
Chapter 12: I met Nalan Yanran for the first time

"has a problem?"

"No." But just in case, Chen Mo still asked some information about the inner disciples.

Yun Yun briefly introduced the top ten people.

Among the inner disciples with the best talent and highest cultivation level, the young master Nalan Yanran is undoubtedly the younger master, and then Yun Leng's direct disciple is also his grandson Yun Hai.

Then came Mo Li from the Mo family.

The descendants of several elders.

Ranked tenth is the first outer door of the previous session, Zheng Tian, ​​whose cultivation base is three stars in the battle division.

In other words, each of the ten people mentioned by Yun Yun had a higher cultivation base than Chen Mo.

But for Chen Mo, only two have an influence.

One is Nalan Yanran, and Chen Mo is certainly no stranger. This is the female partner who is still alive to the end.

There is also Mo Li. There are several descriptions in the novel. They were sent by the Mohist school to pursue Nalan Yanran. The cultivation base is unknown, but now he has the cultivation base of the Five Star Fighter.

As for the other eight people, Chen Mo hadn't even heard of their names.

No name means no sense of presence, no sense of presence means no threat, and no threat means nothing.

Eight whites will add an over-the-top set.

Chen Mo put on a flying face, just this, just this, can he fall out of the top ten?

Chen Mo didn't care at all, he only had to accumulate two waves of big moves in these two days, and then he would use them to deal with Nalan Yanran and complete the task.

Therefore, Chen Mofeidan did not panic, but asked about last night with a relaxed look.

Upon hearing this, Yun Yun became flustered, her pretty face blushing, and she quickly turned around, avoiding Chen Mo's gaze, her mouth hesitating, unable to explain clearly.

Chen Mo pressed harder step by step, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

This smell can't be wrong, the light scent left over from the previous bedding is just emitted from Yun Yun.

Yun Yun could feel Chen Mo's approach, and her heart jumped fiercely, but she didn't escape, instead she had a vague expectation in her heart.

"There is a play." Chen Mo's pupils lit up, and his eyes gradually became fiery.

Just as the atmosphere between the two became more and more ambiguous, just before they were about to be hugged, a cold voice passed in from outside the palace.


"It's Yanran." Yun Yun woke up in shock, and when she lowered her head and glanced at the hands that were about to touch her waist, her brows were suddenly erected, and she turned her head and gave Chen Mo a fierce look.

"Cough cough." Old Chen Mo blushed, and suddenly he didn't know where to put his hands. He was thinking, isn't Sister Yun Yun saying that she is in retreat? Why is she here?

"Come in." Yun Yun gestured, and Chen Mo quickly opened the distance between the two.

After a while, a delicate woman in a tight-fitting moonlight robe walked in with a smile in her eyes.

The moment she walked in, the voice of the system also sounded.

"Ding, if you find the Seven Star Fighter, you can spend 1070 points of luck to snoop."

Chen Mo clicked to cancel.

Nalan Yanran saw the strange man in the side hall, and the smile at the corner of her mouth suddenly closed.

Nalan Yanran has never seen a man come in at the teacher's palace. Today is the first time. Judging from his self-assured manner, it is obvious that he has an unusual relationship with the teacher.

"Teacher, is he?"

"Hello, Sister, my name is Chen Mo, the teacher's new disciple." Chen Mo stretched out a hand of friendship.

Chen Mo's influence on Nalan Yanran stayed in the novel, and she went to the Xiao family to divorce.

The novel describes that she is so high above, like a charity, stepping on Xiao Yan's dignity fiercely.

As a result, Chen Mo had a bad impression of her.

However, as soon as I saw it today, Chen Mo finally knew what it meant to be Sanguan and followed the five senses.

This marriage is good.

"The teacher's new personal disciple?"

Nalan Yanran gave Yun Yun a surprised look. Even after Yun Yun nodded, she still couldn't believe it. After a while, she smiled slightly and stretched out her hand: "Hello, Nalan Yanran."

Without the imaginary indifference, Nalan Yanran did not refuse to shake hands with Chen Mo.

The two separated immediately, and Chen Mo did not continue to entangle, which made Nalan Yanran's first impression of him pretty good.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chen Mochang's handsomeness.

"Yan Ran, it's so late, what's the matter with you?" Yun Yun saw that the two had a good impression when they met for the first time, so she didn't avoid Chen Mo at all and asked directly.

"It's fighting skills." Nalan Yanran whispered, and at the same time glanced at Chen Mo secretly.

Chen Mo naturally heard it, and didn't even inquire about it. At the same time, he said: "Teacher, you guys have a chat, Zongmen has no problem with me."

"Okay, then you rest." The atmosphere just now made Yun Yun not figure out how to be alone with Chen Mo. Now that Yanran came to ask about fighting skills, she just broke away.

As soon as the two left the side hall, Nalan Yanran couldn't help asking: "Teacher, didn't you go to the Warcraft Mountains, why did you accept another disciple?"

"This matter is a long story," Yun Yun said in a long story short, except for omitting the cave cohabitation and some ripples, she didn't hide it from Nalan Yanran.

"It turns out that he is still the teacher's savior." Nalan Yanran's impression of Chen Mo improved.

"Okay, let's talk about business, what's wrong with your fighting skills?"

"It always feels a little bit worse."



the next day.

When Chen Mo wanted to participate in the inner disciple competition and won the top ten, the news that the sect admitted that he had personally passed on as a disciple spread throughout Yunlanzong.

And with the passage of time, the royal family of the Gama Empire and the three major families also received this news for the first time.

"Yun Yun has accepted disciples again. Since accepting Nalan Yanran as an apprentice seven years ago, Yun Yun has not accepted an apprentice in the past seven years. What is Chen Mo's background?"

"The direct disciple of the Douhuang strongman, it seems that this time the Yunlanzong competition, there is something new to watch."

"Interesting, interesting, a sixteen-year-old one-star battle master, this is not much more than that of the Nalan girl."


Inside the palace.

Chen Mo slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

Tinder refining is finished.

Do you want to swallow it?

Looking at the purple flames on his palms, Chen Mo had three big question marks on his head.

Xiao Yan wanted to devour the fire seed because he wanted Fen Jue to evolve.

But I didn't burn it.

Forget it, don't swallow it yet.

the other side.

In a small valley.

"Be immersed in your mind, in your cyclone, open up a small space for the purple fire..."

Two hours later.


Xiao Yan stretched out his palm and gently rubbed between his fingers, and a small purple flame blew up on his fingers.

"Teacher, it's successful! Come out and have a look." Xiao Yan said excitedly.

A light and shadow flashed out of the ring, and Old Yao looked at the purple fire rising up, and said with satisfaction: "I originally thought this trip to the cave to draw water with a bamboo basket, but I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise. This purple fire is also considered a blessing. Surprisingly happy."

"Teacher, it must be that kid's ghost. When I meet him again, I have to look down on him."