
Chapter 107: Sweep!

The eighth-order beast, that is comparable to the existence of human beings in the late stage of fighting.

Chu Heng did not expect that not only the other party's general pavilion master was unfathomable, but he also had the help of a Tier 8 monster.

Chu Heng noticed the evil spirit coming from the sky, and his heart was refreshing, and he scolded all the eighteenth generations of the ancestor of that clan in his mind.

Not only did the other party fail to solve Chen Mo, but the other party in the rear did not stop him at all.

And he learned from the news inside Lingyan Pavilion that the Tier 8 monster that appeared in the Izumo Empire that day was a firebird.

In other words, the opponent has at least two Tier 8 monsters.

Chu Heng suddenly felt a little wronged in his heart, feeling that both sides were bullying the weak.

But the poor wizard ignored Chu Heng's thoughts, stepped straight into the air, and patted Chu Heng with a paw.

The powerful strength and speed directly shot Chu Heng from the air to the ground, then flew down and picked up Chu Heng, and flew in front of Chen Mo.

To be alive is to be alive, but there is only half a breath left, it seems that the soul body is about to get out of the sheath at any time.

Qiongqi dropped Chu Heng and immediately roared at Chen Mo with a temper. If it weren't for a mysterious power to obey Chen Mo, it would have swallowed Chen Mo in one bite.

"It's worthy of being one of the four evil spirits." Feeling its monstrous evil spirit, Chen Mo pointed to Liuyangu's great elder and those fighting kings, and said, "Those people, let you handle them."

Qiongqi roared at Chen Mo, his figure disappeared, and the next moment he came to the elder of Liuyan Valley.

When he turned around in horror and looked around, Qiongqi opened its big mouth and bit down the head of the elder, and then swallowed it at a very fast speed, and swallowed the soul and body of the elder in one bite. Half of the body remains.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Where did you get this stuff?" Queen Medusa looked at such a **** scene, she was also slightly stunned and slightly horrified.

Medical Qingyao, who was shrouded in black robe, also looked at Chen Mo curiously.

At this moment, Queen Medusa and Yi Qingyao looked at each other, their brows wrinkled at the same time, and they turned their heads immediately.

Chen Mo couldn't explain this. He could only use excuses like fish in troubled waters, and said, "I will tell you when the time comes."

On the tower, Chen Mo kicked the half-dead Chu Heng, and said, "Let's talk, who sent you here?"

Upon hearing this, Queen Medusa was surprised: "Is there anyone behind him?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can they be so bold?" Chen Mopa pulled down Na Jie from Chu Heng's hand and said.

When Suzaku appeared that day, with so many people present, Chen Mo didn't believe that it could not reach the ears of a few of them.

Since they dare to come, either they are threatened, or someone is behind them...

But now it seems that the man behind them is not too hard.

Chu Heng's mouth was full of blood, and he said vaguely: "Old...old man, even if you tell you, can you... let go... let go of the old man?"

Chen Mo shook his head decisively: "The moment you attacked my Lingyan Pavilion, you must think of such an end."

Hearing this, Chu Heng closed his eyes and tilted his head, choosing to shut up.

"Do you think you can't do anything without me?" Chen Mo said to the doctor Qingyao next to him: "Qingyao, it's up to you to do it."

Yi Qingyao nodded.

And the Queen Medusa behind her, hearing such a nickname, her glamorous eyes immediately turned towards Yi Qingyao. She felt something was wrong just now, but her gaze was a bit hostile at this time.

Women are very sensitive, and Yi Qingyao immediately turned her head and glared at Queen Medusa.

Within three minutes, Yi Qingyao opened Chu Heng's mouth.

"Ancient race."

Chen Mo got an unexpected message from Chu Heng's mouth.

"That little girl loves his Xiao Yan brother so much?" Chen Mo secretly said in his heart, sooner or later you will fall into my hands.

After sealing Chu Heng's cultivation base and allowing him to be taken away, Chen Mo watched the battlefield.

The army of the Four Kingdoms died and was wounded. Three Douzong powerhouses died and one was arrested. Douhuang all died, and two Douwang surrendered.

In less than half an hour, the remaining troops of the four countries all announced their surrender to Lingyan Pavilion.

Chen Mo accepted the surrender.

The City Lord's Mansion of Yunyang City.

"Lao Hai, haven't seen him for a long time, have you become more energetic." Chen Mo greeted Hai Bodong with a smile.

"It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, it's you, the chief pavilion master, who opened your eyes to the old man!" Haibo did not dare to be big, and he was very fortunate to have joined Lingyan Pavilion at the beginning.

Chen Mo introduced Yi Qingyao to several people.

Yi Qingyao also took off the brim of the black robe, revealing his true colors and revealing it in front of everyone.

The gray hair was a little surprised for everyone, but the exquisite appearance quickly made everyone no longer care about this issue.

Chen Mo didn't tell them about the poisonous body, only that Yi Qingyao was a poison master.

Several people greeted each other with a smile and met each other.

Yao Ye and Yi Qingyao came to chat, and it didn't take long for them to become sisters.

Medusa also didn't know whether it was due to her temperament, or she was in a natural offense with Yi Qingyao. When they greeted her, they both snorted coldly.

Haibodong was very shocked by Queen Medusa, and after greeted Yi Qingyao, he was far away from her.

In short, in terms of Chen Mo's face, except for Queen Medusa, they all get along well with Medical Qingyao.

The sun went down, and a beautiful sunset appeared on the horizon.

Chen Mo looked at the gorgeous sunset and muttered, "How is the teacher?"

"The recovery in Wuling is not bad, but it will take a long time to recuperate." Queen Medusa looked at Chen Mo next to her, and she finally evoked a fascinating smile, and said, "It's you. It's grassy, ​​I brought another one back."

Chen Mo wanted to quibble, Queen Medusa smiled and said: "Don't tell this king that you have nothing to do with her, this king is very accurate in this regard, she should not be a virgin..."

"Puff, cough, cough..." Chen Mo coughed again and again at the words of Queen Medusa, and immediately stopped quibbling, nodded and confessed.

"It really is a lecher." Seeing Chen Mo directly confessed, Queen Medusa gave a cold snort and twisted the water snake's waist and left.


Chen Mo wanted to fly to Wu Ling to see Yun Yun.

But the journey from Yunyang to Wuling takes almost a day.

Coming out of the Wandu Desert, Chen Mo flew directly to this side after hearing Yun Yun was injured, traveling day and night without rest for a few days.

Chen Mo intends to squint one night tonight, and then go to Wuling tomorrow.

Name: Chen Mo

Cultivation: Douling Eight Stars

Luck point: 92000 (plus Yanluosha and Yanluotian.)

Fighting skills: ... (Same as before, with the guardian of the **** of darkness added.)

Props:... (Added diamond treasure chest x1, reward for task completion.)

Function: Treasure box lottery, peeping, shopping mall.

Power: Lingyan Pavilion

Dharmakaya: Hell Buddha