
Chapter 119: Jinglian Demon Fire Remnant Picture!

"Go and find out what will be the finale of this auction? After staying in the room, Chen Mo said to a Dou Wang who was responsible for collecting information.

"Yes." The man replied, and then retreated.

In less than half an hour, the Dou Wang collected information and returned, saying: "The Chief Pavilion Master, with flying combat skills, as well as the ground level body skills, the final item is the seventh-order pill, Yin Yang Xuanlong Pill."

As the Douwang's voice fell, the breathing in the entire room became rush, Hai Bodong said in surprise: "It is indeed the Black Point Region, and even this kind of treasure can be put out for auction."

"This is simply a prodigal. It is enough to rejuvenate this force by placing the ground-level fighting skills on one side, and make the strength of this force several times higher." One of the Dou Wang said in amazement.

"With so many valuable items, I am afraid that there will be a **** storm." Dou Wang, who is in charge of intelligence, said.

Hai Bodong frowned, his face solemnly said: "When I went upstairs just now, the old man noticed the aura of Douhuang. I'm afraid there are some items, even if someone photographed them, it would be difficult to bring out the Black Point Region."

Hearing the aura of Dou Huang, the faces of the Dou Kings in the room changed, but Chen Mo's expression was calm and said, "There will be a good show tomorrow."

"Pavilion Master, do we want to shoot anything?" a Dou Wang said.

"What are you doing with this big price?" Chen Mo smiled, and his eyes turned cold: "This is the Black Point Region."

A few people immediately understood.

The next day.

A few people walked towards the Black Seal Auction Site without any rush, and when they came to the door of the auction, the crowds and the noise from the sky made Chen Mo and others stunned.

Chen Mo originally wanted to enter the arena in a low-key manner.

Sweeping his gaze around, he immediately stopped at another passage in front of the auction house. Compared with the gate, the passage there was almost one heaven and one earth.

The passage was drawn with red banners, and the ground was also covered with a red carpet. According to Haibodong's explanation, it was only those who had an invitation letter, or a strong person above Dou Ling and a VIP card, could enter.

"Go." After Chen Mo finished speaking, the six colleagues walked towards the passage.

On both sides of the passage, there were a dozen big men in black standing. When Chen Mo and his party were there, a **** man stopped Chen Mo and others and asked to show the invitation letter or VIP card.

Haibodong handed the invitation letter to the big man in black, and after a closer inspection, the latter immediately welcomed several people in respectfully.

At this moment, a group of pale-faced figures came from a distance, and the people passing by evaded one after another, not daring to provoke the pedestrian.

"People from the Blood Sect are also here."

"Sure enough, it's a group of perverted guys. I heard that they are devouring other people's blood to practice. There is a strong smell of blood that can be smelled from far away."

"Speak down, I'm not afraid that the blood sect people will take your skin off? Didn't you see that the young master of the blood sect, Fan Ling, is there?"

"What? My voice is not loud, they shouldn't hear it..."

In the crowd, there were whispers, but the voice was very small, as if it was deliberately lowered.

"Which power is the pedestrian from just now?" Young Sect Master Xuezong himself is a VIP card. Even if he didn't show the invitation letter and VIP card, the big man in black would not be able to stop them.

"It's from Lingyan Pavilion." The black-clothed man said.

"Ling Yan Pavilion..." Fan Ling frowned slightly while looking at Chen Mo and the others. This was an unattractive existence.

It seemed that he was aware of the different gazes. When Chen Mo entered the depths, he looked back. When Chen Mo's gaze and Fan Ling's gaze met, the corner of the former's mouth evoked a thoughtful arc.

"That kid." Fan Ling's face sank. He obviously took Chen Mo's smile as a mockery.

"Young Sect Master, don't mess around, Lingyan Pavilion is not something we can afford at the moment." An old man with the same pale face behind Fan Ling said.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." After speaking, the blood sect and his party also walked into the passage.

Soon after the blood sect entered, another party continued to land, presenting invitation letters, and entering the passage.

The headquarters of the Black Seal Auction House was much larger than that of the Mittel Auction House, and Chen Mo was dazzled by the densely packed seats and the dazzling crystal tables.

When Chen Mo and others came in, there were already some people in the seats in the huge auction hall.

Under the leadership of the maid, Chen Mo and others went to the exclusive seats belonging to Lingyan Pavilion.

The exclusive seat is different. Chen Mo sat down and felt a fluffy comfort.

After that, Chen Mo directly closed his eyes and waited for the start of the auction.

As time went by, the noise in the auction hall became more and more noisy, with a few swear words spewing out from time to time, everyone threatening to kill other people's family.

As the seats in the auction hall gradually filled up, suddenly, a crisp bell rang swept across the venue.

Everyone looked up, and on the brilliant crystal stage, an old man with white hair walked up on it at some unknown time.

The white-haired old man glanced at the audience and immediately said: "I announce that the Black Seal City auction will begin now."

Seeing the old man announced the start directly, there was no ink at all, and there was a clap of applause below.

The applause fell, and the first auction item, as the crystal platform rose, was displayed in front of everyone.

It was a fourth-rank blue-patterned pill. The old man beat a small hammer and said with a smile: "The reserve price is 150,000 yuan, please, please!"

For Chen Mo and the others, Sipin Pills were not of much interest, and after a glance, they closed their eyes again.

But for most of them, the temptation of the four-grade pill is quite big, and the rush to shoot one after another, and soon, it was photographed by a woman for 270,000 gold coins.

As the first auction item was successfully sold, the next auction items were put on the auction table one by one.

Chen Mo is not very interested.

Finally, more than ten minutes later, when the system prompted the residual picture of the Jinglian Demon Fire, Chen Momeng opened his eyes.

I saw the white-haired old man said: "The next auction item is a bit strange, even we don't know what it is, but we can see that it should be a fragment of a treasure map."

The white-haired old man pointed to the shabby cloth on the crystal table and said with a smile: "If you want to take a gamble, you can auction it. The reserve price is 100,000 gold coins."

The voice fell, and no one said anything for a while.

"One hundred and fifty thousand." After waiting for a few minutes, Chen Mo shouted, seeing that no one was still speaking.

With the sound of Chen Mo's voice, everyone followed the prestige.

"It's from Lingyan Pavilion."

"The people in Lingyan Pavilion are actually interested in this kind of thing, don't they know what this map contains?"

On the seats, everyone was whispering, and some of them who didn't plan to bid were also ready to move.

"Two hundred thousand." Another voice sounded, and the bidding was Fan Ling, the young master of the Blood Sect.