
Chapter 14: That said, I'm interested

"The strength of this kick, which is only the two-star fighting master? This is beyond compare."

"What kind of monster is this? This terrifying aura, even a Tier 6 monster, didn't make my heart tremble."

"Fighting Qi Condensed! Isn't this a means that Dou Ling can possess?"

"Is he really only sixteen? This talent..."

"I have a hunch that the name Chen Mo will surely resound through the entire Gama Empire tomorrow."

On the high platform, there were repeated surprises.

It may be that everyone is not optimistic about Chen Mo's strength.

Under the strong contrast of reality, there are still a few disciples who have deep doubts.

There was a deep shock and a trace of fear for the high-level Yunlanzong and the forces from all sides who came to watch the battle.

"Let him grow like this, the future achievements will definitely be above Yun Yun's girl." Jia Xingtian looked at Chen Mo, frowning tightly.

For the royal family, the stronger the fresh blood of Yun Lanzong, the greater the threat to the royal family.

Sure enough, Yun Yun can value her as a personal disciple, and fight for reason in the two elders' meetings.

"Sect Master Yun Yun's vision is really different from that of ordinary people. Congratulations to Sect Yun Lan once again for gaining a great arrogance."

"Congratulations, this disciple Chen Mo, I felt shocked at first glance, but now it looks really good."

"Sovereign Yun Yun, the old man has a granddaughter who is as beautiful as an immortal, and has a talent beyond ordinary people. I don't know..."

Patriarchs of the three major families don't hesitate to throw all kinds of rainbow farts to the elders and Yun Yun.

For them, Chen Mo's winning of the top ten in the inner door is a certainty.

For the patriarchs of the three major families, Yun Yun and the elders are also extremely polite.

After a few words of courtesy, Yun Yun returned his gaze to Chen Mo and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Boy, it made me so worried, I didn't expect to hide it so deeply."

It is impossible for Chen Mo on the court to feel this intense change of attitude.

Before revealing his strength, everyone's eyes only had deep suspicion and contempt.

After revealing a little bit of strength, the two poles reversed, with deep envy and jealousy.

For Chen Mo, who is not enough for his experience, age, and sophistication, everyone's praise has already made his heart feel a little airy.

But he was not addicted. After leaving the field, he remembered what might happen later, and prepared accordingly after it happened.

Everything has two sides. Strength brings not only fame and glory, but also danger.

You know, Yun Lanzong, this behemoth, is not without its existence.

But Chen Mo had no regrets, compared to the various troubles caused by hiding his strength.

Demonstrating strength and receiving the tilt and protection of Yunlanzong's resources is the most important thing for Chen Mo now.

As for the trouble that might come from the Soul Palace in the future, Chen Mo is not worried about this for a short time.

After all, in the following three-year agreement, Xiao Yan made such a big move, almost ruining the Yun Lanzong, and did not see the Soul Palace making any move.

Unless Chen Mo has the legendary piece of jade in his hand.

It seems that the main task must be on the agenda.

"Hey, Junior Brother and Junior Brother, get to know me, my name is Yunhai."

"My name is Yun Ling."

"My name is Yunfei."

Suddenly, someone patted Chen Mo on the back.

Chen Mo looked back, except for the one in the middle who was slightly better, the other two looked at him with worshipful eyes.

After a brief understanding, I know that the middle age is a little bit longer, and there is a small mole on the corner of the upper lip, and the beautiful face is called Yunhai.

On the left and right, with a ponytail on the left and a little kawaii long, the six-year-old is called Yunling, and the one-year-old Xiaozhengtai Yunfei on the right, Xiao Yunling, is from the line of the third elder. Tribe.

"Senior brother, you are amazing. I wanted to know you a long time ago. I heard that you have lived in the palace of the master for these two days. This is a treatment that Senior Sister Nalan doesn't have. Tell me how it feels to sleep with the master. Sample?"

Yun Hai looked at Chen Mo with extremely gossip eyes.

The eyes of the two people nearby were also wide open, and a group of curious ones.

Looking at the familiar sea of ​​clouds in front of him, Chen Mo instantly appeared a few black lines, sleeping together, what is all this and what, and then said very seriously: "This is a rumor, where did you hear it? ?"

"I want to listen to this? The elder is my own grandfather, can I not know about this?" Yun Hai said with a smile, his eyes were not right.

"Brother Chen Mo, don't lie, Brother Hai knows a little bit about the big and small things in this case." Yun Ling pouted and said in an adult tone.

"Yes, yes." Yunfei echoed with milky voice.


Yun-hai's relationship, Yun Yun said to Chen Mo, but Yun Yun didn't say anything about his character.

There are also these two little guys who look like porcelain dolls.

Looking at the three rich three generations, Chen Mo said with a bitter smile, "It stands to reason, shouldn't your personal settings be a stepping stone to ridicule? How come you become a gossip lover?"

Although Chen Mo himself didn't really matter, it had something to do with Sister Yun Yun's innocence.

Chen Mo chose to keep his mouth shut.

However, silence can arouse people's curiosity, and the gossip fire in Yunhai's heart burns more intensely.

Mo Li, who was a few steps higher than Chen Mo, looked a little gloomy when looking at the people below him who had become familiar with him instantly, especially when he thought of Yan Ran's strange look at Chen Mo before.

Mo Li's heart is not a taste.

But this is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that he grabbed the limelight from the finale.

Yunhai's randomness made Mo Li the second-to-last appearance.

Mo Li originally wanted to show some of his strength and achieve the effect of astonishing everyone.

But if Chen Mo's jewel is in front, if he only shows part of his strength, the natural effect is not good.

"Damn it!"

Yun Hai's performance surprised Chen Mo.

Originally, Chen Mo still thought that he would show off in a high-profile manner. Who would have thought that after showing a few swordsman skills, he would end in a hurry.

By the way, everyone seemed to know about this scene, and was accustomed to it.

"What a weird thing."

"No way, no way, I'm exhausted." Yunhai came to the scene, returned to his seat and kept complaining, vomiting: "These old guys don't know what they are thinking. It's the sun, I'm so hot."

"Are you still afraid of heat?" Chen Mo asked in surprise.

"Brother Hai is a rare ice spirit physique. If Brother Hai hadn't been so lazy, he would have been..."

"Bah baah, Yunfei, what are you talking nonsense, Brother Hai is negligent in cultivation."

"Is it different?"

"The one coming on stage is Mo Li."

The movement of Murray's appearance was not small, and a large group of female disciples cheered for him.

His appearance is the only thing Yun Lanzong can threaten Chen Mo.

"It's this dogskin plaster." Yun Hai sneered.

"Why, he has a bad reputation? I think he is very popular with female disciples!"

"It's all about licking dogs, and the licking objects are different."

"Oh. I'm interested in that way."