
Chapter 131: The fire broke the seal!


As soon as this statement came out, it could be said that it caused an uproar, and some unsuspecting students in the square immediately began to whisper.

"Are they crazy? How dare you trouble Lingyange."

"It is estimated that it is eager for revenge, after all, my country and family have been destroyed."

"Then you have to calm down, and you have to wait until you grow up to seek revenge from Lingyan Pavilion, and now you are looking for trouble, isn't you looking for death? I also want to get rid of others and divide the cabinet."

"It's okay now, even the academy has gotten into trouble, but the opponent has a strong opponent."

"I'm afraid this matter won't be resolved, the chief pavilion owner has come in person."

"Master Pavilion..."

Elder Su Qian and other elders were also shocked, the former's face suddenly became gloomy, and said, "What do you want to say?"

"It's very simple. Kill people and pay the debts." Chen Mo categorically said, "I personally admire Canaan College very much. As long as the elder surrenders the murderer of my Lingyan Pavilion members, I will retreat immediately. Never trouble the college."

"Hand over?" Su Qianyi was stunned, and said in doubt: "Your excellency means that the students of my college are still involved in this matter?"

"Naturally." Chen Mo clapped his hands, carrying the two people's Dou Wang, and immediately tore off the black cloth from their mouths.

Seeing that the **** in their mouths was lifted, the two immediately called for help, shouting: "Elder, help, Ling Yange and the others are a trick. We didn't kill them at all, let alone provoke them. Ge..."

The two snotty tears, telling their grievances.

"Damn, I dare to talk nonsense." The King Dou who had captured the two personally, heard the two upside down, and immediately kicked them fiercely.

Blood and gastric juice splashed out of their mouths.

As soon as this remark came out, it caused another uproar. Some who were not firm in their positions immediately talked about Ling Yan Ge deceiving people too much.

Chen Mo's eyebrows frowned. Although he used the photo-taking stone to take a picture of the two confessing their guilt, the two of them made a move with a bend, but they blocked his next words to death.

If this is the case, it can only be forced.

Chen Mo still played the photo in front of the stone.

There is sound in this picture.

A student named Lu Junan confessed the student who had acted in the past few times.

There are eight students including Xiao Yu, He Zhanghan, and Li Yangmin.

Among these people, except for Xiao Yu's description in the original work, the others are just like dragons.

When the names of these people were spoken, the faces of the corresponding people in the square below immediately turned pale, one or two were timid, and their legs were shaking.

Before they found out, Dou Sheng was nothing in their eyes.

After the discovery, I was frightened to see Dou Ling.

Chen Mo could see the performance of these people, but the real decision was made by Great Elder Su Qian.

If he admits to this image, everything is easy to say, if he thinks that Ling Yange is really succumbing to the trick, then he has to be hardened.

Naturally, Su Qian would not believe that if the two of them fought to make a move, but if they had to hand over a few people, the face of the academy would be lost.

Therefore, whether you believe it or not, Su Qian has to be partial to his students.

"Our college expresses our sympathy for the murder of the members of Lingyan Pavilion, but you insisted that it was our college that did it, and none of our teachers and students would agree to it." Su Qian said.

"Don't agree, don't agree." Hearing Su Qian's words, the students followed, especially those involved in this matter, the voices were louder.

"So, I want to deny myself." Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and he turned his head slightly, facing Su Qianshi again, with a terrifying face, Chen Moyin smiled sadly: "Old man, believe it or not. This academy has been demolished for you."

"What do you mean?" Su Qian's heart sank.

"Do you want to pretend to be stupid?" Chen Mo sneered: "If you don't make friends, there is no need for Canaan College to exist since today."


Chen Mo's words were like a shocking thunderbolt on the bodies of the students and elders, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

This can be said to be a blatant threat.

Su Qian's face was solemn, and the hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clasped, and immediately said in a weird manner: "Your Excellency should be the chief pavilion master of Lingyan Pavilion."

"Yes, it is." Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering what he wanted to say.

"Your Mightiness..."

"Well, I'm lazy to talk nonsense with you, just a word, don't you have to?" Chen Mo interrupted Su Qian's words directly, he was not in the mood to beep with him.

As soon as he rubbed his fingers, a white flame rose from the palm of Chen Mo's palm, and a scorching high temperature slowly radiated out.

"Different fire!"

As soon as the white flame of Sen appeared, the elders below shouted in exclamation. With their eyesight, they could naturally distinguish the details of the flame in Chen Mo's hand.

At the moment when the strange fire rose, Chen Mo's more than a dozen figures, all kinds of grudge, surged out of his body.

"Three Douhuang peaks, eight Douwang!" Su Qian exclaimed, identifying the true strength of several people.

Su Qian's words undoubtedly lowered his own morale. As soon as his words came out, several students who were involved in the matter undoubtedly had their hearts sinking to the bottom.

For a moment, everyone looked at Su Qian, waiting for his final decision.


An aura of Dou Huang peak exuded from Su Qian's body.

Everyone was shocked, does this mean to go to war?

"Hand...people." Hoarse words, from Su Qian's mouth, read word by word, the explosive momentum, but the feeling of stubbornness in my heart couldn't be suppressed.

When the words fell, a few of the students in the square immediately collapsed to the ground, their lips trembling, "No, no..."

One student flew out toward one side even more, trying to escape.

Chen Mo took a look, and a Dou Wang next to him shot out immediately and caught him.

Three times and five divided by two were to bring people to Chen Mo's side.

The law enforcement team of the academy, following Su Qian's words, escorted anyone connected with this matter.

With a wave of Chen Mo's hand, several Dou Wangfei went down and escorted Xiao Yu and others to come up.

"The elder treats it impartially, Chen Mo admires it." Chen Mo arched his hand, a sneer flashed from the corner of his eye, and immediately said: "Then we won't disturb the elder meeting, let's withdraw!"


Just when Chen Mo fluttered their wings and were about to leave, suddenly, a crisp energy cover bursting sound resounded between the heavens and the earth.

Chen Mo's figure paused, and a gloating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The crisp sound caused eyes to look towards the Tianburn Gas Refining Tower, and finally stayed on the cracked spire.

Suddenly, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

"Slot, this beast has broken the seal again!"