheek, and said angrily: "I can go by myself. "

"Then you followed?" Chen Mo raised his brows, and involuntarily hugged Concubine Ya, and swept forward.

Being caught under Chen Mo's armpit, Concubine Ya has an indescribable sense of shame, so it's better to let her hold her.

The area of ​​this ancient forest is not small. Even at the speed of Chen Mo and others, it has not reached the end of the forest even after running for more than ten minutes.

During the period, Chen Mo found a few more Chiyuan Vermillion Fruits, plus one of the Yafei Na Rings, which made five of them.

Concubine Ya and Lu Yuanqing also found what they needed.

Concubine Ya's was picked by Chen Mo for her.

It is also weird to say that there will always be strange beasts guarding all the heavens and the earth, but Chen Mo has not only found a strange beast along the way, but has not even been trapped and the prohibition has not been triggered.

Is this ancient sect so kind?

The more deeply the ancient forest goes, the more precious the medicinal materials inside, but Chen Mo looked at the roots left on the vines. The medicinal fruits on them have been picked, and they should be under the mysterious shadow. hand.

"I was preempted." Lu Yuanqing's face was not good-looking. Since he had been following Chen Mo during this period, his appetite was getting bigger and bigger. He wished that all the treasures in this ancient ruins belonged to Lingyan Pavilion.

"Catch up and have a look." Chen Mo is not a stern person. If the first figure has the treasure that Chen Mo needs, Chen Mo doesn't mind grabbing a wave.

It seemed that it was approaching the end of the forest, and the atmosphere became more and more depressing, and from time to time there was a little thunder falling down.

Judging from its power, this thunder is comparable to Chen Mo's Thousand Lei Jue.

"Be careful." Chen Mo's face was solemn, and he changed his former relaxed state.

"Yes." Lu Yuanqing also felt something was wrong, and a look of caution appeared on his face.

Concubine Chen Mofang Ya came down, and the three of them slowly walked forward.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Concubine Ya exclaimed, and immediately covered her red lips with her jade hand, and the other pointed her finger at the open space in front of her.

A huge dragon body skeleton appeared in the vision of the three.

The strong depressive breath is emitted by the skeleton.

The dragon's body frame is covered with moss. At the head of the frame, there are two ancient trees poured with molten iron. Above the ancient trees, there are thunderstorms.

The mysterious black shadow that appeared in the giant hall before also appeared under the dragon's skeleton, rushing towards the ancient wood at the position of the dragon's head.

When Chen Mo saw this scene, he naturally wanted to intervene and said to Lu Yuanqing, "You take care of Hao Yafei, don't come over."

After speaking, as if the body was swimming in the dragon, a few afterimages appeared, and Chen Mo's figure appeared under the dragon's body skeleton.

"Ding, find the wood spirit * God Leimu, you can spend 150,000 luck points to snoop."