
Chapter 112: Practice your mind!

Five days later.

The five kingdoms of Shentian Empire, Luoyan Empire, Fengxing Empire, Mulan Empire, and Heaven Dou Empire received a letter of surrender from Lingyan Pavilion at almost the same time.

They ordered them to bow their heads to Lingyan Pavilion as soon as they received the letter of surrender, and they were stationed in Lingyan Pavilion to take over the army.

That's right, this book of tricks is written so domineering, without any euphemism, which symbolizes the strength of Lingyan Pavilion.

After the emperors received the letter of surrender, they hurriedly summoned the ministers, generals, and the minds of some domestic sects to come to the palace to discuss matters.

The two sides of the main attack and the main peace are arguing endlessly.

On the side of the main and peace, the ministers of some domestic families and wealthy families in the court are the main ones. They said: "Your Majesty, this battle will not be fought! The elite forces of our country, and those who are strong against the emperor, and those who are strong against the emperor are all lost one by one. Within the Izumo Empire, we no longer have a commander who can be a thousand."

"In addition, Lingyan Pavilion is as strong as the cloud. Both the Douzong strong and the main Douhuang strong are not compromised. If this battle continues, it will hurt the country and the people."

The main battle side is composed of royal children and generals who are loyal to the royal family. They said: "Your Majesty, everyone can surrender, but you can't surrender..."

Just like that, after three days of discussion.

Tiandou Empire, Fengxing Empire announced that it would bow to Lingyan Pavilion.

Shentian Empire, Luoyan Empire, Mulan Empire declared full-scale war with Lingyan Pavilion.

When the news came back to Wu Ling, Chen Mo gave an order and the assassination started.

For Douzong, the powerhouse at the peak of Douzong, without Douzong's empire, there will be no one in the world.

In the fastest time, the Shentian Empire, the first to declare war, its emperors, generals, heads of power, and all powerful figures, died at home, immediately, or on the belly of a woman.

The news spread, and the entire northwestern region was shocked.

Those two countries that had accepted the surrender before were extremely grateful at this time, if not, their heads would have fallen to the ground.

Mulan Empire.

General House.

The mansion covers a wide area, with towering walls, covering the sky and the sun, and it is magnificent.

On both sides of the gate stood two majestic stone lions, and the mansion was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers.

The stainless steel spear in the soldier's hand was scorched by the sun and exuded a depressive aura. It seemed that he had fallen into a predicament of ambush on all sides.

It's ridiculous how ridiculous it is to lie in wait for one army.

However, it was this one who entered the palace in the morning and took away the emperor's head under the protection of various guards.

At this point, the generals' mansion was panic, and General Li Wei hid in the mansion for the first time and sent heavy troops to guard.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit, and under the eyelids of the heavy soldiers, he walked into the general's mansion.

Although the Grand General's Mansion is large, the area is distinct, divided into two areas, the garden and the backyard.

There was no one guarding a deserted courtyard in the backyard.

And in the secret room under this courtyard, General Li Wei hid here.

The strong wind swept in, and the potted plants planted in the courtyard rustled.

After the wind stopped, a figure in a gray robe landed here.

"Li Wei, come out, the old man knows you are here." said the gray-robed old man.

No one should.

"Peek-a-boo?" The gray-robed old man snorted coldly, and immediately violently violent violent anger from his right leg, stomping the ground fiercely, and there were several cracks spreading around the ground immediately, an astonishing shock wave. It spreads towards the surroundings.

Wherever the shock wave went, potted plants, trees, and courtyards were all shattered, an explosion sounded, and a figure rose into the sky in the mud.

It is General Li Wei.

"Who are you?" Li Wei fell to the ground slightly embarrassed, covered with mud.

"The dead don't need to know so much."

Seeing that Li Wei had come out, the gray-robed old man directly shot without talking nonsense.

After one move, the opponent is divided.

When the soldiers from the General's Mansion arrived, General Li Wei had been killed on the spot, but the murderer was nowhere to be found.


Wu Ling!

After several days of recuperation, Yun Yun's injury was almost healed and returned to its original state.

Chen Mo and Yun Yun were sitting on the top of a concealed hall. As the masters of Wuling City walked almost the same, no one could see this scene.

Yi Qingyao also found an unmanned hiding place, preparing to refine the nine-color poisonous flower.

It can be said that the current Wuling City is the holy place for Chen Mo and Yun Yun's dating.

Chen Mo put his arms around Yun Yun's slender waist, and said some love words from the previous life in her ear.

There are a lot of such love words in Chen Mo's belly, which can be said in a flowery way, and every sentence is not repeated.

The so-called girls who fall in love have a relatively low IQ, and the same goes for Yun Yun.

Even though Chen Mo said that I was your only unreliable remark, Yun Yun still looked fascinated.

Who could have imagined that the once noble and graceful Sect Master Yunlan now turned into this appearance.

"By the way, Sister Yun Yun, I want to give you a present." Chen Mo quickly took out the Yin Ganjian from the system and handed it to Yun Yun.

Both yin and yang swords are exaggerated in shape. Although small, they look a bit like artifacts from previous web games.

Therefore, when Yun Yun took the Yin Dry Sword, she was taken aback. This seemingly domineering sword didn't look like a woman's.

Chen Mo took out the Kunyang sword from the system again and explained: "These two swords are called the Yin Yang Qiankun Sword, yours is called the Yin Qiankun Sword, mine is called the Kun Yang Sword, and there is a cultivation method... "

Chen Mo told Yun Yun the part of the woman who cultivated his mind.

There was a red glow on Yun Yun's face. How could there be such a way of cultivation? It was Chen Mo who wanted to take advantage of him.

"Yin Ganjian..." Yun Yun held it in her hand, and she started to feel cold, then she felt a peculiar energy flowing into her body from her arm, drawing the vindictive energy from the cyclone.

Yun Yun felt a little bit, stood up, waved the dry sword in her hand, and lightly swiped towards a towering tree, a ray of white sword light suddenly shot out from the body of the sword.

The big tree was cut off in the middle. After the sword light passed through the big tree, there was still some potential, and several big trees in the back were cut off in succession.

"This..." Yun Yun felt a little unbelievable, and said in horror: "What a magic weapon? This increase in fighting spirit is also a bit too big."

Yun Yun has a feeling that if he uses this sword to show the wind, the Dou Huang peak powerhouse will not be able to hold this sword.

In addition, if Chen Mo's mental cultivation method is true, after the cultivation becomes the sword intent, even the Dou Zong can still be cut.

Seeing such power, Yun Yun hurriedly pulled Chen Mo up: "Go!"

"What?" Chen Mo was taken aback.

"Cultivation of the mind." Yun Yun said decisively.


"How about it?"

"But it's still broad daylight now?"

"Didn't you say that yesterday?"

"What did I say yesterday?"
