
Chapter 128: Master and Deputy Master of the Soul Hall!

"The hall master is searching for a saint's soul body recently, and I'm afraid I won't be able to draw people out." Gu You's face was gloomy, and his eyes solemnly said: "With the words of a few of us, I'm afraid we can't deal with Lingyan Pavilion."

Hearing this, the old man Mu Gu's body was shocked, and he said in horror: "The soul of the saint? Has any saint fallen recently?"

"You don't need to know this. Leave the Blackhorn Region. It will be troublesome when he comes back to get revenge."

Gu You felt that Chen Mo was extremely weird, and Dou Wang's breath could explode with energy comparable to a semi-sage powerhouse.

There was also the blue dragon of unknown origin, and the firebird that was suspected to be of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan some time ago.

All these proved the complexity of the relationship behind him, and if he stayed in the Black Point Region, without the support of the Soul Palace, it was very likely that the ship would capsize in the gutter.

Avoid it first, wait for the palace master to pull out his hand, and then find him to settle the account.

"Yes, Ertianzun!" The old man Mu Gu arched his hands.


On the other side, the land where thunder fell.

As the name suggests, there is always thunder landing here since nine days, and it is the kind of uninterrupted twelve hours.

Suddenly, a black shadow was manipulating the thunder and attacking behind him, while swiping towards the outside of the land of thunderfall.

"Jie Jie, you can't escape. The entire land of the thunderfall is surrounded by my soul hall. Just grab it with your hands!"

Behind, a thick black fog chased quickly, and the thunder fell on the black fog, as if it had been swallowed by a black hole, without movement.

"Damn, old fellow, how did you get tracked by the Soul Palace."

Zheng Tian naturally would not listen to the **** of the people behind, not only that, but also used secret methods, and the speed suddenly increased a lot.

"Smelly boy, hundreds of years have passed, how did the old man know that this land of thunder fell has become the territory of the Soul Palace." An extremely illusory gray shadow followed Yi Zhengtian's side. From the aura, it seemed that he had suffered a lot. Injury.

"Madan, this Lei Clan is also very embarrassed. The site has been robbed by the Soul Palace. I don't know if I come out and say something." Zheng Tian scolded, and immediately glanced at the phantom and said: "But old guy, are you okay? "

Although Zheng Tian mouthed an old guy, he was still extremely worried about the phantom old man.

"The old man has been traveling the mainland for dozens of years. This little injury is nothing. A group of unknown juniors still want to hunt down the old man. Even if the soul is dead, they dare not say this." The gray shadow old man said extremely domineering.



A sturdy pillar of thunder landed, and a dazzling light shone on the entire land of the thunder, like daylight.

"Welcome the deputy hall master!" A loud and respectful voice came from the black fog behind.

When the words fell, I saw the space in front of Zheng Tian suddenly distorted slowly, and a thick black mist permeated from it. At the same time, a voice that was so indifferent and not mixed with any emotions, thunder fell. The place resounded.

"The purple thunder saint three hundred years ago, the main hall master is like thunder."

"The main hall? The deputy hall master?" Hearing the indifferent voice from the distorted space, Zheng Tian's pupils shrank, his figure halted, his head tilted to look at the old man in the shadow, and solemnly said: "Old fellow, you crow's mouth !"

The phantom who was called the Purple Thunder Saint also looked solemn, and slowly said: "For hundreds of years, the Soul Palace has still been like this, hiding like a mouse. Do you really think it's handsome to appear like this?"

The black mist constantly seeped out from the distorted space, and finally, under the gaze of the two of them, it slowly condensed into a figure whose whole body was wrapped in the black mist.

Hearing the words of the Purple Thunder Saint, the black mist figure was not angry, but smiled: "It seems that you found the Heavenly Thunder Heart in this Thunder Land."

The Purple Thunder sage did not answer the words of the black mist figure, but sneered: "The dignified soul hall deputy hall master, is it this kind of courage? Only a phantom came to this land of thunder."

"Void Shadow..." Zheng Tian was taken aback, and then he came back to his senses, condensing the phantom is just a small means of fighting the strong.

"To deal with a saint's soul body that has fallen for hundreds of years, isn't it an overkill for the body to come." The black mist fluctuated slightly, and weird laughter came out.

At this time, the black mist chasing behind Zheng Tian had also arrived.

The black mist dissipated, revealing a few solemn figures.

"Subordinate Blood River."

"Subordinate prison."

"Subordinate Demon Rain."


"Farewell to the deputy hall master." Several figures all bowed their hands and said respectfully.

"Tsk tusk, I can't think that all the great heavenly venerations in the soul hall are all here..." the sage of purple thunder yin and yang said with a weird smile.

"So, you'd better be honest with your hands, so as not to suffer torture." said the black mist figure.

The Purple Thunder Sage remained silent, as if thinking about countermeasures.

"Teacher, what should I do?" Zheng Tian whispered. This is also the second time he has been called Teacher Purple Thunder Sage since he became a teacher.

Chen Mo, the sage of purple thunder, suddenly looked at Zheng Tian, ​​with a rare amiable smile on his face: "Apprentice, the sternness of being a teacher during this period has caused you to suffer a little. The way forward is all on your own. gone."

"Remember, the **** thunder body is not great, don't avenge your teacher."

After the words fell, the Purple Thunder Sage urged his rare soul origin, and opened a void crack behind Zheng Tian. At the moment the void crack appeared, the Purple Thunder Sage's illusory figure became a little transparent. stand up.

"Teacher, you..."

Zheng Tian's words are not finished yet.

The Purple Thunder Sage pushed Zheng Tian into the crack of space before he could react.

"Want to escape? It's just a delusion..."

The black mist squirmed, and a pale and thin hand protruded from the black mist, and grabbed it towards Zheng Tian in the crack of space.

"A bunch of dirty bugs, die to this sage!" The phantom of the purple thunder sage suddenly swelled violently, and a wave of majestic energy spread out from his body.

"No, the soul explodes, retreat quickly." The black mist figure didn't bother to catch Zheng Tian, ​​and the black mist rolled over the big heavenly venerables beside him, and then backed away.

"Old guy, no, don't..." Zheng Tian hissed and roared, tears rushing from the corners of his eyes.

"Disciple, goodbye." The Purple Thunder sage turned his head and glanced at Zheng Tian, ​​and then the terrifying soul energy surged out of his body.

"No..." Zheng Tian roared constantly.

Because at the moment when the soul energy surged out, the phantom of the Purple Thunder Saint was also slowly dissipating.

"It's not that easy to explode in front of the main hall master."

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded from above the sky.

When the sound fell, the dissipated figure of the Purple Thunder Sage suddenly stopped, and the surging soul energy was also contained in a space.

Above the sky, a black robe man sitting on a black chair fell from the sky.

At the moment he appeared, everyone in the Soul Palace in the Thunderfall Land, including the black mist figure, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Gracefully welcome the Lord!"