
Chapter 123: Others who sneaked into the Demon Flame Valley!

The night is dim, and the moon is covered by a dark cloud. If there are people in the sky, with the light shining from around the palace, a dark shadow can be seen vaguely moving through the dense forest.

"Xiaoding, have you seen anything leaping over." A disciple held a torch toward the dense forest and raised it.

"No, did you read it wrong?" In the two-person patrol team, the man called Xiaoding also raised the torch, but it was dark underneath and could not see anything.

"It shouldn't be, I clearly saw a black shadow passing by..." The disciple who spoke touched his head and muttered to himself.

"Don't think too much, it's about to change shifts. After the shift, the two brothers have a drink." Xiaoding said.

The latter nodded, and the two of them patrolled his place. After the two left, a black shadow landed where they were staying.

The black shadow murmured, "This is where the disciple lives."

When the words fell, the shadows disappeared.

When the black shadow reappeared, it was on the roof of the largest palace, gently lifting the glazed tiles, and the black shadow's gaze swept down.

In the huge bedroom, there was only one blood-haired old man in a yellow skull gown sitting on the bed.

The old man's face was thin and skinny, and his eyes were sunken. There was a weird breath in his whole person. Between exhales and breaths, there was a red gas inhaled into his abdomen.

"Ding, if you find Seven Star Douzong, you can spend 97,000 luck points to snoop."

"Seven Star Douzong, he must be the old ghost of the Earth Devil, but where is Han Feng?"

Chen Mo's thoughts flashed past, and at this moment, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, if you find the King of Two Stars, you can spend 22,000 luck points to snoop."

"No, Elder Lu was assassinated and killed."

"There is an assassin, catch the assassin!"


The accompanying system prompt sounded, and several more panicked screams came from a palace.

Caused a panic.

An unknown disciple walked out of the room and said in amazement: "Elder Lu is a strong fighter, who can assassinate him?"

Chen Mo leaned down and leaned on the roof of the temple. With the help of the cover of night, one could see a figure wearing a black robe, flying towards Chen Mo from the roof of the temple where screams were heard.

"I..." Chen Mo was in the mood to scold his mother, which way is not easy to run, run here.

There was no way, Chen Mo concealed his breath and swept towards the top of another palace, but that figure seemed to have spotted Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hid over there, and the figure fled over there.

As a result, with several figures flying around, and the lighting of countless torches, both of them were exposed under the dazzling firelight.

Mu Qianqian did not expect that besides himself, there were others who had sneaked into the Demon Flame Valley.

Chen Mo's face was sullen, and he had all the thoughts of the stranger in front of him.

"A daring assassin who dared to run to the Demon Yanshan to commit an attack, with accomplices, is really bold!" A middle-aged man who was Xiuwei as a Dou Wang stared at the two with cold eyes.

Seeing that he was discovered, Chen Mo didn't hide in hiding at all, and directly pointed out his purpose: "I'm looking for Han Feng!"

"Hmph, Elder Han is what you assassin can see if you say you see it." The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and immediately said, "Take it."

The middle-aged man gave an order, and the five fighting kings who surrounded the two people suddenly surged out and swept toward the two.

"court death!"

Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and he shook his palm. A black spear about ten feet long was condensed in his hand, and a white flame was flowing on the spear.

The burning temperature and the burning void are distorted.

Within a few flashes of the figure, there were a few afterimages left in the air.

When the afterimages dissipated, accompanied by the mist of blood, the five Dou Kings who came over them fell to the ground with a dull sound.

The attached flames were less than three breaths, and the bodies of the five people were incinerated into nothingness.

Under Mu Qianqian's horrified eyes and everyone's shocked eyes, Chen Mo's figure appeared in front of the middle-aged man, a shot was shot out, and the void faintly vibrated.

The next moment, the tip of the spear pierced the big man's chest and passed through behind, and the white flames of the forest flowing from the spear suddenly burned from his chest.

Immediately the flame swallowed his body.

Like the end of the five fighting kings, the body turned into nothingness in the wailing.

The gazes of everyone's gaze suddenly condensed at this moment, and there was an unconcealable astonishment in their eyes.

The six fighting kings were easily beheaded by one person in a short period of time.

The figure surrounded below, under the panic in his heart, inexplicably retreated to the rear.

Behind the black gauze, Mu Qianqian was dumbfounded, and his whole body was like a statue, stunned and horrified.

When I reacted, I was about to take the opportunity to escape.

"So courageous!"

A scream came from the rear palace, the voice fell, blood rose to the sky, and the glazed tiles on the roof of the palace burst into pieces.

A blood-haired old man wearing a skull and yellow robe stood above the void like this, with deep sunken pupils, full of thick anger, and his eyes stared at the two of them like electricity.

When Mu Qianqian passed around the top of his palace, the blood-haired old man discovered it, but he only saw the aura of King Dou, and his subordinates had already taken action, so he did not take action and continued to practice.

Until Chen Mo's breath was exposed, the blood-haired old man was shocked, because the location where this breath was exposed was very close to him, but he didn't notice it. In other words, the producer of this breath was not weaker than himself.

But at the moment when he was ready to take action and walked out of the bed, the six subordinate Dou Wangs all dissipated.

At this time, he didn't care about the gorgeous appearance, and directly burst out with rage.

The majestic coercion immediately blocked the two of them.

Mu Qianqian already felt that breathing was gradually becoming difficult.

"Who is your excellency? The old man, the Demon Flame Valley, is there a place to provoke your excellency? It makes your excellency so painful as a killer." Old Demon Demon said coldly, his face stern.

As for Mu Qianqian next to Chen Mo, he was automatically ignored by Old Devil.

Chen Mo's expression was indifferent: "The weak do not respect the strong, so they deserve to be killed. What's more, here is the Black Point Region, which can survive for so long, and some of them are not dead."

"You're always getting into the soil, haven't you still not understood the truth?"

After speaking, Chen Mo looked at Old Devil with a sardonic look.

"Good, good, good." Three in a row, the old demons were furious and looked at Chen Mo with sharp eyes: "If this is the case, let the old man learn and teach your master's brilliant tricks."

"Thousands of fantasy mysterious ice thorns!"

The Old Devil raised his hands gently, and along with the movement of his ten fingers, only dense black ice cones appeared strangely from his fingertips.

call out! call out! call out!

Overwhelmingly shot towards Chen Mo and Mu Qianqian.