
Chapter 115: The fall of Queen Medusa!

Fenglan County is a thousand miles away from the Black Point Region, and it has to pass more than a dozen countries, large and small, as well as complex mountain ranges. Obviously, it is not suitable for bringing a large army to go.

If you want to push it horizontally, it will take too long. Digestion and cannibalization will take more than half a year.

There are too many things to deal with when a person passes by, and the investigation and tracking are too busy, and the branch cabinet on the Black Point region is only responsible for intelligence, and the actual combat power is not strong.

In the end, Chen Mo decided to form a small team.

Three cabinet masters with the strength of Douwang were selected, as well as two strongmen who had newly joined the Shadow Guard, but their assassination skills were not inferior to those of Qingwu Qingling.

Then he took Hyperton with him. After all, he had spent some time in the Black Point area and was familiar with some situations.

Dou Zong Chen Mo didn't take it. After all, Lingyan Pavilion still needed them to guard, and Yun Yun did. She understood when Chen Mo didn't mention her.

When the meeting was over in private, Yun Yun straightened Chen Mo's robe and kissed him on his lips, but when he retreated, Chen Mo hugged his head fiercely.

After a long time, the kiss is over.

Chen Mo pulled up Yun Yun's hair that had become somewhat tangled, and said gently: "Sister Yun Yun, I'll be fine. I'll be back when I go. Heijiao is not a dragon's lair, and there is no Dou Zun."

No matter how chaotic the Black Horn Region is, it may be impossible for Dou Zong to smooth it out. Dou Zun will not be playing with it.

As for the pressure exerted by surrounding countries.

Haha, if there is not enough time, even you will be wiped out.

After the tender parting, just when the seven of Chen Mo were about to leave.

Queen Medusa did not know when she appeared next to Chen Mo. She looked at the sky, and her coquettish red lips slowly said, "A month is almost here."

"Can't it be postponed?" Chen Mo knew what Queen Medusa was talking about.

"This king says one thing is true." Medusa said.

"Forget it!" Chen Mo waved his arm, and the wings behind everyone condensed in an instant. Hai Bodong was about to pick up someone from Longyou County and left first.

"When one month is up, the name Qingmo will no longer exist." Medusa said suddenly coldly.

"Wait for me!" Chen Mo flew high, and Queen Medusa followed.

One mountain and one top, the two slowly fell.

On the top of the mountain, clouds and mist are lingering, and strange rocks are rugged.

Standing on the boulder in a black robe, Chen Mo said lightly: "Qingmo, then I'm welcome."

After speaking, Chen Mo took the lead.

The body is like a dragon, and the figure is like a ghost, appearing behind Medusa.


There is no unnecessary nonsense, the palm of the hand is gently lifted, and the sharp black vindictiveness is glowing, and it is bursting out.

Perceiving the movement, Medusa's complexion was indifferent, and her body was like a water snake, delicate and boneless, and a leaning over her face almost to the ground easily escaped the blow.


Seeing him dodging, a strange fire emerged above Chen Mo's arm, and even the surrounding air was burned by the strange fire, creating a sense of distortion visible to the naked eye.

Mastered into a fist, blasted towards Medusa below.

But at this time, Medusa had already turned around in an instant, and her body rose out of thin air, and the cyan fighting spirit between her palms surged, and it collided heavily with the fire.


The energetic wind spread out, and the strong wind swept away. Chen Mo's figure was shaken back more than ten steps, and the wings behind him flicked slightly before stabilizing his figure.

Medusa also took two steps back in this strong wind.

"King Dou!"

As she stabilized her body, Medusa's eyes flashed with astonishment, because she discovered that Chen Mo had been promoted to Dou Wang in a short period of time.

"Okay you, look at the move!" Queen Medusa originally wanted to wait until the right time, let him make a move, and lose it to him.

But Medusa never expected that he broke through again.

When the voice fell, a blue light burst out from Queen Medusa's feet, and the light flashed immediately, but her figure disappeared strangely.


Seeing the disappearance of Queen Medusa, Chen Mo's soul power spread out, and immediately raised his brows, and in that moment, the spear of the underworld in his hand condensed, with a strong black wind, tearing the air in front of him, and moving towards the upper right. Pick a corner.

The black spear flicked across and cut through an afterimage tightly. Seeing that Queen Medusa's strength was so terrifying, Chen Mo's pupils shrank.

The next moment, several strange fires in his body poured into the spear.

"Extreme Flame Art!"

With a thought, Chen Mo's body floated into the air, driven by his wings, and the spear in his hand pierced frantically around the surrounding areas, and the shadow of the spear danced all over the sky.

The afterimages left by Medusa shattered one after another, just as the tip of the spear pierced towards the lower left corner.

A slender jade hand, carrying a cyan fire, went straight into the shadow of the spear, grabbing the spear body of the black spear, and with great strength, no matter how hard Chen Mo tried, he couldn't move.

When Chen Mo thought moved, the black spear dissipated, his arms raised, and the black spear condensed again and attacked Medusa.

Medusa's expression changed, but she didn't expect this spear to have such a trick.

In this way, Queen Medusa no longer takes advantage of the powerful space advantage of Dou Zong, her figure flashed, she directly bullied her body, her movements were graceful, and her hands were surging with cyan fighting spirit.

Grabbing at Chen Mo's black spear with one hand, passing Chen Mo's defense with the other, attacking Chen Mo's chest.


With a loud noise, the figure of Queen Medusa retreated in an instant. When the space moved, the figure of Queen Medusa entered, and when she came out, she showed grace again.

Medusa looked at the phantom of the demon **** in front of Chen Mo with doubts, and said in shock: "What is this again?"

"The method of defense." Chen Mo smiled, this underworld guardian is really easy to use.

"You are not allowed to use this trick!" Medusa said coldly.

"Why?" Chen Mo felt that Medusa was a little unreasonable, and said, "Didn't you still say that this king said one thing is the same?"

"Did this king say it?"

Chen Mo nodded seriously.

"Really?" Queen Medusa gave Chen Mo a cold look.

"Say... I didn't say it." Chen Mo helplessly spread his hands out: "This defense method is to automatically protect the Lord, and I can't help it."



"Okay, come again!" Medusa attacked again.

After a few tricks.

"The Heavenly Emperor Profound Thunder Seal!"

Chen Moling stood in midair, pinched with both hands, and immediately took a palm.

The violent energy set off by the giant hand made Medusa's face sinking. After trying to avoid it, Queen Medusa said again: "This trick is not allowed."

"You...you make trouble unreasonably." Chen Mo was anxious.

Medusa ignored him.

Chen Mo said again: "You are unreasonable."


"Look at my unicorn arm!"

Suddenly, Chen Mo screamed, and a fist big as a sandbag fell from the sky.

Medusa looked terrified, her sluggish eyes, she couldn't imagine how he had so many hole cards.

In the end, Chen Mo regained his momentum and immediately hugged Medusa's slender waist, and said warmly, "Qingmo, you are not good too!"

After speaking, the lips were printed.