
Chapter 122: The blood of Taixu Ancient Dragon!

Chen Mo naturally wanted to kill others.

Isn't he wearing a black robe just to hide his identity? Isn't it in vain to leave a living?

Chen Mo quickly cleaned the battlefield, and after taking off their ring, Chen Mo said: "Go, go after the people from the Black Skeleton Tomb."

A few dark shadows swiftly passed through the dense forest.

the other side.

Going to the plains of the Earth Yanzong, a pale yellow figure was flying quickly, and the strong wind blowing up the green grass below brought out a green ravine.

Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky and blocked the pale yellow figure.

A pair of wings of ice was condensed behind this black shadow, and an icy air radiated from all over his body. At the moment he fell, a piece of green grass underneath was instantly covered with thin ice frost.

"Who is your excellency?" The Great Elder of the Earth Flame Sect subconsciously shrank his right hand.

"Hand over things!" Sombra didn't answer him, but went directly to the topic.

"Sure enough, I came for this thing." The elder read in his heart, and immediately said: "Your Excellency, the old man is a member of the Earth Flame Sect. I also hope your Excellency will look at the face of the Earth Flame Sect and leave quickly. Zong will not hold you accountable for this move today."

"Haha, the mere Yanzong, the old man still doesn't care about it." The shadow lifted his palm, and diamond-shaped ice crystals condensed all around his body. I grabbed it hard."

When the words fell, the sky full of ice crystals suddenly moved towards the Great Elder of the Earth Yanzong, enveloped them.

call out! call out! call out!

The sound of breaking through the air whistled.

"Qiyan swallows the sky!"

Seeing that the black shadow started so decisively, the elder's heart sank, and he screamed, two groups of hot yellow flames, like fire snakes, collided against the oncoming ice crystals.

"Many arm as a car!"

The shadow snorted coldly, and immediately saw the sky full of ice crystals rushing through the fire snake and attacking the great elder of the Earth Yanzong.

"What?" The Great Elder of the Earth Yanzong didn't expect that his flame would not even be blocked by an ice crystal.

As the pupils dilated, ice crystals pierced into his body. After a few breaths, the elder of the Earth Yanzong was pierced into a hedgehog by the ice crystals, and blood gurgled out.

Elder Earth Yanzong did not die immediately, but vomited blood and said: "You...you are..."

Before he finished speaking, an ice arrow pierced his heart and passed through his back.


Similarly, on the dense forest trail in Skeleton City.

Chen Mo was cleaning the battlefield, picked up the space ring of the leader, and rummaged in it. After a while, following the system's prompt sound, Chen Mo's face showed a touch of unconcealed ecstasy.

Three thousand thunderstorms in the ground-level body and method fighting skills.

The essence and blood of the ninth-order Taixu ancient dragon.

Chen Mo looked at the essence and blood of Taixu Gulong.

This is a fist-sized stone. According to the explanation of the white-haired old man at the auction house, it was brought from the ruins of the Black Mist Land, and it contained powerful energy.

With a move of Chen Mo's thoughts, he controlled the temperature of the abnormal fire, and gradually burned the stone. After a few minutes, as the stone gradually became smaller, a gloomy ray of blood appeared from the inside of the stone.

Chen Mo stopped burning, the fist-sized stone became only eyeballs, and through the thin stone wall, a gloomy blood, the size of a bean, could be seen.

To send people a signal, Chen Mo searched through the elder Qing's ring again, and after a while, he also found a strange stone the size of a football with a peculiar shape.

According to the prompts of the system.

This is the eyeball of Tier Nine Demon Taixu Ancient Dragon.

Based on the above, Chen Mo can determine that a ninth-order Taixu ancient dragon must have fallen from the ruins in the Black Point Region.

Taixu Gulong, that is the overlord of the three major Warcraft families in Zhongzhou.

One clan feeds on the Sky Demon Phoenix. Even if the clan is split, the Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​still jealous. The union of the four dragon islands makes even the Soul Clan slightly invincible.

Especially the patriarch of Taixu Ancient Dragon, Zhu Kun, who has witnessed countless Dou Di turned out to be a big man. During Zhu Kun's experience, the current eight big families are just small families.

You know, even now, Zhukun is still a strong man in this continent, although he is currently sealed under the Canaan Academy.

However, Taixu ancient dragons generally stay on Dragon Island, not to mention the ninth-order Taixu ancient dragon, which only stays in the secret realm and does not come out, and only needs to break through the realm.

Moreover, the ninth-tier Taixu Ancient Dragon, even if it is elementary, is not an opponent with its powerful combat power and a general intermediate fighting saint.

How could such a powerful existence fall into the Blackhorn domain?

Chen Mo considered these income carefully.

His thoughts are naturally recalling the plot in the original work, such as the fall of a ninth-order monster, which should be mentioned.

Ran and egg.

Did not find out.

Just when Chen Mo thought about it.

Several air-breaking sounds flew over and landed beside Chen Mo and the others.

It is Haibodong, Lu Yuanqing and others.

"How is it? There have been no accidents?" Chen Mo didn't think about it when a few people arrived.

"It went smoothly, and the body was cleaned up, leaving no traces." In order to repay Chen Mo's trust in him, Lu Yuanqing burned them directly after he resolved them.

"Very good." Chen Mo said.

"This is that person's acceptance of the ring." Hai Bodong handed over the acceptance of the ring from the Great Elder of the Earth Yan Sect to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo searched for it and found that only the Thunder Bat Skywing and some fighting skills did not have what he wanted.

"Back to the city later, copy all these fighting skills and send them to Wanbao Pavilion!" Chen Mo handed over all the fighting skills including Three Thousand Thunders to Hai Bodong.

As for the content of Three Thousand Thunders, Chen Mo's soul has been swept away, and it has all been remembered in his mind.

"Yes." Haibodong said respectfully.


One day later, there was a lot of rumors about the death of the blood sect master, the death of the earth flame sect master and the great elder, and the death of the green elder of the Sky Snake Mansion.

It is unclear who killed them.

As for how to get the news, it was naturally from within these sects.

The initiators of this incident, Chen Mo and others, went outside the Demon Flame Valley.

The night was dim, and Chen Mo used his soul power to investigate the situation here.

The strange rocks outside the valley are rugged, and there are experts who gather materials on the spot outside the valley and set up a maze.

People who don't know why walk into the Wandering Array, and those with low strength may be trapped in the Wandering Array.

The valley is brightly lit, and among the dense trees, several palaces occupying a large area are located either low or high.

On the bluestone trail outside the palace, there are disciples in the valley patrolling, and the guard is quite tight.

"I'll go in to investigate the situation, you wait for my news to notify." Chen Mo turned around and said to the people in Haibodong.

After a few people nodded their heads, Chen Mo used his astringent technique and leaned forward to fly in. After passing the lost track, he retracted his wings and plunged into the dense forest.