
Chapter 141: The gate of life is closed

"Taixuanmen, Demon Puppet Academy, the method of demon puppet refining."

Chen Mo opened the scroll.

On the prologue of the scroll, there is a line of words written, and this line of words is different from the words on the mountain gate, Chen Mo can understand.


Could it be the name of this ancient sect?

Demon Puppet Academy is a department of this Taixuan Sect?

Chen Mo guessed in his heart.

Chen Mo continued to look at the content below the scroll.

"The demon puppet art, created by the heavenly demon saints, is a powerful puppet strategy. The demon puppets are divided into three types: human, earth and sky. The human demon puppet is the weakest, and the sky demon puppet is the strongest."

"If you want to refine a demon puppet, you need three things to gather, the body, the soul, and the demon core. Using the body as a tool, the soul attracts, the demon core as the heart, and finally with many materials, you can refine the demon puppet..."

After reading all of them, Chen Mo showed a surprised face, and at the same time he knew where the demon puppet was broken, and the Douzong soul inside was gone.

According to the introduction of the demon puppet method, the demon puppet refined according to this method, as long as the material is high-quality, there is a certain chance that it can be advanced.

According to the meaning of the demon puppet art, if Chen Mo captures the soul body of a strong fighting master, puts it into the broken earth demon puppet, and re-refines it, the earth demon puppet can become a sky demon puppet.

The sky demon puppet has the power to contend with the powerful.

"Good stuff." The scroll was accepted, and Chen Mo's gaze scanned the stone room carefully, not letting go of any corner, and only after confirming that there were no other treasures, he slowly left.

"Let's go!" Chen Mo said to Lu Yuanqing and Yafei after jumping down from the attic.

Chen Mo walked toward the depths of the site, and the two quickly followed.

Chao Tiannan, who was seriously injured, actively triggered the transmission device and transmitted it out.

In the ruins, Chen Mo had not yet discovered Douhuang or Douzong humans. Several people walked sideways in the ruins, and no one dared to provoke them.

Soon, the traces of a few people appeared in the deepest part of the sect. This was a huge hall like a giant. Standing in the hall, people seemed small.

When Chen Mo and others arrived, many people gathered in the hall. According to the system's prompts, there were also several people in Dou Huang and Dou Zong.

Chen Mo looked at it, judging from their outfits, two of them did not look like Noire.

As a powerhouse of this level, he is very keen on every gaze, and a dark old man in animal clothing gave Chen Mo a glance.

Chen Mo rubbed his nose, this guy is a bit fierce.

On the high platform of the giant hall, there is a device similar to teleportation.

But no one dared to come close, because there were restrictions around the device, and restrictions on whoever touched it would die.

"Everyone, don't be pestered here, think of a way to break this ban, I'm sure, the treasure in this ruins is set behind this ban." After this anxious atmosphere lasted for a while, there was a middle-aged man. Screamed and suggested.

There are a few people who agree with it, but most people are silent, thinking that you are prohibited from breaking, and I will grab the treasure.

"Let the old man try it." Finally, someone couldn't help but stepped forward.

This is an old man who looks like a horrendous man. From the outside, everyone feels that this old man is quite capable.

Chen Mo put his arms around his chest, also very interested.

Under the gaze of everyone, the old man took out a bunch of incomprehensible guys from Na Jie, and then stepped closer to the prohibition. Some people had already held their breath.

The old man took a gun-like guy and poked at the place where the red dot was flashing. Then everyone's eyes lighted up, because the thing that was stuck in the restriction was harmless.

A happy smile appeared on the old man's face, as if he had found a way to crack this prohibition.

Soon the old man took out another weird thing, and slammed it towards the red dot in the lower right corner of the prohibition. With the prohibition trembling, it was still intact.

The light in everyone's eyes became brighter and brighter, and a few people even approached the prohibition step by step, intending to prevent the breakage from pouring into it for the first time.

The old man was also very excited. He didn't expect that the strange book I found in this site last time was really useful.

"Next, this is the dead door of the restriction." The old man murmured, took out a magic core from the ring, and pressed it towards the center of the restriction, the only place where there was no red dot.

As the forbidden red light lit up, the entire giant hall was filled with a red light, and the old man said excitedly: "The dead door is closed, now you can go in."

After speaking, the old man tentatively moved towards the prohibition.

At this moment, an accident suddenly occurred.

The red light that was going to disappear gradually, not only did not disappear, but the light was flourishing.

The old man's pupils shrank, his complexion changed drastically, his outstretched hand quickly retracted, and while retreating to the rear, he said in horror: "Run away, close the wrong door, the old man gave him..."

The old man's words were not finished yet, only wisps of red light burst out of the prohibition.

Like a pear flower needle in a torrential rain, it instantly penetrated the old man's body.

Chen Mo no longer wondered why there were no pillars and other furnishings in such a large palace. He picked up the slender waist of the concubine Ya and fled towards the outside of the palace.


Suddenly, a thick stone gate fell from above the palace entrance, completely sealing the only exit.

At the back, the red light had arrived.

"After me." Chen Mo said to Lu Yuanqing. Putting down the concubine Ya, the spear of the underworld condensed in his hand, and then quickly danced to form a black tornado, enveloping the three of them.


The red light hit the black tornado and all reflected.

There was no place to hide in the empty hall, and in the blink of an eye, wailing sounded everywhere.

Some people followed Chen Mo's way and took out their weapons to evade, but their strength was not enough, and the speed of rotation was not fast enough. The red light penetrated through the gaps in the weapons to pierce his head.

Blood spattered out.

In a short period of time, most of the people in the hall were killed and injured, but the red light in the restricted area did not stop at all.

Suddenly, a black figure flashed out along with the thunder, and an elbow hit severely hit a place where it was forbidden.

The red light stopped, and this black figure also took the opportunity to sneak into the transmission device behind.

With a scream, the figure disappeared.

Seeing this scene, they were still alive, or in other words, still moving, rushing towards the high platform one after another.

"Get away from me!" Seeing that someone dared to be in front of him, the shady old man in animal skins immediately slapped the man with a palm.

"Let's go up too." Chen Mo ran away with his arms around the concubine Ya, Lu Yuanqing quickly followed. During the period when passing by the corpse of the old man who broke the ban, Chen Mo did not forget to pull down his accepting ring.

The three of them escaped into the teleportation device, and with a flash of white light, a new world appeared in front of the three of them.