
Chapter 130: Xiao Yu. Discuss an argument.

In the small Dan room, a ray of black and white flames curled up inside the cauldron, continuously burning the cauldron wall.

The indoor temperature is also gradually increasing.

Such a high temperature, if it were an ordinary person, would definitely not last for a minute, but the young man in black robes sitting close to Danding stayed for nearly ten days.

"Huh..." A murky breath slowly spit out from the young man's mouth, and then suddenly opened his eyes, a ray of light shot out from the eyes, and then a huge aura spread from the young man's body.

"After refining the essence and blood and eyeballs of Taixu Ancient Dragon, I was promoted to the second star of Douwang, and I awakened two particles again, and the blood of Purgatory God and Demon also improved slightly."

Chen Mo clenched his fist and felt the huge energy in his body. He had a feeling that if he met the old man Mu Gu again, Chen Mo could punch him to death.

After a preliminary assessment of his own strength, Chen Mo looked at Dan Ding, and after counting the time, Dan was about to be completed.

Since the trip to the Ten Thousand Poisonous Desert, after the soul realm has been upgraded to the mid-spirit realm, alchemy has also been significantly improved. Although the alchemy technique is a bit clumsy, it can actually refine the fourth-grade pill.

At present, this furnace is refining the Fourth Stage Pinnacle Pill, the Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill.

With the addition of this furnace of Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill, Chen Mo has refined more than ten furnaces in total.

The fryer in front is not the fryer of the fryer, it is because there are too many impurities and the purity is not enough, and only two furnaces are barely qualified.

Seeing the change of the flame, Chen Mo held his mind and sighed softly, seeing that Dan was about to be completed.


As the lid of the black magic cauldron was lifted, a faint medicinal fragrance floated out. Under Chen Mo's control, a lavender pill the size of a longan flew out and landed on Chen Mo's palm.

Its appearance is smooth, almost all impurities have been removed, and there are only two black spots the size of sesame seeds.

If you give this pill a score of ten, you can get a score of eight and five.

This is already very good, after all, there is no one to guide, it is all up to Chen Mo to figure it out.

"It's not bad. Make another furnace, and then try to make a fifth-grade pill."

After making up his mind, just as Chen Mo took out the medicinal materials to make another furnace, there was a group of rapid footsteps outside the alchemy room, and then Chen Mo heard the sound of the stone door of the alchemy room.

Chen Mojian frowned slightly, put away the medicinal materials, pressed the switch of the stone door of the Danshi, and walked out.

"what happened?"

It was Haibodong who came, and saw his face gradually becoming younger with a little anxiety.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Haibodong said: "The murderer who killed the members of Lingyan Pavilion has been caught."

"Who?" Chen Mo looked cold.

"A disciple in the inner courtyard of Canaan College."


Three days later.

Canaan City.

Peace Town.

Flying is prohibited for hundreds of miles around Canaan College, and the city of Canaan is within this range. At the same time, this prohibition is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of Canaan City.


Today, there are more than a dozen figures, ignoring this prohibition, and flying straight in the direction of Canaan College.

"Those people are so bold that they dare to fly over Heping Town."

"I'm afraid it's not a person from the Pointe-Noire region, but whoever is from the Pointe-Noire region doesn't know that flying within 100 miles of Canaan Academy is prohibited."

"However, judging from the fighting spirits of several people, I am afraid they are all above Dou Wang."

The people below were whispering. On a street in the town, a young man who was investigating suspects heard the noise of the crowd. When he looked up, his brows frowned tightly, and his body was still trembling.

"Quick... Go back and report to the dean (Hu Qian)."


Canaan College.

Known as the sacred place of the Black Point Region, the top university in the vindictive continent.

In the college, there are students from all over the mainland, and its internal forces are also complicated.

On the square of the college, students from the outer and inner courtyards gathered together, waiting for the great elder Su Qian to announce a major event.

On the high platform above the square, Great Elder Su Qian, Vice Dean Hu Qian of the Outer Court, and the Elder of the Great Inner Court, everyone stood with their hands behind them.

Everyone wore white robes and was full of energy. One of the white-robed old men saw that the hour had come and walked forward with a loud voice: "Presumably you have already understood that the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower has exploded several times in succession, for the sake of all students. Safety."

"After careful consideration, the elders and I decided to temporarily close the Tianburn Gas Refining Tower. I hope that all students understand."


As soon as Su Qian's voice fell, there was a commotion immediately below, and the students whispered and discussed, and there was a tumult.

"I just finished the retreat, and I was about to break the record, but I closed it unexpectedly."

"Fortunately, I have reached the bottleneck period, and I am planning to use the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower."

"The Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower is closed, what about our cultivation?"


Hearing the noise of the crowd, Su Qianji looked at each other, as if this situation had already been expected by them.

Su Qian continued: "Students, be quiet. The elders and I will solve the problems that you worry about as soon as possible. After the Tianfen Gas Refining Tower stabilizes, it will be opened to all students."

"But at present, for the safety of all the students, I hope that you will not approach the Tianburn Gas Refining Tower in the near future."

After the previous agreement, after Su Qian's words were finished, it was Hugan's turn to speak and calm everyone's emotions.

But just as Hu Gan just stepped forward, when he was about to speak.

The clear sky suddenly fluctuated. Then, more than a dozen figures broke through the air from afar, and finally hovered over the square. Suddenly, a depressed breath enveloped the entire college.

"Sister Xiao Yu, it's Chenxi and the others." A female student poked her finger in front of a tall, majestic woman with the image of an imperial sister, whispered.

The tall woman called Xiao Yu frowned and looked a little solemn as she looked at the two figures with swollen noses and swollen faces in the sky.

Not only her, when these more than a dozen figures appeared in the sky above the square, everyone, including Su Qian and Hu Qian, had a solemn expression on their faces.

"Chenxi, Lu Junan." An inner courtyard elder recognized the two people among more than a dozen figures.

Su Qian looked at everyone, slowly narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you? What's the so-called coming to Canaan College?"

"Lingyan Pavilion." The leading black robe man glanced at the crowd coldly, and immediately said: "This trip, come to Canaan College to discuss something."

Lingyan Pavilion!

The people below were startled, and some of those who knew the inside story had already begun to panic.

"Ling Yan Pavilion? Ask for an explanation?" Su Qianyi was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean by your excellency?"

"Bring people up." Following Chen Mo's order, the two **** in various ways were carried forward by the two fighting kings.

"These two are brave enough to attack and kill the members of my Lingyan Pavilion. They also wanted to destroy my branch pavilion and were arrested on the spot by the branch pavilion owner." Chen Mo said: "After interrogation, these two people belong to the Canaan Academy. Disciple of the courtyard."