
Chapter 13: Messenger of hell

Two days passed in a flash.

Yunlanzong, as the most powerful force in the Jiama Empire, has been passed on continuously from generation to generation, and has undergone several dynasty changes, which has allowed this behemoth to take root in the soil of the Jiama Empire.

Even the royal family of the Gama Empire was quite jealous of him.

The so-called reputation is beyond the reach of Yunlanzong's sect, naturally attracting the attention of many forces.

The huge square paved with monolithic stones looks simple and simple. In the center of the square, a huge stone monument stands majestically.

Around the square, the steps built of huge stones can hold nearly a thousand people, but at this time there are only a few dozen people.

These dozens of people are all forces from all sides who have received invitations to come to watch the battle.

At the top of the square, some towering stone pedestals were cast. The steps gradually went up. According to their identities and cultivation bases, dozens of white-robed elders sat in sequence.

And on the stone seat of the highest step, a glamorous woman wearing a cyan skirt slowly stood up, glanced around, and a cold voice wrapped in vindictiveness resounded throughout the square.

"The big match begins."

As the sound fell, a white-robed old man who was only one step lower than the woman stood up and said, "The disciples enter the arena."

Following the old man's words, there was a slight shaking in the huge square.

At the junction of the surrounding steps, dressed in a white robe and embroidered with a cloud long sword on the cuffs, an unknown number of Yun Lanzong disciples swarmed in.

After the bone test, only disciples under the age of twenty are eligible to participate in this sect competition, and those over twenty can only watch the competition.

In less than half an hour, more than 900 Yun Lanzong disciples had completed the test and filled all the vacant stone steps.

"Now read the rules of the Grand Competition, please listen carefully to the disciples who participated in the Grand Competition this time." Said Yun Leng, the old white-robed old man who was still before.

"The first is the selection of the outer disciples. Due to the large number of people, considering the time, the big chaos mode is adopted. All the outer disciples will be on the field. Without forming a team, after a stick of incense, the fifty remaining on the field are selected.

For the fifty who are promoted, the opponents will be judged by drawing lots. The top ten in this competition will directly advance to the inner door. "

"Inner Sect selection also uses lottery to judge opponents. The top ten rewards are extremely rich. First, you can get an extra five-tier pill, which is personally refined by Pill King Guhe."

"Remember, this competition is meant to compare and compare, and you must not hurt your life until you click."

After Yun Leng finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe waved to everyone.


The audience was shocked, and even the top of the steps, the several power-holders of various forces standing in the sky wearing noble robes, looked slightly sideways.

The five-grade pill made by Pill King Furuhe himself.

The Dan name was not mentioned, it is very likely to be chosen by the first one this time.

"As expected of Yunlanzong." Fa Ma had to sigh.

"This time the number one must be Senior Sister Nalan, you said, will this first reward be related to Senior Sister Nalan."

"It is very likely that Senior Sister Nalan is a direct disciple of the Sect Master, and there are rumors about the relationship between the Sect Master and King Dan Guhe..."

In the crowd, several disciples beeped quietly.

The outer disciple's game is nothing to watch. To be precise, so many people here today did not come to see the outer disciple.

Except for the top ten, which is more concerned, no one cares about those after the ten, even if they perform well.

The time lasted until midday, and after a short break, the inner door was just the beginning.

There are only sixty-seven inner disciples under the age of twenty. (Chen Mo is an exception.)

In order to show the prestige of Yunlanzong, the elders read the names one by one, and when they read the name, they will simply show a few tricks.

In Chen Mo's view, this is a personal show.

The first appearance is Yunhai, the grandson of the great elder.

The first step on the court was the radiance, all kinds of rainbow farts flew up, and then the disciples' various explanations.

For example, as soon as you use a move, you first yell, and then how difficult it is, how it can be resolved, and how powerful it is.

Good guy, the World Cup didn't talk so carefully.

Yun Hai's performance is also remarkable, Yun Leng's face smiles as brilliant as a chrysanthemum.

The number he drew was 32, and after a slight salute, he retired.

Chen Mo's head, who was sitting in the corner deliberately, was about to explode, and all kinds of crazy prompts kept sounding.

"Ding Ding Ding, Ding your sister, what are you doing?"

The key point is that Chen Mo can't open Do Not Disturb like WeChat, his brain is buzzing up to now.

So that when Yun Leng read the name of Chen Mo on the 29th, no one played for a while.

The square, which had been relatively quiet, became chaotic again.

"Chen Mo, isn't that a new disciple of the Sect Master?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not right now, you have to be in the top ten."

"It's not on stage yet, isn't it a timid fight?"

"No, that Sect Master's face is going to be ashamed."

"Chen Mo, where is Chen Mo, don't hesitate to play." Yun Leng could not help but increased his voice and urged.

Yun Lanzong's high-level officials also started to talk, looking at the high platform behind them unanimously.

However, Yun Yun just gave a cold snort, and these people quickly withdrew their gazes.

Yun Yun frowned.

At this moment, a thin, tall and masculine teenager came to the center of the square.

There was a trace of irritation on the boy's face. He originally wanted to pass the solo show in a low-key manner, but his delayed appearance made Sister Yun Yun lose face.

In this personal show, Chen Mo must earn back his face.

"Chen Mo, sixteen years old, a two-star fighter." Chen Mo's faint voice was surprisingly heard by all the people in the square.

"He is Chen Mo?"

"The long one is pretty."

"Md, he was sitting next to me just now."

"Hey, the sixteen-year-old Second Star Fighter, true or false, this talent, Senior Sister Nalan can't match it."

"Has anyone seen how old he was when he measured his bone age?"

"Two-star Fighting Master, when the elders' meeting was held two days ago, didn't the Sect Master talking about One-star Fighting Master? It's only a few days now, how about two stars?"

The group of elders maintains a skeptical attitude with all forces.

Under the gaze of thousands of people, Chen Mo glanced at Yun Yun and started his personal show.

Suddenly, the gust of wind blows Chen Mo's white robe whirring. Chen Mo learns from an anime character, puts on a pretending posture, and at the same time rehearses the power of idols in prison.

It seems that even the sky is cooperating with Chen Mo's pretense, the sky is overcast, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger.

When everything is perfect.


The shout of a giant elephant erupted from Chen Mo's body. The shadow of a giant elephant with a small thunder snake covering its entire body and a long nose surrounded by purple fire suddenly appeared on top of Chen Mo's head.

When the sole of the foot was stamped, the hard boulder slab spread out from the sole of the foot, extending for more than ten meters. The surging black vindictiveness, mixed with a little thunder and purple fire, surged from the surface of Chen Mo's body. Out.

At this moment, Chen Mo became a messenger of hell.