
Chapter 140: Earth Demon Puppet 2


Everyone present swallowed the saliva, with horror on their faces. The floor tiles here were those that could not be easily damaged by the strongest fighting king.

But the opponent's footfall at a height of less than ten meters caused several tiles to break.

What kind of strength is this?

Body heavy? Everyone does not believe it.

"Ding, you can spend 59,000 luck points to snoop when you find the demon puppet."

The system prompt sounded, and Chen Mo raised his brows. This was a good thing.

The second figure that was blasted out was towards the south. He found a mechanism on the bookshelf in the attic. When the mechanism was opened, a secret room appeared.

Outside the secret, there are two human-shaped statues.

When Chao Tiannan was cautiously inspecting it, a figure took the lead, triggering the restriction at the door of the secret room.

Afterwards, the human-shaped statue on the left was resurrected, and with a punch, the figure that had preempted it was blasted out of the attic.

Chaotiannan was stunned, and when he reacted, the humanoid statue attacked him.

The same is a punch.

That kind of terrifying strength, Tiannan promised that if it weren't for the inner armor found from this site last time, his fate would be the same as that of the figure who took the lead.

However, even though he escaped a punch from the humanoid statue, he did not intend to let Chaotiannan go out of the attic.

"Help...Help..." Chao Tiannan wanted to ask for help, glanced around and saw Chen Mo not far behind him.

However, as soon as Chao Tiannan said these words, a red glow appeared in the eyes of the human statue, his fists clenched, and his clumsy body exploded at an astonishing speed, and then he smashed towards Chao Tiannan.

When the collision came, cracks appeared on the floor tiles that the humanoid statue had stepped on, which shocked everyone's hearts.

In the eyes of everyone, Chaotiannan was already dead.


Faced with that powerful punch, Chao Tiannan would be shaken to death even if he was wearing inner armor. Just when he thought he was dead, a low voice sounded right now.

In the next moment, the sense of oppression in the front disappeared, and the humanoid statue was actually blasted out.

Turning his head towards Tiannan, he found that Chen Mo had rescued him.

"Two clear." Chen Mo rubbed some numb fists, the strength of this demon puppet actually reached the level of Dou Zong's peak.

Chao Tiannan knew what Chen Mo was talking about, and smiled blankly.

Such a change in the field made the faces of everyone present shocked, and the existence of King Pinnacle that could be beaten to death with one punch was actually beaten back by a young man.

But when Lu Yuanqing's figure appeared in silence, everyone became stunned.

Because Lu Yuanqing wore the exclusive robes of Lingyan Pavilion.

And judging from the color of the badge worn by it, it seems that it is still high-level.

The demon puppet who was repulsed stopped, and the red light flashed in his eyes again. This time, the locked Chen Mo's feet slammed on the ground. As the cracks spread, his figure appeared in front of Chen Mo in the blink of an eye. The silver fist blasted out fiercely.

However, when there was still an inch from Chen Mo, the figure of the earth demon puppet seemed to have lost its momentum, and stopped abruptly. The fist was only a slap away from Chen Mo's face.

"What happened?" This is everyone's thought.

For a while, there was an awkward atmosphere in the field, and everyone saw that it was not true. It was impossible to go to the attic to explore the truth, and no one wanted to offend Lingyan Pavilion.

Suddenly, the earth demon puppet moved, and a ray of bluish-white light flashed in his eyes. When everyone thought it was going to be shot again, Chen Mo was taken into the ring.

According to the original work, there is the creator's soul mark in the earth demon puppet body. As long as this soul mark is erased and your own is left, then you can easily control the earth demon puppet.

However, this kind of mark is generally hidden extremely deep. Just now, when the earth puppet was repulsed and until it shot, Chen Mo was using his soul power to probe the soul mark inside the earth puppet.

But the result was unexpected, because Chen Mo didn't find even a trace of the soul mark in the earth monster puppet's body, and Chen Mo easily left his own.

Chen Mo was also at a loss for this result.

But so smoothly, Chen Mo is also happy and relaxed.

The earth puppet appeared, there must be something good on it, and he ordered Lu Yuanqing and Ya Consort not to go around, and Chen Mo flashed towards the attic.

In this case, even fools know that there are treasures hidden in the attic. Driven by greed, even though they know that even if they get the treasures, they will not be able to pass the Lingyan Pavilion, they still swarm toward the attic.

Perceiving the movement, Chen Mo looked back and frowned.

When the earth demon puppet was released, Chen Mo said solemnly: "Earth demon puppet, whoever dares to step into the attic, kill without mercy!"

Chen Mo gave the order to the demon puppet, and immediately jumped, passed through the hole, and entered the top floor of the attic.

The people below looked at each other, looking at the iron puppet in front of them, and for a while, no one dared to take a step forward.

In the end, they disperse and look for opportunities elsewhere.

If everyone had a fluke mentality before, after Chen Mo's murderous intent broke out, everyone's fluke mentality dissipated instantly.

Although they were greedy, they did not lose their lives for greed.

The top floor of the attic seems to be a study room, but there are no books on the shelves, or maybe there are books, but it has been emptied long ago.

Behind a fallen bookshelf, Chen Mo saw a secret room. The stone gate was closed, and there was a demon puppet outside the door.

Chen Mo's soul power was swept away, and similarly, no soul mark was found on the body of this demon puppet.

Chen Mo left the mark of his soul, and when he tried to manipulate it, he found that there was no response.

"Broken?" Chen Mo took a closer look, and his appearance was intact, showing no signs of being broken.

But Chen Mo didn't understand this, so he could only earn the ordination first, and then take it back to talk about it.

As the demon puppet was taken away, the closed stone gate slowly opened a crack.

With the opening of the Shimen, a desolate and ancient aura slowly drifted out from within.

Chen Mo immediately raised his vigilance, wrapped his whole body with strange fire, and then cautiously pushed open the stone gate.

The stone door opened, and inside was a small stone room with a cracked stone bed.

On the stone bed, there is a scroll that looks like it will turn into nothingness when touched.

Chen Mo raised his palm, and with a light stroke, the scroll flew into Chen Mo's hand.

Blowing off the dust on it, Chen Mo carefully opened the scroll.

The content on the scroll surprised Chen Mo.

Taixuan Gate, Demon Puppet Courtyard, the method of demon puppet refining.