
Chapter 118: Furukawa died? Black Seal Auction!

"Elder Hai, you went to Longyou County to pick up someone specially, is that her?"

Chen Mo looked at the opposite window and said after the concubine Ya, who motioned to him, smiled back.

Haibodong nodded, and said in a long story: "The old guy in Tengshan said that Concubine Ya wanted to go outside to the Black Point area, so I said that Lingyan Pavilion has a branch pavilion here and can take care of her, so I took her. "

"The Mittel family also has a branch in the Black Point?" Chen Mo raised his brow when he heard Haibodong say that he was released. Regarding the strength of the Mittel family, open a branch in the Black Point, and the bones will be gnawed away. .

Especially Concubine Ya dared to come over.

If there is no protection, it is estimated that the child will not know who it belongs to in the second year.

"There is a branch, it's not very big, and the shots aren't any valuables." Haibodong said.

Chen Mo tapped the table with his fingers, and stopped talking about the concubine Ya, and said, "Tell us about Han Feng!"

Hai Bodong took a sip of tea and slowly said, "Han Feng heard that he was a disciple of Venerable Medicine. Later, he entered the Black Horn Region and joined Demon Flame Valley. In addition to being a sixth-rank alchemist, his cultivation level is also Reached the peak of Dou Huang."

"Because of the alchemist, it has an extremely complicated relationship with the many forces in the Black Point Region."

After speaking, Hai Bodong frowned. Had it not been for Chen Mo's Tier 8 monster, Hai Bo Dong would not mind Chen Mo going to provoke Han Feng.

Some details in Chen Mo's original work can't be remembered very clearly. It all depends on Hai Bodong's recollection. He seems to remember that Han Feng also has a strange fire in his hand. In addition, he dared to gather people to grab the strange fire at Canaan College.

Although the two old guys at Canaan College are not very good at things, they are also fighting sages.

Gallbladder is really fat.

"Let me introduce the forces of the Blackhorn Region?"

What kind of way is Chen Mo thinking about meeting Han Feng?

"As far as I know, the Canaan Academy is the one with aloof status, followed by the Demon Flame Valley, and the old devil of the valley is the Seven Star Fighting Sect in the early years.

Then came the Black Emperor Sect. This sect was quite special, and generally did not provoke others easily. "

"Then there is the Black League. This organization is composed of many super-first-class forces in the Black Point Region, including the Blood Sect, the Eight Doors, and the Earth Flame Sect..."

In the end, Haibodong talked about Xiao Yan, the newly established Xiao Clan, just like Lingyan Pavilion.

At that time, after Xiao Yan showed the strength of Dou Zong, Xiao Clan stayed in the Black Point Region for a period of time. With Xiao Yan's death, Xiao Clan was quickly eaten away by the Blood Sect and Luo Shamen.

The life and death of his deputy master, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li is unknown.

There is also the black list. Haibodong talked a lot, but Chen Mo didn't remember a few.

The first and second of the first three are too mysterious, Haibodong did not find out, and the third is Han Feng.

Dou Zong is not on the list.

After spending a few minutes, Chen Mo digested some of the information given by Haibodong.

In other words, in the Blackhorn domain, apart from Canaan Academy, the strongest is the Valley Master of Demon Flame Valley, Dou Zong Qixing.

"All right, I will visit Demon Flame Valley tomorrow." Chen Mo leaned back in his chair, deciding his schedule for tomorrow.


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked, and a voice came from outside the door: "Lao Hai, there are letters from eight doors."

come in.

When the man who came in saw Chen Mo in the room, he was slightly taken aback, where was this distinguished guest.

Chen Mo saw his doubts and did not answer him. After all, Chen Mo was here to investigate the disappearance of Furukawa, so he should not reveal his identity.

After receiving the letter, Haibodong let the man leave.

"The day after tomorrow there will be a large-scale auction held in Heiyin City. There will be ground-level fighting skills and mysterious items brought out from the ruins before." Haibodong said: "This is for eight doors. The invitation letter from Lingyan Pavilion invites us to participate."

"Black Seal City Auction..." Chen Mo murmured, like a fragment of the Jinglian Demon Fire. One piece was at the Black Seal Auction...

Chen Mo wasn't sure if it was this time, but he couldn't miss it, and immediately said, "Go to the Black Seal City to participate in the auction first."

"In fact, to go to Demon Flame Valley, you have to pass through Black Seal City. The two do not conflict." Perceiving Chen Mo's irritability, Hai Bodong said.

"That's very good." Chen Mo was a little tired, so he asked Hai Bodong to inform the other five people that he would go to Heiyin City tomorrow.

It was late at night, but the Black Point Region was not peaceful.

Demon Valley.

In a dark secret room, a middle-aged man wearing a medicine alchemist's robe, sitting on a stone bed, his face shrinks and rises, and there is an open secret book beside him.

"We have received news that the chief pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion has personally come to Heijiaoyu, Han Feng, your trouble is coming." Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew, and a gloomy voice came from the gloomy wind.

"Do you think that your soul palace has no part in this matter?" Han Feng stopped practicing, closed the secret method, and said coldly.

"It is you who killed Furukawa, not us."

"Hehe, but you detained Furukawa's soul body."

"No, it's only you who are in trouble. He doesn't dare to oppose our soul hall. You want to save your life, and you can only continue to cooperate with the soul hall." The gloomy voice said: "You have to be clear. Your trouble is not only Chen Mo, but also Venerable Feng."


"I hope we will continue to cooperate happily." The gloomy voice seemed very happy, and he also said specifically: "Thank you for bringing in Chen Mo, our Soul Palace is very interested in him."

"Don't steal the chicken or lose the rice." Han Feng sneered.

"No, this time there will be a special person to deal with him. In both world visions, he found that the palace owner was very interested in him in the area where Lingyan Pavilion was located." After Yin Feng finished speaking, he left.

When Han Feng heard him mentioning the lord, he lifted one of his throats to the heart, and put it down again.


In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Mo and his party arrived at Heiyin City.

This time, Chen Mo did not enter the city with a high profile as before, but paid a very low-key entry fee before entering the city.

Although Heiyin City is under the control of eight doors, the law and order is not good, or that the eight doors are not controlled.

Just now there was another middle-aged man who died not far from Chen Mo.

And this scene was sparse and ordinary to everyone, and there were constant wailing sounds around. Chen Mo and others did not blend in, and walked straight towards the largest restaurant in the city.

For the cost of one night, you can buy a yellow-level advanced fighting skill. Chen Mo didn't pay the money, but took out the invitation letter.

"It turned out to be the adults of Lingyan Pavilion, please come inside." The waiter said to the side of the road: "Our master has ordered us long ago. Once there are adults from Lingyan Pavilion, immediately arrange the best room for them."

The waiter walked towards the second floor with a few people.

Everyone on the first floor looked at this scene, envied and shocked.

"This is Lingyan Pavilion?"

"Unexpectedly, this auction would attract people from Lingyan Pavilion."

"It turned out that Lingyan Pavilion was also involved. This matter is a bit difficult to handle..."