
Chapter 134: Peep at the Venerable Skyfire!

Chen Mo ignored it and directly included it in the system, then glanced at one side, frowning.

A certain piece of magma in front of Chen Mo suddenly rippled, as if he was annoyed by Chen Mo's discovery, a hot and terrifying wind was shooting at him strangely.

However, this strong wind stopped abruptly when it first touched Chen Mo's first energy shield.

With the annihilation of the attack, a red figure wandered in the lava, the figure was red, and the system's prompt sound followed.

After a while, the crimson body emerged from the magma, the whole body was covered with red scales, and the tail of about half of the scales flicked slightly.

It was the lizard people who guarded the ancient emperor Tuoshe's mansion.

Seeing the intruder, the lizard man took the lead in attacking Chen Mo, and a magma fireball ejected from the lizard man's mouth.

"Looking for death!" Chen Mo didn't even have any thoughts of evasiveness. He dashed and shot away. The fireball attacked the energy shield outside, making a puffing weird sound, and the energy shield was intact.

However, Chen Mo had already arrived in front of the lizard-man and smashed its head with a punch. The lizard's vitality dissipated and turned into more than a thousand points of stamina.

After finding the scarlet beads in his body, he put his corpse into the ring.

Refining, used to cultivate purgatory gods and demons.

boom! boom! boom!

This thought just flashed in Chen Mo's mind, and there were more than a dozen magma fireballs ejected from one side.

On the side of the magma where the Lizardmen died, there was a sudden violent commotion, and a large group of red figures, like a school of fish, swarmed towards Chen Mofeng.

But before all these red figures revealed their true bodies, Chen Mo flashed away, and the Spear of the Underworld also condensed in Chen Mo's hand in the interval between flashing past.

After the extremely flame technique was used, as Chen Mo's figure turned into more than a dozen afterimages, and then with the shaking of the spear, more than 20,000 points of luck were collected by Chen Mo in a moment.

Chen Mo didn't let the rest of the corpses go.

The lizardman seemed to be frightened by Chen Mo's fierce beating, wailed in pain, and stopped attacking Chen Mo.

"Does this mean a truce?"

Chen Mo raised his brows, thinking like this in his heart.

But soon, Chen Mo discovered that his ideas were wrong, they were asking for help.

If it was just like a school of fish just now, at this time it was like an ant army on the stage. In the huge world of magma, this lizard army seemed to occupy a small half of the space.

In this army, Chen Mo also felt one or two breaths of Tier 8 monsters.

Although Chen Mo was able to fight against one another, he couldn't hold back the crowd.

Scared, scared.

Walk first.

Without any hesitation, Chen Mo turned around and held up the transparent aperture. With a flap of his wings, he flew upwards.

The superposition of the wings of freedom and the wings of fighting energy doubled Chen Mo's speed, and in a short time, it was a short distance away from the lizard army.

But they didn't give up on hunting, instead they chased Chen Mo in desperate pursuit.

When this dark red magma was about to emerge from within a few hundred meters, violent fluctuations came from the magma above.

A large red figure appeared in Chen Mo's field of vision.

"Kill me!"

Chen Mo made a seal with one hand, holding the transparent aperture in one hand, and immediately patted it with a seal of the Emperor Xuan Lei.

The surrounding magma suddenly soared into the sky as the huge handprints were shot.

In the blink of an eye, all the large red figures blocking Chen Mo's body disappeared.

More than 20,000 gas transportation points are credited to the account.

Without the lizard people above, Chen Mo flew directly out of the red magma world and came to the red magma area.

The temperature in this area is not as high as the former.

The lizard army behind saw that Chen Mo had escaped from the scarlet magma area, and did not chase it anymore, only roaring in anger from behind.

Finding a quiet place in this magma world, Chen Mo let go of the transparent aperture and said lightly: "After watching the drama for so long, come out!"

When the words fell, the luminous white light on the bones in the transparent aperture suddenly began to creep slowly, and finally turned into an illusory old figure.

The figure wore a white robe, and the beard and hair were all white. From the old face, he was also a beautiful man when he was young.

"Weird? Why doesn't the Falling Heart Flame on your body obey my call?"

The white figure glanced at Chen Mo suspiciously, surprised.

Chen Mo frowned and did not answer. Just when he was about to ask for some information, a violent mood suddenly emerged, and he said coldly, "Do you have anything else you want to say?"

The white figure frowned, before he asked what it meant.

Chen Mo's fist wrapped in flames broke through the transparent aperture and smashed towards him.

The huge oppressive force actually made the white figure feel the breath of death, and it cost a lot to avoid Chen Mo's blow.

Seeing that he still wanted to hammer over, the white figure hurriedly called to stop.

"Is there any funeral to explain?" Chen Mo's tone was cold, but his emotions at this time were affected by violence, and Dou Zun's soul body was a good tonic.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the white-haired old man was choked by Chen Mo's dry cough. He gave up his previous thought of appearing as an inscrutable person and whispered: "Don't you want to know who I am?"

Chen Mo: "I don't want to."

The white-haired old man changed his color slightly, and a ray of anger appeared in his eyes, but even if it passed away in a flash, this anger did not affect Chen Mo.

After thinking about the film meeting, seeing Chen Mo's expression getting more and more impatient, the white old man groaned: "As long as you let me go, I will teach you a technique that is as powerful as a heavenly fighting technique."

Chen Mo said: "If you have swallowed your soul, I will naturally know."

"You...you are from the Soul Palace." In the old man's impression, there are only the filthy fellows in the Soul Palace arresting soul bodies across the continent.

"You are too much nonsense..." Chen Mo raised his palm and grabbed it at the white-haired old man in the transparent aperture. This time, the latter could no longer evade.

"Peep." With a move of Chen Mo's thoughts, more than 60,000 Qi Luck points were instantly deducted by the system.

After all, it is a weak soul body, which can't cost much.

And the soul body of the white-haired old man was also turning into soul energy bit by bit, and injected into Chen Mo's body.

"You...what did you do to me?" The white-haired old man didn't expect Chen Mo to be so fierce.

Chen Mo didn't speak, and suddenly a ray of crimson flashed across his pitch-black pupils.

Less than ten minutes.

"No..." The soul body of the white-haired old man was completely snatched.

At the same time, Chen Mo's soul energy has also increased a bit, one step closer to the later stage of the spiritual realm.

"Yao Tianhuo, Venerable Tianhuo."

Chen Mo muttered, this is the identity of the white-haired old man.