
Chapter 127: Retreat!

With a punch, the space was directly distorted, and a rickety figure also emerged, it was the bone you.

"Perception is good." Chen Mo slammed it out abruptly, and this bone smile also gave a weird smile. He lifted his palm lightly, and finally collided with Chen Mo's fist in a light and fluttering manner.

Then Guyou regretted it.


Gathering Chen Mo's full-stroke fist, engulfing the mighty power, the moment it collided with the palm of Guyou's hand, the latter's arm was directly smashed and unloaded, and the remaining power remained undiminished, and he slammed heavily on Guyou's chest. .

His chest sank directly, he let out a muffled hum, and stepped back several steps.

In this scene, the old man Mu Gu and Han Feng were surprised that he could beat the saint back.

Mu Qianqian's face was shocked, and at the same time he was surprised that he could repel the existence of the saint. Why did he sneak in like himself?

When the arm was broken, the combat power was halved.

Although Guyou's right arm was unbroken, it was still in a stretched state, unable to exert any effort.

Just as Guyou endured the severe pain and went to take his arm, a strong piercing sound came.

Gu You turned around and looked around, and saw the Azure Dragon, which was originally above the sky, appeared in front of him at some unknown time, and the dragon's tail swept toward him.


Only a dull sound was heard.

In the next moment, Guyou's figure was like a cannonball, and was blasted straight into the wall rock of the valley. After a while, the rock collapsed and Guyou was directly buried.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Chen Mo understood this truth and directly commanded Qinglong to make up the knife.

Through the gap, Chen Mo flashed away to Han Feng.

"Die to me!"

The wings of freedom flickered, and Chen Mo's figure resembled a sharp arrow that had escaped from a strong bow.

Although Chen Mo wounded him with Guyou's carelessness in the blow just now, dealing with Han Feng was like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

Han Feng's bile burst. He didn't expect that at this time, Chen Mo didn't forget to kill himself, and immediately shouted at the old man Mu Gu: "If I die, the agreement will automatically be invalidated."

Hearing this, the old man Mu Gu frowned, not wanting to be indifferent before.

The figure dissipated, and the next moment, he appeared in front of Han Feng.

He didn't dare to be as careless as Gu You, facing Chen Mo's murderous punch, Elder Mu Gu blocked it with all his strength, and with a wave of his sleeves, the black mist surging out.

"Get out of here!"

Chen Mo directly blasted the black mist with a fist, and the strange fire attached to the fist burned towards the scattered black mist.


After exploding the black mist, Chen Mo hit the old man Mu Gu's chest with a heavy fist, making a dull sound, and the latter took Han Feng back dozens of steps.

The strange thing is that the old man Mu Gu did not sink in his chest like Guyou.

"Treasure armor!" The dark clouds covering the bright moon dissipated, and with the help of the moonlight, Chen Mo could see that at the location where he had hit, the robe had been burned by the strange fire, revealing the silver armor.

"Puff!" The old man Mu Gu spewed out a mouthful of blood, forming a dense blood mist, then he covered his chest and knelt down on one knee.

Although the armor blocked most of the damage, there was still a huge force acting on the old man Mu Gu, making the injury not light.

Han Feng was also uncomfortable, blood surged, and a mouthful of blood mist spurted out, spraying old man Mu Gu on his back.

The old man Mu Gu frowned and his face was extremely ugly, but his eyes were fixed on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo wasn't much better either. The continuous attacks almost consumed the vindictiveness in his body. At this time, he was just the end of the battle.

His eyes swept towards Qinglong.

Although Gu You was injured twice in a row, the semi-sage's foundation was still there, and after he quickly connected his arm, he fought with Qinglong.

At the same time, Gu You also found out the strength of Qinglong.

Between the 6th turn to the 8th turn Douzun.

Because of the strong physical body, it can compete with Bone You.

"I remember this hatred." Chen Mo gave Han Feng a fierce look, then turned around, his wings flapped, and he was about to leave.

However, Yu Guang saw Mu Qianqian and saw that she was also a pitiful person, so he picked her up and fluttered away.

Although Chen Mo asked Haibodong and the others to support, they might have the upper hand, but the Soul Palace was not impossible to call for support. Once support was called, it might be Dousheng who came.

At that time, it will be cold.

Seeing Chen Mo leaving, Elder Mu Gu and the others did not stop because they couldn't stop Chen Mo.

But Gu You was entangled by the Azure Dragon, and wanted to call for support, but couldn't get his hands free and could only watch Chen Mo's figure disappear into the sky.

"Naughty animal." The cooked duck flew away, venting all the anger on Qinglong's body with anxious bones.

But Qinglong had been carrying out an order, swallowing Bone You.

On the other side, Chen Mo saw that he was almost far away, so he quickly sent out a signal to notify Haibodong and the others.

Mu Qianqian was held in his arms by Chen Mo, his cheeks were red, and his buttocks were held in his hands by Chen Mo, and there was a strange feeling.

Not knowing if it was intentional, Mu Qianqian felt that his hips were pinched hard.

Mu Qianqian wanted to remind, but seeing Chen Mo's indifferent eyes, he dared not say anything in fear.

After all, the opponent is a ruthless person who can even fight back the saint.

After swallowing the pill, Mu Qianqian's complexion improved a bit, but her injuries were too serious, and the pill only pulled her back from the death line.

The blood oozing from the wound on her body had already soaked her robes, dried up and condensed on the skin.

After finding a dense forest that had fallen, Chen Mo put down Mu Qianqian, and when his hands were separated from her, his palms were already dyed red by the blood oozing from her body.

"How are you?" Chen Mo took off the black cloth covering his face, revealing a cold face.

Mu Qianqian saw that the man was not only young, but also so handsome. The redness that had been gradually dissipating on his face rose up again and whispered, "It's okay."

"That's good!" After being polite, Chen Mo sat down and began to recuperate.

Mu Qianqian's face was stagnant, and I said it was okay, so you should really be okay. Are you so upright?

But seeing Chen Mo stepping into practice, Mu Qianqian swallowed it abruptly if he wanted to ask him, after all, he said it was all right.

She took out the wound healing potion from Na Jie and looked at Chen Mo cautiously. Seeing her eyes closed tightly, Mu Qianqian bit her silver teeth and turned her back to Chen Mo.

Then, with a blushing face, he gently took off the outer robe, revealing his blood-stained back and pink belly, and then applied the potion on the wound.

"Hey..." Mu Qianqiandai frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes pursed with the pain caused by the application of the potion.

On the other side, after repelling Qinglong, Elder Mu Gu said coldly: "Elder Guyou, do you want to kill Xiang Lingyan Pavilion?"