
Chapter 133: The world of magma, the childhood meteorite!

The huge invisible handprint, with a tyrannical aura, slapped the fire python's body with a palm.

With a muffled snort, the fire python fell from the air again, hitting the square, raising clouds of dust and smoke.

When the dust and smoke cleared, the hundred-foot-long fire python had disappeared, and what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a small flame snake that was no more than three inches long.

The little flame snake crawled on the ground, and the green bean-sized snake pupil looked at Chen Mo, with a look of fear, his body did not dare to move.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, is this still the strange fire from the previous domineering appearance?

After slapped twice, you are completely honest?

Looking at the three-inch little snake, some people's eyes began to turn to fiery.

But with Chen Mo, a fierce man, everyone didn't dare to act.

Chen Mo flicked his wings and swooped down towards the three-inch snake below, trying to take it as his own.

At this time, Su Qian made a move, and his figure flashed out, blocking Chen Mo's front.

"This Falling Heart Flame is a property of the academy, and Pavilion Master Chen cannot take him away."

Su Qian seemed to have a determination to fight his old life and prevent Chen Mo from taking away the strange fire.

Chen Mo's figure swooped down for a while, his sword eyebrows frowned, and he said coldly: "Great Elder, what you said is not quite right. The wonders of heaven and earth are unowned, not to mention, you didn't treat them. Refining is just sealed here.

"If it weren't for me, this Falling Heart Flame would have turned the academy upside down. Now that I surrendered it, I would naturally take it away."

Su Qian laughed sarcastically when he heard that this was almost an excuse for stealing.

Seeing that Su Qian was still motionless, Chen Mo suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Elder, is this okay? How about letting it decide to stay?"

After speaking, Chen Mo glanced at the Flame Little Snake, and before Su Qian agreed, he quickly crawled towards Chen Mo.

Seeing the little flame snake so acquainted, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing: "Elder, look, it's willing to follow me, so don't stop it."

As Chen Mo said, he wanted to pass Su Qian.

Who knows that Su Qian is still stubborn and unwilling to let go.

Chen Mo frowned when he saw this: "Old man, don't shame your face. My patience is also limited."

Chen Mo turned his face in an instant, causing other inner courtyard elders' complexions to change. Chen Mo's strength was obvious to them just now, not to mention Chen Mo's undisclosed methods.

It really provokes him, it doesn't do any good to the academy.

Su Qian didn't know, but without Falling Heart Flame, the heart fire in the Heavenly Burning Qi Refining Tower would gradually die out.

Losing the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower, the proud training system of the strong in the inner courtyard may have to be broken because of this, and the impact may cause the academy's strength and status to plummet.

"If you want to take it away, you can just come to the inner courtyard intermittently to replenish the flames for the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower, otherwise, don't talk about it." Su Qian said in deep thought.

"Want to discuss terms?" Chen Mo glanced at Su Qian faintly, and then sneered: "You are also worthy? My words are here, who will stop me and die!"

After speaking, Chen Mo stopped talking to Su Qian, and caught the flame snake.

The Flame Little Snake watched Chen Mo catch it, but didn't hide it, but actively crawled into the palm of Chen Mo's hand.

Just when Chen Mo was about to leave, the sound of a blow came towards Chen Mo.

It is Su Qian.

"Looking for death!" Chen Mo didn't even look back, his backhand was a seal of the Emperor's Profound Thunder.

Of course, only 30% of the effort was used.

The latter just resisted it for a moment, then flew out and slammed into a building, not knowing his life or death.

"Great Elder!"

"Great Elder!"


The elders rushed over to check.

After Chen Mo spent 50 luck points and fell into the system, he did not leave. Instead, he said to Haibodong and the others and asked them to leave first.

He flew towards the sky burning gas refining tower.

If you are offended to die, then you will be rooted out.

Chen Mo remembered that there was a juvenile meteorite at the bottom of the tower.

As for why Haibodong and the others were allowed to leave first, just to wait for them to enter the tower, Su Qian and his party started at Haibodong and the others.

"Yes." Haibodong and the others didn't have any ink marks, they escorted Xiao Yu and the others, and they left Canaan College.

The elders saw that Su Qian was in no danger of life, and after taking the healing pill, they breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, his heart was filled with deep fear of Chen Mo.

Hearing the discussion coming from the surroundings, everyone looked up and saw Chen Mo burning the gas refining tower straight toward the sky.

"What does he want to do?"

"Couldn't he just want to demolish the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower?"

"No, stop him!"

The elders thought that Chen Mo wanted to demolish the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower and hurriedly fluttered his wings into the air.

But when he arrived, he realized that he didn't want to dismantle the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower, but rushed into the bottom of the tower.

A faint forest white flame penetrated from Chen Mo's body, isolating the high temperature outside, staring at the pure red color below, and took a long breath.

Because what appeared in front of him at this moment was an invisible world of magma, huge bubbles gushing out of the magma, and finally burst.

Chen Mo's descent figure paused for a while, and with a thought, the white flames of the forest that permeated outside instantly formed an energy shield, enveloping Chen Mo's whole body.

Worrying that a layer of energy mask would not work, Chen Mo also mobilized the yin and yang flames in his body, and wrapped a black and white energy mask on the outside of the white energy mask.

After preparing, Chen Mo plunged into the magma.

After entering the magma world, Chen Mo took out the Falling Heart Flame of the income system and began to look for it.

This kind of clueless search took more than half an hour.

Finally, the Falling Heart Flame in Chen Mo's hand became excited and turned into a little flame snake again, guiding Chen Mo in the direction.

"Still down..."

"It deserves to be the place where the cave mansion of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe is hidden."

This thought flashed in his mind, and under the guidance of the flame snake, Chen Mo dived all the way.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when the magma below turned dark red, the little flame snake in his hand became restless.


A magical scene happened.

The Falling Heart Flame in his hand floated out of the energy shield, and then a faint light poured down from it.

This light, like a lamppost, illuminates a piece of magma below.

Immediately, the piece of magma was actually creeping slowly, and then a transparent aperture emitting a faint light emerged from the magma vortex.

Chen Mo flew over for the first time to check, and when he approached, he found that there was only one skeleton emitting a faint fluorescent light in the aperture.

Above the bones, there was a transparent, invisible flame, which was the Falling Heart Inflammation.

Seeing the invisible flame, the flame snake immediately became excited and wanted to swallow it.