
Chapter 132: Surrender Falling Heart Flame!

When the spire of the tower shattered and the sound rang, the complexion of Su Qian and the elders changed drastically, and there was an uncontrollable horror in their voices.

"Quickly disperse." Hugan, the vice-president of the Outer Academy, said, letting all the students disperse.

The casualties caused will be countless.

"It's a strong fluctuation." Chen Mo felt the reaction of the three different fires in his body, and a feeling of swallowing them rose in his heart.

At the top of the tower, the seal arranged by the elders had burst open at some unknown time. In the darkness, a pair of huge snake pupils glowing with flames slowly emerged, and finally swept toward everyone below, and finally stayed in the sky. Chen Mo above.

This person is delicious.

"Pavilion Master, that thing seems to have locked you down." Haibodong said.

"Pavilion Master, do we want to withdraw first!" With a trace of worry, the two elders of Jin and Yin had just felt the huge and cold snake eyes glance, making the bodies of both of them instantly stiff.

Alien fire, one of the most terrifying powers on this continent, every alien fire has the energy that destroys the world, how can it not make people feel trembling.

"No need..." Chen Mo murmured and smiled. The pitch-black pupils stared at the huge snake pupil, and said in a voice that he could hear: "I am also very interested in you."

There was a hint of provocation in Chen Mo's eyes.


Chen Mo's provocation may have angered it, because it made it break the tower faster.

"The elder of the inner court obeyed the orders and ended the battle."

Although Su Qian felt jealous of Chen Mo and his party, and even when the beast locked Chen Mo, he still had a hint of joy in his heart, but if he really condoned it, the biggest loss would be the Academy.

Hearing Su Qian's shout, the elders were startled, but they quickly remembered the seriousness of the matter. They stretched out and flew up to the sky above the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower at a very fast speed, forming the previous seal. Array.

"Hey, Chief Pavilion Master, do we want to..." The second old Jin Yin signaled a sneak attack.

Chen Mobai glanced at the two of them, and immediately said, "You must be honest and honest. If you say that you don't make trouble for them, you don't make trouble."

The two gold and silver elders were stunned, are you so principled?

A Dou Wang who knew Chen Mo best, muttered in his heart: "You didn't say that when you destroyed the Five Kingdoms."

Under the gaze of Chen Mo and others.

Above the sky, as Su Qian and the elders guilty surged out of their bodies, the seal formation that was on the verge of breaking began to slowly repair.

However, the repair speed this time is undoubtedly much slower than the previous few times.

However, it had been sealed for many years, this time it was broken, but with full confidence, how could they be sealed again.

The seal array exuded a strong light, and the different fire manipulated the lava to hit the seal array desperately, and its body was hitting the position where Su Qian had repaired.

That is the weakest place in the entire Seal Array.

"Strengthen." Su Qian looked at the approach of the huge snake pupils, his face sank, and the fighting spirit in his body madly poured out toward the seal formation.

Hearing Su Qian's stern shout, the elders did the same.


The fire python slammed heavily on the seal array, resounding a huge vibration, under this impact, the seal array actually produced cracks like a spider web.

"No, get out!"

Su Qian burst into a shout, and his figure flashed back.

It turned out that when the fire python saw that the seal was about to break, the cold snake pupil glanced at Su Qian, immediately dived into the magma below, and began to gain momentum.

Hearing this, the elders also retreated.

Sure enough, just a few breaths, with a thunderous explosion and the sharp neigh of the fire python, the seal was shattered, and a huge flame body appeared in everyone's horrified eyes.

"Is this Falling Heart Inflammation?"

At the moment when Falling Heart Yan's entire body completely appeared, the abnormal fire in Chen Mo's body became irritable, and the system's prompt sound also remembered.

"Ding, you can spend 250,000 luck points to snoop when you find a different fire falling heart inflammation."

The price of this prying eyes is double the fire of Qinglian's heart.

"Is this the strange fire in the tower? Oh my god, they have all evolved to the essence, and not only that, it seems that spiritual wisdom was born."

Looking at the huge fire python that occupies a huge space in the sky, the people who met for the first time suddenly screamed, and their faces were full of horror.

For the students, what surprised the most was not the huge energy in the fire python, but the huge volume of hundreds of meters.

After the fire python broke the seal, the first time he didn't think about fleeing, nor was he seeking revenge for Su Qian and others who had sealed himself several times, but stared at Chen Mo fiercely. Humanized greed appeared in the eyes of the snake. And coveting.

The huge size of the fire python surprised the people beside Chen Mo.

Seeing his greedy eyes, it seemed that he was going to swallow the Chief Pavilion Master.

"You spread out." Chen Mo said.

The people of Haibodong obeyed their orders. After all, the current Chen Mo, in their opinion, could contend with the existence of the semi-sage powerhouse.

After seeing Haibodong and the others dispersed, Chen Mo rubbed his fingers, and a wisp of white flame rose from his fingertips. He waved at the fire python, indicating that it was coming.

Su Qianyi swallowed his mouth and said in his heart, it was too late for us to hide from it, and the other party actually took the initiative to provoke it.

Sure enough, at the moment when the white flames of the forest appeared, the giant fire python immediately raised its head, swinging the snake's tail, and the huge body rushed towards Chen Mo.

Wherever he went, the space was distorted by the fiery high temperature of the fire python.

The waves of fire rushing toward the face caused Su Qian and others around to evade quickly.

Looking at the oncoming fire python, Chen Mo was not only not afraid, but a touch of joy appeared on his face.

As the fire python approached, Chen Mo's complexion suddenly changed and he became cold and handsome. He immediately shouted, "Get down!"

As Chen Mo's voice fell, an invisible huge handprint slapped fiercely on the larger body of the fire python.

It is the Heavenly Emperor Xuan Lei Yin.


The fire python was slapped to the ground with a palm, smashing through a large building, forming a giant snake pit.


Seeing this scene, everyone present, including Haibodong and others who had already seen Chen Mo's action, took a breath.

The fire python is really too big, and Chen Mo is like an ant in front of it.

But it was just such an ant that slapped this behemoth to the ground with a single palm. The shock caused by this huge contrast is unimaginable.


The fire python let out a weird neigh, as if a bear child was taught by his parents and made a crying sound. The huge snake head gave Chen Mo a frightened look. The snake's body twisted and fled towards the outside of the academy.

But the Falling Heart Flame at this time was like something in a bag in front of Chen Mo, how could it let it run away.

Another palm slapped the past!