
Chapter 120: The mantis catches the cicada!

Under the eyes of everyone, Fan Ling, the Young Master of the Blood Sect, shouted 200,000. Even the white-haired old man's hand holding a hammer stiffened a bit, because he could see that Fan Ling was definitely not intending to shoot.

If the Lingyan Pavilion party had a temper tantrum, this auction would not go on right away.

Everyone looked at Lingyan Pavilion, wanting to see what the other party would do.

Who knew that Chen Mo didn't even look at Fan Ling, and continued to shout, "210,000."

"220,000." Fan Ling continued.

"250,000." Chen Mo said, his expression indifferent.

"260,000." Fan Ling disgusted Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't follow any more, but whispered: "Watch him, he is dead."

Someone nodded behind.

Seeing that Chen Mo hadn't followed, Fan Ling frowned. He didn't need this broken thing at all. In that case, wouldn't it be smashed in his hand and disgusted Lingyan Pavilion.

Seeing that Ling Yan Pavilion didn't follow up again, and didn't let out any threats, they were amazed when they were expecting the other party to fight. Is Ling Yan Pavilion so good-tempered?

Seeing that the two sides are in peace, the only person who is relieved is the gray-haired old man, because this is his own place, and only himself is the one who loses in the fight, and the opposite parties will not compensate.

After the rag was photographed by Fan Ling.

The auction continues.

Chen Mo was not interested in a few consecutive pieces.

But when a mysterious advanced fighting skill came out, Dou Wang, who was responsible for intelligence, bid for it.

He is a soil attribute, this mysterious stage high-level fighting skill is suitable for him.

The reserve price is 300,000.

There are many people competing.

Many forces even threaten each other.

The Xuan-level high-level Leishan seal was copied more than 900,000.

Photographed by Raksha Gate.

"No hurry, pack up together after it's over, and keep an eye on it." Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and the power of the Black Point Region didn't give any face, so don't blame his subordinates for being merciless.

To clean up one is also to clean up, two are the same.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not speak for the next item.

Even if prompted by the system.

As the valuables were sent to the crystal table one after another, the prices raised became higher and higher, and the harsh words put on them became more and more ruthless, and even some strong people exposed their own aura.

Everyone in the auction house could clearly feel the posture that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was all over the building.

And the finale item, the Seven-Rank Pill Yin Yang Long Xuan Pill appeared on the scene, like the fuse that lit a bomb.

It's just that this fuse is so long that it needs a certain amount of time to burn.

Like the original work, the Yin-Yang Longxuan Pill was photographed by the people of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

"Lao Hai, I remember that the people in the Heavenly Snake Mansion also had conflicts with us, didn't they?" Chen Mo said.

Hai Bodong nodded, "Qinglin was taken away by the people of the Heavenly Snake Mansion."

Chen Mo was behind this incident. He wanted to borrow the resources of the Heavenly Snake Mansion to cultivate Qinglin. He deliberately released the news and asked the people of the Heavenly Snake Mansion to **** it. Then, in front of Qinglin, he showed the Heavenly Snake Mansion. It's the bad side.

"That's just right, even the Heavenly Snake Mansion's were cleaned up together." Chen Mo said lightly, but he was thinking about when to pick up the green scales in his heart, and the Heavenly Snake Mansion was almost cultivated.

After coming out of the auction house.

Chen Mo said: "You, accompany him to stop the Rakshasa Gate, Elder Hai, let's go after the people of the Blood Sect."

The strong man who was in charge of intelligence was called Lu Yuanqing, and Chen Mo called two more Douwang and asked them three to stop the Rakshasa Gate.

"Remember, try not to reveal your identity." Chen Mo is not afraid of these forces, but it is quite troublesome to let them unite.

"Yes." Lu Yuanqing was a little flattered. He didn't expect the Chief Pavilion Master to be so caring about his own affairs.

Seeing that Lu Yuanqing's sense of belonging had risen by twenty points, Chen Mo smiled slightly: "Go!"


After Fan Ling and his party left the Black Seal City, several mysterious figures shrouded in black robes, like shadows, like gangrene attached to bones, quietly followed.

Not far from Black Seal City, in the dense jungle, several black shadows flashed to the top of the dense tree, hidden in the green leaves on the top of the tree.

Looking at the more than a dozen figures below, several of them were surprised.

"It seems that this blood sect person also wants to ambush." ​​Hai Bodong stroked his white beard and whispered in a low voice, "I just don't know who is going to ambush?"

Huh! Huh!

As soon as Haibodong's voice fell, a group of rushing horseshoes galloped from the direction of the trail leading to Heiyin City, bringing yellow smoke into the sky along the way.

As the horse's figure gradually approached and walked into the dense forest, Hai Bodong was startled and whispered: "It's from the Sky Snake Mansion, this blood sect is so courageous, even the idea of ​​the Sky Snake Mansion is dare to fight. "

"Let's watch the changes, let's take action later." Chen Mo frowned slightly, and according to the system's prompts, there were several figures hiding in secret.

"Okay." Hai Bodong nodded, which is just right, there is no need to stop the people in the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

Among the group of Tian Snake Mansion, the leader was a glamorous woman in a green group robe. She seemed to notice something, and the woman immediately stopped her horse.

"Elder Qing, what's the matter?" asked a subordinate behind the woman.

"Something's wrong!" The woman who was called as the elder Qing, frowned slightly, raised her palm lightly, then flicked it sharply, and then several energy snakes rushed into the dense forest at a very fast speed. middle.

"No, retreat quickly, there is an ambush." ​​The elder Qing who had just entered the dense forest, his face changed abruptly, he quickly turned his horse's head, and wanted to go back to Heiyin City again.

At this moment, a sneer sounded from behind the elder Qing and his party.

A tall man wearing a blood-red robe, with a gloomy face and fierce eyes, descended from behind them from the sky, and immediately stood with his hands on the path.

"It's worthy of Elder Qing. Not only is the person beautiful, but the methods are also very beautiful." The man in the red robe sneered.

"Blood Sect Fan Tu!" The elder Qing shook his body, and immediately said with cold eyes: "Does your Blood Sect want to declare war with my Green Snake Mansion?"

"I don't want to declare war. This sect is only interested in the Yin and Yang Xuanlong Pill of Elder Qing's mobile phone, and hopes that Elder Qing can hand it over." Fan Wei grinned grimly.

"Hmph, so you were thinking about this, don't think about it!" Elder Qing sternly shouted: "Everyone retreat separately. As long as one person escapes, immediately report the matter to the palace lord."

The voice fell, and the figure behind Elder Qing rode a fast horse to scatter around.


The sharp arrows gleaming with cold light flew out from around the dense forest and attacked through the air.

One after another, the figures fell off the horse, just when two figures were about to escape.

Several fires swept over, and the two figures who were about to escape instantly turned into two coke.

Four middle-aged men, wearing yellow brocade robes and embroidered black and red flame symbols on their chests, walked out of the deep forest.

"People of the Earth Flame Sect." Elder Qing's expression was terrified, and it seemed that this time it was more ugly than good.