
Chapter 137: Xiaguang reappears, Chen Mo breaks through!

"You... are you sure you let me manage Wanbao Pavilion?" To be honest, Concubine Ya was moved, but she also felt surprised in her heart, why let herself manage it.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded, but with a small calculation in his heart, management will let you manage, but power will shrink. When your sense of belonging reaches 80 or more, then gradually relax.

"No other conditions?" Ya Fei was still a little worried, after all, this promise was too tempting.

Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "This shouldn't count as a condition. You have to be an assistant by my side for a period of time. After you become familiar with the whole work process, I will send you to Longyou County."

A gleam of doubt flashed through Ya Fei's charming eyes, and her eyebrows bend: "Why do you have to be familiar with the work process by your side?"

"Because your immediate boss is me, and after a while, you may still have exercises and fighting skills for you to sort out." Chen Mo explained with a blushing face.

"Then... that's all right."

"Now that you agree, then pack up and set off with me tomorrow."

"Where to go?"



After returning from the auction house, the sky gradually darkened. When he returned to the restaurant, Lu Yuanqing handed Chen Mo a letter from the Black Emperor Sect, which meant he was willing to be a vassal of Lingyan Pavilion.

Chen Mo said yes, but he must send someone to station in the Black Emperor's Sect.

According to Chen Mo's intention, Lu Yuanqing went to reply.

Back in the room, Chen Mo found that Mu Qianqian was still on the bed and did not leave.

"I heard from Big Brother Lu, tomorrow you are going to Zangyuan, can you take me?" Mu Qianqian stood up from the bed regardless of the naked body.

"No." Chen Mo poured himself a cup of tea and drank a mouthful: "I have already arranged it. Tomorrow you will leave the Black Point area with the two elders of gold and silver, and the army can go out."

I'm all called Concubine Ya, and I'll take you there again to fight the landlord?

"No, the slave family wants to go too..." It may be that they have had close contact with Chen Mo, and Mu Qianqian is also bolder. Yu fingers put in a seductive posture, and said coquettishly.

"No discussion." Chen Mo approached the bed and smiled: "But I can feed you before you leave."

After speaking, he rushed forward.

After a while, the bed shook.


The sky was slightly bright, and Mu Qianqian had packed his luggage and left Chen Mo's room.

Last night, she used both hands...and did not change Chen Mo's mind.

Before Chen Mo and the others set off, she and the two elders and two elders, Jin and Yin, embarked on the road to Fenglan County.

And Chen Mo and his party consisted of Haibodong, Yafei, Lu Yuanqing, and the other two Douwang, a total of six people.

What they are going to is a small town called Guta Town, which is located at the foot of Zangyuan Mountain.

When they spent about a day and a half rushing to Guta Town, the once deserted town was now crowded with people.

Many hawkers occupy street stalls selling treasure hunting tools, but unfortunately, many people buy them.

This is like in the modern world, someone sells martial arts secrets like Jianglong Eighteen Palms on the street.

However, so many people also told Chen Mo and his party that the ancient ruins on Zangyuan Mountain had not been opened yet.

Chen Mo and the others went around the town and found that restaurants and hotels where they could stay were all full of people.

In the end, Lu Yuanqing occupied several suites with two choices.

First, I live in your room at three times the usual price.

Second, we are reasonable.

But most people choose the first one, because choosing the second one doesn't make sense to win.

The room where Chen Mo lives is in a very good location. It belongs to the middle-aged man who wants to make sense. If you open the window, you can see Zangyuan Mountain.

In addition, Chen Mo can see a part of the surrounding environment of Zangyuan Mountain.

They told Haibodong and Lu Yuanqing a few words, and Chen Mo locked the door behind him and isolated the room from the outside world with a grudge, so as not to disturb the noisy sounds of the outside world.

Then he took out the lotus seat of Qinglian Earth's heart, sat cross-legged on it, and began to practice.

Name: Chen Mo

Cultivation: Dou Wang Erxing

Lucky points: 12000

Cultivation Method: Deity Restraining Prison Power

Fighting skills: Spear of the Underworld, Wings of Freedom, Guardian of the Underworld, Heavenly Emperor Profound Thunder Seal, Sky Transformation, Extreme Flame Art, Body Like a Dragon, Thousand Thunder Art.

Props: Astringent Qi, Summoning Card, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, Falling Heart Flame x2, Pure Lotus Demon Fire Remnant Figure x3, Sustain Ring x1.

Function: Treasure box lottery, peeping, shopping mall.

Power: Lingyan Pavilion

Dharmakaya: Hell Buddha

Bloodline: Purgatory

There is definitely not enough time to cultivate fighting skills and refining different fires, and you can only improve your cultivation first.

Chen Mo walked off the bed, and with a thought, he took out the lizardmen corpses he had obtained from the magma world one by one.

First, they dug out the scarlet beads in their bodies, then took out the black magic cauldron, caught fire, and threw all the lizard-men corpses into the altar cauldron.

Chen Mo wants to refine their essence and blood.

In the early stage of refining the essence of blood, Chen Mo always put his mind on the pill cauldron so as not to fry the furnace.

In the middle and late stages, Chen Mo can relax and do other things.

Sitting down on the lotus seat again, Chen Mo now has about thirty crimson beads. These crimson beads contain extremely violent flame energy.

After Chen Mo swallowed one, it was the running idols and the Prison Refining Force began to refine.

No matter how violent the flame energy contained in the crimson beads was, it couldn't compare to the abnormal fire.

Within ten minutes, Chen Mo swallowed another one.

Refining one, swallowing one, and the speed of refining is getting faster and faster.

After an hour passed, there were only three scarlet beads left in Chen Mo's hand.

But Chen Mo stopped refining, and instead put his mind on the pill cauldron, and the essence and blood were about to be refined.

After a while, as Dan Ding stopped making strange noises, Chen Mo moved his hand, Dan Ding opened, and a blood bead the size of a bean was suspended on the palm of Chen Mo's palm.

Even though the blood beads are only the size of a bean, the fire-attribute energy radiated from them can't be compared even if the total of more than 30 crimson beads add up.

Chen Mo swallowed it in one bite.

In this silent room, time slipped by silently like the sand on the fingertips.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The only three scarlet beads left in Chen Mo's hands were also swallowed by him.

As time went by bit by bit, Chen Mo's cultivation base gradually climbed from Douwang two stars to Douwang three stars.

When Chen Mo's prohibition placed outside the door was touched.

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly opened, and a ray of light shot from it.


"It's me." Haibodong's voice sounded, and he whispered: "Pavilion Master, Xia Guang has appeared again."

Hearing this, Chen Mo gently lifted his palm, hooked his fingers, and the closed window opened.

On Zangyuan Mountain, a colorful glow was rendered in the sky.

And Chen Mo's cultivation level also broke through at this moment.