
Chapter 110: God-level blood, purgatory **** and demon.

"Why, do you want to come now?" Queen Medusa said with great interest: "But you can't use the previous trick."

Queen Medusa is talking about Chen Mo's Dharmakaya.

"Of course not, but it's not now..." The law body is still beyond Chen Mo's control. If you use that trick to fight Queen Medusa, you might be able to shoot her to death.

"The king only gives you one month." Queen Medusa has seen the speed of Chen Mo's cultivation. Taking this morning as an example, she just went out and came back to improve her cultivation.

If this continues, it is estimated that it will be fighting in half a year.

"Ah! Isn't it, just one month?" Without resorting to the magic body and the mysterious power that Queen Medusa said, Chen Mo was really not sure that he could defeat her in one month.

After all, he is currently only half-step Fighting King, and going up, he will spend more and more energy. Even if he has enough luck to **** a Fighter, it is estimated that he can only rise to three or four stars.

There should be no problem in fighting the emperor's peak, but it is a bit choking to fight against the existence of Queen Medusa, which can initially use the space lock.

"Why, one month is too long? Then twenty days." Queen Medusa smiled slyly.

"No, no, it's not too long, one month is one month." Chen Mo decided that it was time to test his luck tonight.

"This king is waiting for you!"


Inside the palace.

Chen Mo sat cross-legged.

Consciousness enters the system and comes to the item column. As the thought moves, the diamond treasure chest obtained from the previous mission is slowly opened.

With a flash of orange light, a black and white three-foot long sword appeared in Chen Mo's eyes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the sacred Yin and Yang Universe Sword. This sword is divided into male and female swords, the female sword is the Yin Qian sword, and the yang sword is the Kun Yang sword."

"The Yin-Yang Universe Sword is also equipped with mental cultivation techniques. The combination of two swords can achieve unexpected results."

As the system's prompt sound fell, a warm current was injected into Chen Mo's mind, which was the cultivation method of the Yin-Yang Universe Sword.

"I'm rubbing it, how can I make it like an immortal couple." This set of mental methods reminded Chen Mo of how Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu were practicing.

But when I heard this sacred artifact, it looked very hanging.

"The dry sword is white and can be given to Sister Yun Yun." Chen Mo immediately decided the whereabouts of the female sword. As for the male sword, of course he practiced it himself.

Then, there is a lottery.

Chen Mo rubbed his hands, muttering the lottery lines of his previous life.

For example, XX is my dad.

Frofo Romei.

Taishang Laojun is as anxious as the law and so on.

"Tian Dao is my father, give it to me!" Chen Mo clicked on a silver treasure box to test the water.

"Thank you for your support!"

"The system is my father!" Chen Mo clicked the golden treasure box this time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining a special part to strengthen once."

The sound fell, and a warm current poured into Chen Mo's body, and then slowly flowed into his...kidney...


After the two treasure chests were drawn, Chen Mo still had 29,900 luck points left.

Continue to the golden treasure chest.

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the sixth-grade pill, the broken zong pill."

Come again.

"Ding, congratulations on getting a pair of queen-shaped exquisite high heels."

"Fuck! There are also things like this." Chen Mo exploded with a swear word, and then went straight for twenty consecutive draws.

"Ding, congratulations on getting a long sword made of stainless steel."

"Ding, congratulations on getting a Yali notebook."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the photo stone x1."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 100 luck points."


"Ding, congratulations on getting the bloodline of the **** level-the advanced version of the purgatory **** and devil."

"I am implanting blood vessels for the host, implanting 10%, 15%..."

Outside, the vision changes suddenly.

Above the sky, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, thunder surging!

The golden light and the dark light envelop the entire sky.

An extremely terrifying astonishing pressure instantly enveloped the entire continent.

Countless people were alarmed at this moment, looking towards the top of the sky.

I saw a man wearing a black diadem suit with a long sword on his waist and exuding sacred light. He walked out of the golden light, unable to see his face, but he could feel the amazing breath.

The man glanced at a place in the mainland, and then his figure turned into a small streamer, escaped somewhere, and disappeared.

Soon after the streamer escaped.

A monstrous evil spirit once again enveloped the entire continent in an instant.

A man holding a black spear and covered in peculiar dark armor walked out of the dark light when his eyes looked at a certain place in the mainland.

Everyone clearly felt the majestic killing intent contained in their eyes.

Like the man who exuded the sacred light, his figure turned into a faint light and disappeared somewhere.

And in a palace in the Izumo Empire.

"Ding, the implantation is complete!"

As the system's prompt sounded, the two streamers that had disappeared above the sky inexplicably shot out from the void crack beside Chen Mo and poured into Chen Mo's body.


In Chen Mo's body, gold and black blood flowed together in the blood vessels.

In an instant, Chen Mo felt a kind of inexhaustible power in his body.

At the moment the blood of the Purgatory God and Demon was implanted, a warm current also injected into Chen Mo's mind.

It is a purgatory **** and demon body matched with the blood of the purgatory **** and demon, and it is also advanceable.

Chen Mo checked the detailed information of the purgatory gods and demons.

At present, Chen Mo's bloodline and body of the gods and demons are both at the elementary level of the spirit level.

The highest is God level.

There is also a holy step above the spirit step.

Each stage is divided into three levels: elementary, middle and high.

The advanced method is to devour the blood and flesh of various beasts and sacred beasts.

The higher the level of the devoured monster, the faster the advancement.

Suddenly, Chen Mo thought of the summoning card.

Isn't it the wool that can stroke the summoning card?

But soon the system gave a reminder that it was only limited to one time and only blood could be taken.

Chen Mo ran out this time that night.

The one summoned this time is Fire Qilin.

When everyone in the imperial palace felt a strong pressure enveloped them, they, who had been watching the sky vision, looked towards the top of Chen Mo's palace.

I saw a whole body in flames, with a lion-like appearance and a dragon-tailed monster, coming from the sky from the sky and falling in front of Chen Mo's palace.

Then everyone was surprised how another Tier 8 monster came, and Chen Mo walked out of the palace, holding a vase in one hand and a black long sword in the other.

Chen Mo came to Huo Qilin, first touched Huo Qilin's head, and then said something in Huo Qilin's ear.

Before it understood Chen Mo's intentions, it only felt a pain in the front thigh.

Huo Qilin immediately roared in agony, and the flames that popped out from time to time in his mouth wanted to spit Chen Mo to death, but there was a mysterious power to stop it.

Soon, the vase that Chen Mo took out was filled with a bottle of Qilin's blood.

Fire Qilin cut through the void angrily and left.