
Chapter 117: Violent? Arrived in Noire Domain!

"Shen...Shen, what did you do?"

Qiu Yun was more conscious than the person lying down. At the moment when the white smoke spread, she only inhaled a little, and then held her breath.

But just inhaled a little, and she still felt weak.

"Don't worry, this poisonous smoke will just make people fall asleep." Shen Sheng approached step by step, and said: "Why bother, isn't it good with my son?"

With that said, he was about to touch Qiuyun's face.

"I know the chief pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion. He is his friend. If you touch me, won't you be afraid of Lingyan Pavilion?"

Qiu Yun didn't know if she was considered Chen Mo's friend, but at this kind of crisis, she could only raise Chen Mo to frighten him.

Sure enough, Shen Sheng paused when he heard the name of Lingyan Pavilion, and even if he touched it again, he said: "I heard your attendant said that I met on the way, this time I became a friend, it was Lingyan Pavilion. A friend of the chief pavilion owner."

"Who are you fooling?" Shen Sheng didn't believe it at all. The chief pavilion of the Lingyan Pavilion, I heard that he was a strong Dou Zun, and Dou Zun, at least an old man, could be friends with someone who is just a Dou Master or a young girl. ?

Qiu Yun tilted his head, avoiding Shen Sheng's hand, and said again: "Is it true? He is from Longyou County, like me, and he is still a disciple of Yun Lanzong."

Hearing that, Shen Sheng chuckled, and even the attendant behind him couldn't help but feel a little humorous.

Shen Sheng completely dissipated because of Qiuyun's concerns about Lingyan Pavilion, and said coldly: "Qiuyun, then you are not well informed, whoever is from Longyou County, the chief pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion clearly. It's from Zhongzhou."

"Yes... it's true." Qiu Yun couldn't help struggling as she watched Shen Sheng approaching again.

But the latter's cultivation base was obviously higher than Qiu Yun's, and he didn't listen to her explanation at all. He tore his clothes and gasped and said, "Also a friend of the chief pavilion lord? Is this son or his grandfather?"


A cold voice came from a distance, and several figures broke through the air, standing in the air, looking at the figures below condescendingly.

Chen Mo's soul power is so strong that he naturally saw this scene from a long distance, and even when he was approaching, he heard what Shen Sheng said.

"Dou...Dou Wang!"

Shen Sheng turned around to see this scene, his complexion suddenly changed, and the six people stood still, judging from the fighting spirit wings behind him, everyone's cultivation base was above Dou Wang.

The six fighting kings, placed in Shen Sheng's country, can dominate one side of the battle.

Shen Sheng's body was trembling. Even though the opponent did not release the pressure, under the gaze of the six Dou Wang, the tremendous pressure made him look up before he dared to raise his head again.

The old man called Uncle Chen is a little better, he bowed his hands and said respectfully: "I wonder who the adults are?"

"I am Chen Mo." Chen Mo said.


A thunderbolt on a sunny day suddenly hit Shen Sheng's body, his face paled.

"He is Chen Mo, the chief pavilion of Lingyan Pavilion, but I just said..." Shen Sheng seemed to have expected his consequences.

Old Chen was trembling with his explanation. Judging from his trembling body, he was also scared.

"Big... Your lord, this is all a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding!" Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "One fighting spirit, two big fighting masters... it's not bad."

As the voice fell, Chen Mo's figure disappeared.

At the next moment, Shen Sheng only saw a black shadow passing in front of his eyes. At the next moment, Shen Sheng saw the three attendants including Chen Lao, all of them died on the spot, as a hot flame burned up. Instantly turned into nothingness.

"Devil... Devil." Shen Sheng's legs were frightened and collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

A tiny black light passed by, Shen Sheng clutching his neck, lying on the ground unwillingly, his vitality slowly dissipating.

Suddenly, Chen Mo gained 5600 luck points, for a total of 17,500 luck points.

From beginning to end, the five people in the sky watched coldly.

Qiu Yun's eyes opened wide, a little stunned.

Immediately, I realized that Chen Mo's violent thoughts disappeared in my mind, but the joy of seeing Chen Mo for the first time.

"Okay... long time no see." Qiuyun stammered a bit. Although she felt that she and him were not in the same world at the moment in the imperial capital, she was still unwilling to perceive the distance between him and him. .

"Long time no see." Chen Mo smiled faintly, but frowned involuntarily, and secretly said, what happened just now, I actually had a bloodthirsty thought.

In fact, Chen Mo's original intention was to give them a severe lesson, and then let them go, but unexpectedly, a violent mood suddenly burst out after the shot, and it ended up being them.

Could this be the demon body of the purgatory god, the demon side?

I asked the system, but the system did not give an explanation.

Unable to figure out why, Chen Mo simply didn't think about it, maybe it was occasional.

The poison in Qiuyun's group was not strong, so they took out some second-grade detoxification pills and gave them to them. After a while, they woke up.

Then Chen Mo and Qiuyun talked about the current situation.

I learned that Qiuyun's family has expanded some time ago and started a foreign trade business, and the foreign trade business is progressing well. Qiuyun's status in the family is also rising.

Chen Mo didn't show much interest in Qiuyun, so he naturally concealed some information about himself.

After chatting with each other for a while, Chen Mo also left when they had a good rest.

The mercenaries watched Qiu Yun really meet Chen Mo, and said with envy: "I didn't expect you to really know the main pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion."

"Since you know the chief pavilion owner, why don't you do business with Lingyan Pavilion, some of the oil left by Lingyan Pavilion is more than you can make by running around."


Qiu Yun listened to everyone's words and didn't answer. Looking at the disappearing figure in the distance, Qiu Yun sighed softly: "Why do you always let me meet you in this embarrassing way? "


Pointe-Noire domain.

This area believes in a law, that is, the weak eat the strong and the strong respect the strong.

The weak, even if they were beaten to death on the street for no reason, no one would say anything.

Here, crime is everywhere.

Somewhere in Pointe Noire, a restaurant that was originally only a small restaurant has now been expanded into the largest restaurant in the area.

All the personnel who entered the restaurant did not dare to make trouble inside, because the plaque of the restaurant had three big red characters of Lingyan Pavilion written on it.

As a relay station for intelligence, the Black Point Region has countless intelligence flowing from here every day, and the recently normalized Lingyan Pavilion is almost known to everyone in the Black Point Region.

That is a powerful force with two eighth-order beasts.

Although their headquarters is not here, they have annoyed Ling Yan Pavilion, and all the people in Black Point Region are not Ling Yan Pavilion's all-in-one enemy.

Today, six mysterious figures quietly lived in Lingyan Pavilion.

Three days later, two figures came in again.