
Chapter 111: God thunder body, unicorn arm!

"It deserves to be the chief pavilion master, and even Tier 8 monsters are so obediently." said a branch pavilion master who was cultivated as a Dou Wang.

"Do you guys think that Tier 8 monsters' temper tantrum towards the main pavilion owner is so cute, I really want to ride..." said a female Dou Ling.

"You see it is cute, it sees you want to eat it." The former Dou Wang said.

"Okay, I've finished reading it, let's go." Hai Bodong waved his hand and started to drive people, but when it was Queen Medusa's turn, he persuaded: "You are free."

Queen Medusa took a deep look at Chen Mo and left.

Regardless of what they were thinking, Chen Mo cautiously walked into the palace holding the vase containing the blood of the fire unicorn.

With so much blood, it's a sacred beast, so it should be able to upgrade this bloodline a bit...

Just when Chen Mo was practicing.

Somewhere on the mainland.

The thunder flashed, and a figure with a naked upper body wandered through the thunder as if walking in a courtyard of his own.

"You Nine Heavens God Thunder Technique has already cultivated to the third level, the stage of Qing Lei. At this time, you, even if you are the Dou Wang peak powerhouse, you can still fight against one."

Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew, and a ghost-like shadow appeared behind the figure with a hoarse voice.

"Old guy, do you think I can fight against Chen Mo now?" The naked figure ended his cultivation and came to the ghost-like old man with a little excitement.

"That kid is very weird. The fighting spirit has great restraint on the soul body. At that time, this sage did not dare to expose his aura..."

The old man resembling a ghost, with a gloomy face, a bald head, a mole the size of a bean on the left of his forehead, and a corrosive scar on the corner of his right eye, he doesn't look like a good person at all.

As he said, the old man's voice turned and he said in a deep voice: "But although he is a bit weird, his cultivation speed is definitely not as fast as you, and his vindictive strength is not as strong as you. You should be able to easily defeat him."

Hearing the old man's words, Zheng Tian looked happy. Although he had predicted that Chen Mo was not his opponent, Chen Mo was blown up as a monster by them at the time. Zheng Tian also had a mentality of comparison.

"Your primary goal now is to successfully cultivate the Divine Thunder Body first. Once the Divine Thunder Body is formed, even the young disciples of the Eight Great Clans will not be able to compete with you. Chen Mo is nothing but Chen Mo."

The old man boasted, and then told Zheng Tian how awesome he was back then.

"Since you were so prestigious back then, how come you have fallen to this point now?" The so-called hitting people without slapping the face, Zheng Tian is now madly stepping on the old man's face.

"Ahem..." The old man gave a dry cough, then waved his sleeves, hit Zheng Tian's body, and scolded, "Is there anyone who talks to the teacher like this?"

"Well, old guy, talk about business, the most critical step of the Shenlei Body, Shenleimu, do you know where it is?"

The things that the Shenlei Body wanted to collect, Zheng Tian had almost collected, only two key things, Shenleimu and Tianlei Heart.

"God Lei Mu, you don't have to worry about it, this saint has already prepared for you in the Black Point Region, first go to Tian Lei Xin." The old man said.


"I'm going, I'm almost running out, before I can be promoted to the middle level of the spirit level. If I want to be promoted to the **** level, don't I have to pull two dragons out and kill them."

Chen Mo vomited silently while using the body of the gods and demons.

Fire Qilinxue had just transformed his right arm. With a thought, his right arm swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, breaking his sleeves, revealing the fiery red scales, and the completely changed arm.

Chen Mo tried to make a fist, except that he was a little awkward at first and couldn't pick up light objects like chopsticks sensitively. After that, he felt good, especially the bloodshot power, which was fascinating.

If this is used... ahem...

The night was charming, Chen Mo returned to his original state and fell asleep deeply.

When the first ray of morning light hit Chen Mo's face the next day.

After washing, notify all cabinet chiefs and high-level personnel to discuss matters in the conference hall.

The huge conference hall, with the continuous entry of personnel, seems to be infused with vitality, giving people a feeling of announcing major events.

Almost all the people who saw him arrived, Chen Mo deliberately used his fighting spirit to entrap his voice, and said loudly: "I decided to send the Shentian Empire, the Heaven Dou Empire... the Falling Goose Empire."

"At the same time, the army is advancing towards the borders of the five countries, regardless of whether the five countries agree or not, the first time they enter the borders of the five countries."

After speaking, Chen Mo glanced at the crowd, and it was their turn to speak.

Yao Ye offered a few opinions. Firstly, the division of troops towards the five countries will lead to a shortage of troops.

Secondly, if the Five Kingdoms refuse, Yaoye feels that they should break them one by one first, starting with the Shen Tian Empire, the most powerful overall.

If you gnaw off this hard bone first, the other four countries will act as a deterrent. Maybe the four congresses will reconsider the issue of surrendering.

Finally, the worst point is that the five countries unite again and want to fight desperately.

Then Yao Ye put forward the plan to make after the five nations reunite.

That is to send Queen Medusa and Yunshan to assassinate the real power controllers of all parties one by one, so as to quickly end the war.

Chen Mo thought about it carefully, and he did not think about it a little bit. Even if this is a forced push, it is always good to reduce the consumption of some troops.

In the end, Chen Mo followed the method Yao Ye said.

The first step is to push troops to the front line.

In the second step, the other party agrees to directly move in and take over the city without any bloodshed.

The opponent refused, and Queen Medusa, Yunshan and some of our fighting emperors started the assassination mission.

After solving all the real power figures, the army launched a charge and forced a push.

"In that case, go down and prepare, and strive to include all these five empires in the territory of Lingyan Pavilion within a month."




After hearing the order, the big fighting kings left the conference hall and flew towards the city under their jurisdiction. Then, apart from leaving a portion of their troops to maintain order in the city, all the soldiers gathered towards the border.

When a powerful war machine is operating, all major departments such as intelligence, logistics, and supplies will provide convenience for it.

So when Chen Mo issued the order, Wuling City, and even the entire Izumo Empire, would start to get busy at the corresponding time.

War is on the verge of breaking out.


Canaan College, Hou Ya.

The girl lingered at the Canaan Academy below her eyes, tightly squeezing the jade pendant in her hand and immediately turned into dust, spreading her palms, and the dust dissipated into the sky.

This jade pendant was an agreement between Xiao Yan and her. Now that people are dead, the agreement is like this jade pendant, dissipating between heaven and earth.

At the moment before the girl would enter the void in the void, she looked coldly at a certain place, and said solemnly: "When my Gu Xun'er leaves the customs, it will be the day your Lingyan Pavilion perishes. "