
Chapter 108: Half-step fighting king!

Early the next morning.

Chen Mo went to the cell where Chu Heng was imprisoned.

Chu Heng was lying in the cell with his face like ashes. He thought about it all night, wondering how Lingyange would let him go.

Finally, he thought of a way, he would lead Liuyan Valley to join Lingyan Pavilion, and even help Lingyan Pavilion annex Shentian Empire.

You know, in this war, only a part of the high-level members of Liuyangu participated in the war, but the elite disciples of the middle-level were intact.

The overall strength is far greater than that of Yun Lanzong.

Chu Heng believed that Lingyange would accept this condition.

Can wait until Chen Mo enters the cell.

Chu Heng's thoughts changed.

Although his cultivation base was sealed, it didn't mean it was gone, but now, his cultivation base was declining.

Less than a quarter of an hour.

The cultivation of Chu Heng's four-star Douzong turned into nothingness.

Chu Heng stared at Chen Mo in a daze, then his face was hideous, almost in a distorted state: "You...you actually abolished the old man's cultivation."

Chu Heng didn't understand at all, what method he used to abolish his cultivation base.

On Chen Mo's side, after spending 53,000 Qi Luck Points to snoop, his cultivation base directly broke through Dou Ling Nine Stars from Dou Ling Eight Stars. When he was promoted to Dou Ling, his energy was exhausted and he was stuck at the half-step Dou Wang level. superior.

Chen Mo ignored Chu Heng. With a thought, black vindictive energy surged out of his body and gradually enveloped his body. In the blink of an eye, after the black vindictive energy exploded, a pair of slightly illusory black wings appeared on Chen Mo's back.

Fighting Qi Huayi, one of the symbols of a strong fighting king.

In addition, it can also mobilize a small amount of energy in the outside space.

"Look at it again, can it overlap?"

A thought flashed in his mind, Chen Mo displayed the wings of freedom, and along with a pair of black wings about two meters long, unfolding from under Chen Mo's shoulders, they instantly merged with the wings formed by vindictive energy.

"Successful." Chen Mo now has a lightness, as if the wings of freedom after fusion are more than ten times faster than before.

Chu Heng was settled casually, and Chen Mo was released from prison.

On the flight to the City Lord's Mansion, Wings of Freedom only flicked slightly, and Chen Mo pushed forward for a long distance.

When she fell in the city lord's mansion, Queen Medusa suddenly walked out of the void, looking at Chen Mo with a surprised look, and wondering: "Going out, how can this king notice that your aura has become stronger again?"

"I have some insights, and my cultivation level has improved a lot." Chen Mo touched his nose and said calmly.

Queen Medusa glanced at Chen Mo obliquely, indicating that she did not want to speak any more.

It was too shocking. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can defeat this king with his own strength.

Queen Medusa sighed in her heart, but she was inexplicably anticipating.

When Chen Mo saw that Yi Qingyao and others had also come out of the city lord's mansion one after another, he said lightly: "Let's go!"

Following Chen Mo's words fell.

boom! boom! boom!

A pair of vindictive wings of different colors emerged from behind everyone.

Without Chen Mo's words, Yi Qingyao walked up to Chen Mo on his own, trying to put his arms around his waist.

Who knows that Queen Medusa took Yi Qingyao's arm and said coldly: "Go with this king, hurry up."

After speaking, he took her arm and walked into the void involuntarily.

Yunshan smiled slightly, stroking his white beard, stepping on the void step by step, and then followed.

"I can't fly, you take me!" Yaoye stepped down from the back of the Blue Beak Eagle King, ignoring the strange gazes of the people around him, and hugged Chen Mo's waist.

Happiness is achieved by yourself

Yao Ye's figure is much more majestic than Yi Qingyao, and his personality is much bolder.

Chen Mo was taken aback by this sudden scene, but it was not easy to refuse. After all, they didn't even wait for the royal family and joined your Lingyan Pavilion.

"Cough cough..." Chen Mo coughed dryly, then said immediately: "Then you hold it well."

After finishing speaking, the wings of freedom vibrated, Chen Mo's figure slowly lifted into the air with Yao Ye, and immediately accelerated, turning into a streamer, and flew away in the direction of Wuling City.

Nalanjie, who was still behind, frowned, and said with a heavy weight: "Girl, it's not the right time for you to enter the gate of life and death..."

"Haha, old fellow Nalan, with that kid's looks and talents, it is inevitable that women will pursue him in the future, and the pressure on your girl is a little bit heavy."

Mittel Tengshan smiled and walked over and patted Nalanjie on the shoulder, and his wings immediately flicked, and Hai Bodong and the others hurriedly followed.

Nalanjie threw down his sleeves with an ugly expression, and hurriedly chased after him.

In the air, Hai Bodong said to Mittel Tengshan: "It's been a long time since I saw the girl of Yafei, she should have grown into a slim girl."

Hearing the words, Mittel Tengshan nodded, but there was a sorrow on his face, and said: "That girl doesn't know what's going on? After returning from Yunlanzong that day, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul. It's changed as an individual, and even asked the family to release it."

"You agree?" Haibodong said.

"How could it be possible to agree, she asked to be released to the Black Point Region, is that a place where she can go to a girl's house?" Mittel Tengshan said with a touch of anger.

"If it's the Black Point region, the old man has a way." Hearing Mitteltenshan's words, Haibodong smiled while touching his beard.

"The meaning of Eilao's words..."

Hai Bodong immediately talked to Mittel Tengshan about the deployment of Lingyan Pavilion in the Black Point Region.

The Lingyan Pavilion in the Black Point Region, under the development of Haibodong, has firmly established a foothold in it, and has also gained some fame.

If Concubine Ya really wanted to come, Ling Yange would have no problem guarding a woman in the Black Point Region.

"If that's the case, I'll rely on Hailao." Mittel Tengshan heard Hailao say that he was still the leader of the Black Point Region Lingyan Pavilion, and immediately decided.

With the blessing of Lingyan Pavilion in the Black Point Region, those young people who hang out do not dare to mess around.

"But now is not the time. Yesterday, the old man listened to the chief pavilion owner. After arriving in Wuling, he would send someone to the five nations to send a letter of surrender. Once the other party disagrees, I'm afraid he will raise swords again." Hai Bodong said solemnly.

"This ambition..." Mittel Tengshan was a little staggered.

"It's too big, isn't it? Haha, it's a good thing for young people to have ambitions. The old man is still waiting to see the scene of Lingyan Pavilion's dominance of the northwestern region of the guilty mainland." Haibodong laughed, and he will soon fall into the ground before it arrives. Go crazy.

"All lunatics."


Ahead, Yao Ye's body was wrapped around Chen Mo's body, feeling the pleasure brought by him, Chen Mo's face flushed: "Your Royal Highness, don't you need to hug it so tightly?"

"It's so high, I'm afraid!" Yao Ye's cold voice, with a coquettish tone.

"Well, then you are a little looser, this will affect my flight."