
Chapter 116: High heels for the queen!

When Chen Mo's head got closer and closer to her, until the lips were printed on her lips, Queen Medusa continued to dilate her eyes and instantly collapsed.

Medusa only felt that her delicate body had been hit by an electric current. She wanted to resist, but then found that two powerful arms had imprisoned herself.

If Medusa wants to break free, relying on her strength, break free is still very simple, but there is a voice deep in her heart, constantly calling no, don't...

After all, Medusa allowed Chen Mo's unreasonable behavior.

Medusa's indulgence undoubtedly indulged Chen Mo. The latter's courage was getting bigger and bigger, and he could no longer satisfy the sweetness of the other party's tongue.


As a result, Chen Mo, who had a pain in his lips, immediately let go of Medusa, and a strong smell of blood instantly permeated Chen Mo's mouth.

Chen Mo touched his lips, grievingly said: "Qingmo, your mouth is too cruel, you are almost biting off the meat."

"You deserve it." Medusa's eyes were embarrassed, but she kept thinking about the ripples in her mind.

"Haha, the dignified Queen Medusa would also be shy." Chen Mo is a typical example of the scar, forgetting the pain, and jokingly looking at the shame on Medusa's face.

Hearing this, the latter's eyes immediately became cold, and in an instant, a blue flame burst out of the palm of his hand and swallowed it towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't persuade the strange fire at all, and with a wave of his hand, a white flame collided with the cyan flame.


When the two collided, the white flames of the forest swallowed the cyan flames, took the upper hand, and then dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Seeing the attack dissipated, Medusa moved and wanted to come again.

Chen Mo quickly stopped: "Okay, okay, it was just a joke just now, don't be serious!"

Medusa stopped when she heard Chen Mo's words, and immediately stared at Chen Mo coldly.

Sure enough, the queen is arrogant.

"Don't be angry, Qingmo, I have a gift to give you." Chen Mo took out the queen-shaped high heels (red) from the system and handed them to Medusa.

With Chen Mo's aesthetics, the exquisiteness and style of this pair of high-heeled shoes is enough to kill all the styles of Blue Star.

"This is the shoe?"

Medusa took the high heels and hesitated. The shoes she is wearing now are the classic styles worn by women in this world. Both jade feet are wrapped, and the shoes are tied to the calf.

Chen Mo nodded, expecting: "These are called high heels. Try them on."

Medusa's long and narrow eyes glanced at Chen Mo, and sneered: "Shoes that are so exposed are not serious at first glance. I want this king to wear them and want to be beautiful."

After speaking, Medusa carried high heels and walked into the void.

"Oh, I didn't have this blessing in the end..."

Chen Mo sighed, fluttered his wings and left.

Soon after Chen Mo left, Medusa walked out of the void again.

Holding the red high-heeled shoes in his hand, he came over charmingly, sat down on a boulder, and then slowly took off the shoes he was currently wearing.

Soon, a pair of perfect jade feet was exposed to the air, and then he put on high heels awkwardly.

After putting it on, Medusa's coquettish red lips curled up.

How did he know my size...


after one day

On the straight line between Fenglan County and Black Point Region.

Six figures whizzed past. Judging from the wings of fighting spirit condensed behind them, everyone's cultivation base was above Dou Wang.

The mercenaries walking on the avenue below all watched this scene enviously.

And a small country official road a hundred miles away from here.

The brigade rushed back from the road, leading Huang Chen all the way.

There was a burst of laughter and cursing.

A sassy woman sitting on a carriage, wearing a luxurious gown, surrounded by a jade belt and a jade pendant, was a handsome young man like a rich man, looking at the front of the horses and horses, riding a white horse, and said: "Autumn cloud, When the Heaven Dou Empire arrives, my son will take you around Nanyang City."

"Although Nanyang City is not a god, it can be regarded as a big city. The city owner of Nanyang City is even the uncle of the son. Even if he walks sideways in Nanyang, no one dares to stop me."

This rich man was called Shen Sheng, the third son of a city lord in the Dongzhu country (small country). This trip was to visit relatives in Nanyang.

There were also three close attendants sent to him by his city lord father, one of whom was an old close attendant who was a strong fighting spirit.

The four of them didn't go with Qiuyun and the others. They ran into him on the way. Shen Sheng looked at Qiuyun's beauty and put his face on his face.

Qiuyun saw that the other party was in great power, and was forced to helplessly, and agreed.

"The little girl has to rush to Longyou County with important matters, I am afraid she will betray Master Shen Sheng's kindness." Qiu Yun declined.

"What's the matter? Going to Nanyang to play for a few days will not last long." Shen Sheng laughed, but there was a devil roaring in his heart. If it weren't for the previous chat, I heard that you are related to Lingyan Pavilion. It's hard to come.

Qiu Yun didn't reply to him, but declined again.

But a female bodyguard who walked with Qiu Yun didn't give Shen Sheng any good temper.

"The Heaven Dou Empire has long been annexed by the Lingyan Empire and changed its name to Fenglan County. Maybe your uncle, the City Lord, also..."

"Xiaodie, don't be rude." Qiu Yun quickly stopped the female guard's words, apologizing: "Master Shen, his subordinates are not sensible. I hope you can forgive me."

Hearing this, the sullenness in Shen Sheng's eyes flashed away, and it was well hidden by him. He immediately said: "It's okay, this son can't be angry with a little man."

"Thank you, Master Shen Haihan." Seeing that Shen Sheng didn't turn his face, Qiu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon after the team entered a dense forest, Shen Sheng gave the old man beside him a look, and then said: "Qiu Yun, after driving for so long, I am a little tired, so stop here and rest for a while."

After rushing for so long, Qiu Yun was indeed a little tired. In addition to what happened to Xiaodie just now, Qiu Yun couldn't refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

"Guys!" Hearing Qiu Yun said that he would take a rest, the mercenaries responsible for the safety of this trip immediately stood on guard.

Seeing that the mercenaries in this trip are so responsible, Shen Sheng frowned. He waved his hand. An attendant immediately stood up knowingly and distributed to everyone that it was a specialty of his hometown, which was delicious.

Except for a few people who ate it, the mercenaries in charge of guarding and Qiu Yun and others did not eat it.

However, this is the case, Shen Sheng sneered instead, took a bite of the dried meat, and then whispered in a low voice: "Old Chen, it's time for you to do it."

The old man who called him Old Chen nodded, and with a wave of his sleeves, a puff of white smoke gushed from his cuffs.

Depending on the degree of cooperation, I am afraid this is not the first time I have done this.

After a while, the white smoke spread.

"What is this? Where does the white smoke come from?"

"No, this white smoke has...yes..."

In the blink of an eye, with the exception of Shen Sheng and his attendants, whether they ate jerky or not, they were all fainted.