
Chapter 129: Stir up trouble!

A void crack suddenly appeared somewhere in the northwestern region of the Douqi Continent. After a while, a figure fell out of the crack.

This figure was seriously injured. Normally, he should be healed first, but he suddenly grabbed his head and let out a roar in a low voice. The roar was filled with pain and misery.

"Damn the Soul Palace, I Zheng Tian, ​​and I'm at odds with the Soul Palace from now on."


Pointe-Noire domain.

Lingyan Pavilion Restaurant.

After a week of recuperation, Chen Mo has almost recovered from the sequelae caused by the change of the sky and the overdraft of the body.

"Boom..." The door knocked.

"Come in."

"Squeak!" The door opened, Lu Yuanqing came in, and he said respectfully: "The chief pavilion master Qi, the people in Demon Flame Valley are gone, as if they were all emptied overnight."

"It's fast enough." Chen Mo still wanted to find Han Feng after he recovered. After all, Furukawa's death must be explained.

But if he ran away, he would definitely go to the base camp of the Soul Palace. Given Chen Mo's current strength, it would be unrealistic to find him.

Chen Mo said, "What big things have happened in Black Point during this time?"

"The subordinates don't know if this is considered a major event..." Lu Yuanqing had a hard time judging what was a major event in Chen Mo's eyes. After all, he heard Mu Qianqian say that the Chief Pavilion Master can now contend with Semi-Holy.

"Oh, let's talk about it."

"Rakshamon annexed the blood sect, and the land of the earth flame sect became the largest power in the black horn domain, but the black emperor sect led by Mo Tianxing was wiped out the next day." Lu Qingyuan said.

"Uh..." Chen Mo hesitated for a while before playing the game: "This is really a sad thing."

When Lu Yuanqing heard Chen Mo's ridiculous tone, he smiled slightly and continued: "During this period of time, the Tianburn Gas Refining Tower at Canaan College rioted twice in succession. There are rumors outside that the strange fire sealed in the tower. It's coming out of the tower."

"Also, the members of my Lingyan Pavilion in Black Point Region have died one after another more than ten people. It is initially suspected to be related to Canaan College."

Hearing this, Chen Mo frowned, and immediately said, "How can I see it."

"Because under our investigation, the last place where the murderer disappeared was in Canaan City." Lu Yuanqing said.

Hearing this, Chen Moxun stood up from the bed, and after getting off the bed, he paced back and forth in the room. After a short period of thought, Chen Mo said: "This matter is very big and you must have enough control. evidence."

"But I am not so bully at Lingyange. Once I have the evidence, I will immediately go to Canaan College to settle the account."

"Understood." Lu Yuanqing nodded repeatedly.

After speaking, Chen Mo saw that Lu Yuanqing hadn't left yet, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"The rumored number one on the black list turned out to be a pair of twin brothers." Lu Yuanqing whispered.

Chen Mo was taken aback, unable to understand what Lu Yuanqing was talking about.

Lu Yuanqing continued: "The twin brothers are named Jinyin Er Lao. Both of them are the pinnacles of Emperor Dou. They visited the restaurant yesterday and made it clear that they would join Ling Yan Pavilion."

"Two Douhuang peaks..." A hint of doubt appeared on Chen Mo's face. How could Douhuang peaks exist in the northwestern region that could found the nation.

You know, since the establishment of Lingyan Pavilion, there have been very few fighting emperors who took the initiative to join Lingyan Pavilion.

Regardless of the scale of Lingyan Pavilion, its mainstays are not many.

There were two at once, and it was hard not to doubt that they had ulterior motives.

"Have you asked for it?" Chen Mo said.

"It seems to have come for Dou Zong Pill." Lu Yuanqing said: "After joining Lingyan Pavilion, he was one of the few tasks that contributed the most points in the pavilion."

"Dou Zongdan." Chen Mo muttered, with an impression in his mind that he had drawn the treasure chest during the lottery draw, but it was not needed at the time, so he put it in Wanbao Pavilion.

Anything being a member of Lingyan Pavilion can be exchanged with contribution points.

"Well, I see, you go down first!"


After Lu Yuanqing left, Chen Mo said to himself: "I didn't expect Dou Zong Pill to attract two Dou Huang peak powers to join. Should I pick up and practice the alchemy that has been abandoned for a long time?"

"I think it will work."

After making up his mind, Chen Mo searched for a place where he could practice alchemy and began to retreat.

Dan Ding.

Medicine dust and Myriad Poison Saints each have one.

They are named Black Magic Ding and Sheng Yao Ding.

With regard to the pill, the Saints of Ten Thousand Poisons can be said to be countless, although the poison pill has more prescriptions.

In addition, the saint of all poisons has his own alchemy experience in his receiving ring, which is of great use to Chen Mo.

As for the medicinal materials, among the seizures that Chen Mo seized, medicinal materials were the most common, and many of them were rarer.

It can be said that Chen Mo can make it hard.

On the other side, Canaan College.


"Sister Xiao Yu, that's really exciting. I thought how strong this Lingyan Pavilion is. It seems that what was said is not true." A student who killed a member of Lingyan Pavilion in this operation was proud of it. Said with a smile.

"These are just marginal figures in Lingyan Pavilion. They are nothing. In the next step, our goal is to destroy such a division." A male student pointed to a point on the map and placed in front of them.

The words of the male student aroused the echo of several students around him.

But Xiao Yu objected: "Let's stop for a while. The actions these days have been too frequent, and if you make another move, you will be discovered by Lingyan Pavilion."

As soon as Xiao Yu's words fell, a well-known trainee stood up and said, "What if he found out, would he still dare to come to the academy to make trouble?"

However, few people agreed with this student's words.

On the contrary, everyone felt that Xiao Yu's words made sense. Except for a few people who agreed with that student, everyone else felt that Xiao Yu's words made sense.

"Since everyone agrees, then we will stop for a few days. After Lingyange relaxes our vigilance, we are taking action."


After the meeting, the student who opposed it just said: "Senior Sister Xiao Yu is so afraid of this and that. I am afraid that Ling Yange has not cared about it at all for the past few times."

"The senior is right. In my opinion, you have to take down a branch of Lingyan Pavilion and avenge the compatriots who died in the war."

"Vengeance, revenge..."

So, while it was dark, several people secretly left Canaan College.

A few days later.

In a city on the border of Tianling County, the nearest to Canaan College.

Wearing black robes and wearing camouflage masks bought at a high price, several people rushed into the Lingyan Pavilion branch of this city.

Then, all were arrested.

After knowing the identities of the few people, the Dou Wang who arrested the few people quickly escorted them to the Black Point Region.

Five days later, Noire domain.

"Unreasonable, wait for the old man to report to the chief pavilion owner." Haibodong was furious after hearing this.