
Chapter 109: Of course it counts!

Wu Ling.

When the sun went down, Chen Mo and Yaoye arrived at Wuling City.

Queen Medusa and Yi Qingyao, who were one step ahead of Chen Mo, looked at Yao Ye who had just gotten off their bodies, and both of their beautiful eyes glanced at Chen Mo with a hint of coldness.

Half an hour later, Haibodong and others also arrived one after another.

Inside a huge palace.

Chen Mo came to Yun Yun's bedroom.

On the luxurious and comfortable bed, Yun Yun lay on it with a pale face, and the cyan robe on his left shoulder was soaked in blood to dark red.

Hearing the familiar sound of footsteps, Yun Yun opened his eyes. When he saw Chen Mo, a pale smile appeared on his face, and he whispered, "Are you back?"

"Sister Yun Yun..." Chen Mo sat down on the bed and stroked Yun Yun's face with a choking sound in his throat. He immediately exchanged 8,000 Qi Luck Points from the system for a Seven-Rank Rejuvenation Pill. Yun Yun suits.

Chen Mo said: "This is a revitalizing pill. It has a very good recovery effect. It can regenerate bones and nourish blood, and it can also maintain your face. You will be better in a few days."

Yun Yun swallowed the pill in her mouth, her smile turned sweet, and she said softly: "I'm not so squeamish yet, this injury is nothing."

Chen Mo smiled, squeezed Yun Yun's hand, and kissed her lightly on the back of her hand, and then looked at Yun Yun affectionately, and said softly, "Sister Yun Yun, I will consider the question you mentioned last time. I'm clear, when you get better, we want a baby!"

Hearing this, Yun Yun's originally pale face showed a tinge of red, and there was a bit of shame in her eyes, and she hummed softly.

"By the way, to tell you the good news, I have avenged the person who hurt you." Chen Mo continued.

Chen Mo's strength was too mysterious, and even Dou Zun didn't pay attention to it. It didn't seem to be a problem to kill a Dou Zong, Yun Yun didn't ask, and gave a soft hmm again.

Accompanying Yun Yun to talk about the conversation, after all, the sky is getting darker.

Chen Mo clapped his hands, and the two Qingling Qingwu sisters walked out of the darkness.

"Subordinate Qingling!"

"Subordinate Qingyu!"

"Farewell to the chief pavilion master!" The two knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"What's wrong with Cangqiong's cultivation?" Chen Mo said.

"Let's live up to the expectations of the general pavilion owner, to make a little progress." Qing Ling said.

"Very well, you two will attack me and see!"

"Pavilion Master, this..."

"Why, are you still afraid of hurting me?" Chen Mo smiled and said, "If you can hurt me a bit, you will be rewarded a lot."

"Then I forgive my subordinates for being unreasonable."

The two Qingling Qingwu sisters glanced at each other, divided the left and right sides, and attacked Chen Mo.

Chen Mo suppressed the cultivation base to the first star of Dou Ling, watching the two attack, his left and right hands each defended, and there was a sound of banging fists and feet colliding.

At the same time, the two sisters' blood surged, and they took a few steps backwards.

"Do you have this ability?" Chen Mo sternly shouted, "You don't need to keep your hands, use your true ability."

boom! boom!

Two pale yellow vindictive energy surged from the bodies of the two sisters, and the light between their hands flashed. The two sisters each held a machete, stomping the ground heavily, and the forceful force directly shook the ground into several cracks.

The two sisters were born as killers and were good at assassinations. After stomping on the ground, they hid in the darkness and attacked what he believed to be Chen Mo's flaws.

Where the two scimitars were assassinated, the angles were tricky, and both were deadly positions. It seemed that they had really used their true ability.

The scimitar pierced the void, and there was ice cold on the light of the knife.

"Yes, but it's just slower." Chen Mo's figure would fly by and retreat, but Chen Mo didn't expect that this was just a blind technique to confuse his opponent, and the real killer move was still there. Behind.

An afterimage passed by, and Qing Wu's figure appeared behind Chen Mo at some unknown time, and the scimitar hooked towards Chen Mo's head.

And in front of Chen Mo, Qing Ling came right after him, drawing towards Chen Mo's chest.

"Glance!" The two sisters screamed at the same time, and the scimitars in their hands seemed to resonate, attracting each other, and the attack speed was faster.


Chen Mo ignored the scimitar that was enlarging rapidly in his pupils. Chen Mo gave a cold shout, and immediately raised his right hand. The dark black vindictiveness gathered in his palm, and he grabbed Qingling's scimitar.

Immediately toward the area in front of him, Chen Mo hit Qingling's chest with a softer elbow, and a figure flew upside down. The whole process did not exceed three breaths.

Without the obstacles in front, Chen Mo fell forward, avoiding Qing Wu's scimitar hooked to his head, and when his body was about to touch the ground, he patted the ground with his palm.

As the bluestone slabs on the ground shattered, Chen Mo's figure took advantage of his strength. He turned around and patted Qingwu's face door when he was in close contact with her face.

Chen Mo regained his momentum and set off a strong wind to blow off Qingwu's hat, revealing his mature woman's face.

On the other side, Qing Ling stood up from the ground and walked over in a slight embarrassment, clutching his chest.

Chen Mo took out a fourth-grade healing medicine from Na Jie, and immediately said: "You two are good. This is a bit like an assassin. Once you do it, you feel merciless."

Chen Mo took out a notebook from Na Jie, and said, "This is an intermediate-level mysterious body fighting skill, and it is also what I am currently using. There are some experience left by me on it. Let's practice it!"

"Pavilion Master Xie." The two sisters thanked each other.

"No." Chen Mo waved his hand, and immediately frowned, and said solemnly: "In addition to testing your practice this time, when you are asked to come out, there are many insiders in Lingyan Pavilion. I want you to get them all out."


After the two sisters left, Chen Mo looked towards the void and said lightly: "After watching for so long, it's time to come out, Qingmo."

"Why, are you questioning this king's training?"

A sneer sounded, and as the air squirmed, Queen Medusa in a red skirt walked out of it, and her long hair with a trace of water droplets casually draped over her shoulders.

"How dare, how dare." Chen Mo smiled, and said in his heart that Her Majesty the Queen is domineering.

"It's pretty much the same." Queen Medusa snorted, and then sneered with a hint of jealousy: "How is the big wife?"

Chen Mo was taken aback.

"No need to pretend, this king has seen everything about you and her." Medusa glanced at Chen Mo and said, "I can't tell, you are not so bold in this respect."

"This..." The atmosphere was a little embarrassing. She knew about such a secret thing. Chen Mo coughed dryly and turned the subject away: "Qingmo, I wonder if what you said that day counted?"

This time it was Queen Medusa's turn for a moment, but after a second thought, she understood what it was, and smiled charmingly: "Of course it counts!"