
Chapter 136: Ya Fei! Chen Mo's thoughts!

This deep mountain is called Zangyuan.

Accompanied by thunder all year round.

The first to discover the ancient ruins in Zangyuan Mountain was a thunder-type casual cultivator. When he was practicing on that day, he discovered that there was a glow in the depths of Zangyuan Mountain.

Later, it spread out somehow, and almost everyone in the Black Point Region knew that there was such an ancient ruins in Zangyuan Mountain.

When the ancient site was opened last time, it closed inexplicably within a day.

Now that the rays of light are reappearing, some people speculate that this may be a sign of the reopening of the ancient ruins.

"Get ready, go to Zangyuan!" Although the opening time of the ancient ruins is still uncertain, waiting for it to open early in the outside world can get the opportunity in the ruins first.

"Yes..." Lu Yuanqing did not leave, but hesitated.

Chen Mo furrowed his brows: "Just say anything."

"The people who were brought back from Canaan College last time, except for Xiao Yu, have all been executed."

In fact, according to Chen Mo's instructions, everyone should be put to death, but someone suggested to Lu Yuanqing that Xiao Yu is beautiful and beautiful, or left to the chief pavilion...

Lu Yuanqing felt that it made sense, so he kept Xiao Yu.

Hearing that, Chen Mo glared at Lu Yuanqing, knowing what his idea was, but Xiao Yu's hands were stained with the blood of his subordinates. If he stayed and enjoyed it, how would he think of it.

What's more, there are many beautiful women around Chen Mo, and there is no shortage of Xiao Yu.

"Kill it!" Chen Mo said indifferently, a word that determined Xiao Yu's life and death.


The plan is to leave tomorrow morning.

Chen Mo originally wanted to cultivate, but he wandered around in the city of Earl alone within this time.

Although the city of Earl had improved public security under the rule of Lingyan Pavilion, killings on the street still occurred from time to time.

After all, the rules of Noire's survival are deeply embedded in the hearts of the people and cannot be changed overnight.

Chen Mo was dressed in black, with a magnificent air, tall and slender, and his dark and deep eyes were full of peace.

It may be that Chen Mo's temperament is so special that no one came up to provoke him when he walked on the street.

Without pretending to slap her face, the story of the hero saving the beauty happened.

Chen Mo circled around and came to an auction house belonging to Lingyan Pavilion.

It's quite satisfactory, and it's more than enough.

There were four guards wearing Lingyan Pavilion robes at the gate of the auction house. Several people glanced at Chen Mo, and they didn't say anything or stop them, so they let Chen Mo in.

After turning around, Chen Mo came to a hall, which was relatively deserted and there were no people.

"Sir, do you want to sell items, buy items, or auction items?"

Suddenly, a female staff member with a better body came straight to Chen Mo's side and asked.

"Are you busy, I'll look around." Chen Mo really just took a look, it was boring, and passed the time.

"In that case, an auction is currently going on, sir, would you like to see it?" the staff member said.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Sir, please here."

The staff led the way. Chen Mo followed behind and walked through a long passage. A curtain appeared in Chen Mo's field of vision.

A noisy sound came from the door curtain, as if bidding for an item, threatening the other party.

Chen Mo smiled helplessly when he heard it. This is the characteristic of Black Point Domain.

"Is there no need for capital verification?" Chen Mo looked puzzled when he saw the staff directly bring himself in front of the curtain.

The staff smiled: "Sir, no one can play the Lingyan Pavilion."

Chen Mo: "..."

Open the door curtain gently, a ray of light shines in. Although some people pay attention, most people's minds are on the auction items and the auctioneer.

Chen Mo found an empty seat at random and sat down.

The auctioneer is a concubine, a bright red cheongsam, glamorous red lips, and bare snow-white skin, which is charming and charming everywhere.

Seeing the concubine Ya, Chen Mo remembered a word.

Winking eyes shyly closed, Dan lips bursting into laughter.

Ya Fei's voice is sweet and very clear, and it is easy to arouse other people's minds.

Since Ya Fei took over as auctioneer, sales at the auction house have doubled.

Sometimes the final items of the auction are not very attractive, and they can cause a large number of people to come to participate.

As a confidante of Xiao Yan in the original book, a woman with more pen and ink descriptions and a more prominent personality, it is impossible for Chen Mo to not be greedy.

Of course, given Chen Mo's current strength and status, no one would dare to say anything about Qianglai, but Chen Mo dismissed it.

The only man in her heart with a good opinion is no longer there, and what Chen Mo will do next is to narrow the distance between the two.

Unlike Yaoye, Yaoye has a good impression of Chen Mo, and the other party is active, Chen Mo simply needs to attack, and it will be natural.

Concubine Ya didn't. During the period in the Black Point Region, she never took the initiative to find Chen Mo.

When the auction was over, almost all the people in the auction hall were gone, and the candles in the hall were lit up one after another. Concubine Ya, who was about to walk off the auction table, looked up and saw Chen Mo.

The two looked at each other, and for a short time, no one looked away.

Concubine Ya's body is born with a kind of charm, people who don't understand her will feel this way the first time they look at each other.

She likes me.

She is interesting to me.

It won't be long before the beauty I can hold back.

However, Chen Mo, who knows a little about the concubine, knows that the expression in the concubine's eyes has no other meaning, just the look of ordinary friends.

"Pavilion Master, how can you come to such a small auction house?"

Although Ya Fei did not take the initiative to inquire about Chen Mo, she is always able to understand some of the outside world when she is in a place with a complicated flow of people like the auction house.

Especially the chief pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion who is now in full swing.

Several major events that have happened recently are all related to this mysterious chief pavilion master.

"I said I was boring, just stroll around here, do you believe it?" Chen Mo smiled slightly.

"Believe." Ya Fei's eyebrows were slightly bent, as if she didn't want to get involved with Chen Mo too much, she smiled and said, "I wonder if the Chief Pavilion Master is asking me for anything?"

"Can't I find you if I'm okay?" Chen Mo took the lead in looking away, standing up, scanning the surrounding environment casually, pretending to be careless: "You have a talent for management, are you interested in coming to my side to manage Wanbao? Pavilion."

"Oh?" Ya Fei was really taken aback. You must know that one of the aspects that Lingyan Pavilion can attract strong people to join is this Wanbao Pavilion.

Wanbao Pavilion contains the fighting skills that Lingyan Pavilion has seized since its establishment.

Among them, there are also several books of advanced fighting skills.

Wanbao Pavilion and the Contribution Hall in Lingyan Pavilion complement each other. If you want to get things in Wanbao Pavilion, you have to join Lingyan Pavilion in addition to hard grabbing.

In Lingyan Pavilion, you have to contribute to the leader mission to obtain contribution points, which is equivalent to taking the initiative to work for Lingyan Pavilion.