
Chapter 106: One husband is the gate, and Qiongqi is on the stage!

I saw the man wore a white robe, sword eyebrows and phoenix eyes, well-defined and deep facial features, and dark and cold eyes that made people feel cold.

Chen Mo descended in front of everyone with the power of a king over the world.

"It's the chief pavilion owner."

"The chief pavilion master is back, and your scum is going to be unlucky."

The appearance of Chen Mo gave everyone in Lingyan Pavilion great morale.

"Little guy, you are finally back..."

The colorful swallowing python behind Chen Mo turned into a single body, and the weak-faced Queen Medusa blinked like autumn water, with a trace of charm.

"Your Majesty, I'll leave it to me next." Chen Mo's sharp and deep gaze swept toward the opponent's crowd, unconsciously creating a sense of oppression, Chen Mo said coldly: "Who is Yan Luo? sky?"

"He is the chief pavilion master of Lingyan Pavilion who passed on the gods?"

"Is this like Dou Zun? I think it's just a hairy boy."

"Don't mess around, let's take a look. Didn't you see the Izumo Empire as an example?"

In the enemy's army, the moment Chen Mo appeared, it also caused an uproar.

The so-called name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Although everyone had never seen Chen Mo before, they often heard the name Chen Mo, and the audience brag about how strong Chen Mo was.

Don't care if what people say is true or not, but if you listen to too much, you will leave a strong shadow in your own heart.

There was a solemn look on Chu Heng's face. No surprise, he was deceived. Anything the chief pavilion master is dead is a lie.

But no way, the people of that clan are also persecuting them.

So in his opinion, it's death anyway, why don't you try that clan's words, after all, that clan offers a lot of benefits.

After all, he was greedy, and the main pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion hadn't appeared for nearly a month. He thought that the people of that clan had really solved it, so Chu Heng greedily wanted to annex the entire Lingyan Pavilion.

Even after Chen Mo appeared, he still had this in his heart.

Chu Heng was lucky.

However, the next moment, Chu Heng's fluke mentality was completely shattered.

"This is the place." Yan Luotian, as a Douzong expert, could not even dare to admit his name.

"You're gone!" Chen Mo's voice was icy, and Yi Qingyao jumped from his arms in order not to hinder Chen Mo.

"Dharmakaya, **** Buddha!"

All of a sudden, Sanskrit sang loudly.

A thousand-handed Buddha with a height of hundreds of feet and a hideous face appeared behind Chen Mo. The blood covered the sun. The Buddha's body was full of Hell of Abi.


The crowd was panicked, and their faces were horrified. They felt the endless killing intent from the Buddha.

Other Buddhas always recite sutras for super salvation.

But this Buddha looks like a physical transcendence.

"What the **** is this?" Chu Heng looked shocked, even he felt a trace of horror from the Buddha.

Things that have never been seen are the most terrifying in the eyes of everyone.

This Baizhang Buddha, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like a fighting skill.


Chen Mo raised his palm slightly, and immediately took a palm.

The Buddha behind him synchronized with him. Thousands of hands instantly converged into two hands, with blood-colored bronze giant palms, shrouded toward the wild goose.

In an instant, Yan Luotian only felt that all his escape routes were blocked, and he felt trembling in the depths of his soul.

Even the wisps of Sanskrit sounds came into his ears, seeming to persuade him to put down the swordsman, my Buddha is compassionate, and will definitely take you to the painless world of bliss.

Then, Yan Luotian's soul felt numb, and he actually listened to the Sanskrit sound.

"No, that's a soul attack. Hurry up!" Chu Heng shouted, pulling Yan Luotian from the Sanskrit sound.

But everything is too late.

The Buddha's attack seemed to come from above, and when the geese descended from the sky to avoid both sides, and wanted to escape into the void, he discovered that the void around him was confined by an invisible force.

He has nowhere to escape.

With a palm of his hand, a huge hole more than ten feet deep appeared on the ground outside Yunyang City.

The strong wind and shock waves that were set off rapidly spread to the surrounding area, and those whose cultivation base was below the Great Dou Master vomited blood one after another, and some of them died directly without even the Dou Master's cultivation base.

Even if you are above the Great Fighting Master and have not resisted with grudge, you will have to be lifted by this strong wind.

When the wind and smoke cleared, when all eyes were on the giant crater, only the deep bottom of the giant crater could be seen, and there was a pool of vomiting blood and mud.

The body and soul of Yan Tianluo were all lost under the hands of Buddha.

"Guru." Countless people couldn't help swallowing saliva.

Frost Wings condensed behind him, Hai Bodong, who had already flown into the sky, watched this scene, his eyes wide open, looking at Chen Mo like a ghost.

How long hasn't seen you before you can slap Dou Zong to death with the palm of your hand...

"This little guy has become stronger again!" Queen Medusa, who had already landed on Yunyang City, murmured.

On the other hand, Yunshan also temporarily stopped fighting with the great elder of Liuyan Valley. He turned his head to look at this scene, and while his face was shocked, he couldn't help but said, "Good boy!"

Yao Ye's beautiful eyes flickered, and the spring love in his eyes grew stronger.

Chen Mo's expression was indifferent, but his heart was overwhelmed. He originally thought that the vindictiveness currently stored could be used for two or three hells.

But now he discovered that it is still only enough to cast it once. The more fighting energy you store in your body, the more fighting energy the Hell Buddha will absorb, and the greater the power that will erupt.

Chen Mo thought in his heart, this trick can no longer be used casually in the future, it can only be used as a big killer.

He looked around the surrounding army and said loudly: "Those who violated my Lingyan Pavilion will kill you without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy! Kill without mercy!" Chen Mo's voice fell, and the army behind him also yelled in unison. Chen Mo shot the Sect Master of Jin Yanzong to death and ignited the blood in everyone's hearts.

Yao Ye drew the long sword around her waist, pointed diagonally at the sky, and said coldly: "Soldiers, give me a charge!"

The city gate was wide open, defending all the time. Soldiers who had been holding back a lot of fire a long time ago, rushed out.

The cavalry took the lead and launched a charge!

Chu Heng was really wondering what exactly happened to Chen Mo, so he could only call out with a big arm and announced the withdrawal of the troops.

But Chen Mo didn't want him to run.

"Come out!" Chen Mo sacrificed his summoning card.

There was a fierce air from the sky.

And gradually spread at the beginning.

With blood in the sky, it shines.

A fierce beast that looked like a tiger and had wings appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Qingqi..." Following the message given by the summoning card, Chen Mo raised his brows and summoned the ancient fierce beast, Qiongqi.

Chen Mo pointed his arm towards Chu Heng who was retreating, and said, "Qingqi, I want to live."

Qiongqi hovered in the air for a moment, then locked onto the target, with a suffocating roar open his mouth wide, and rushed towards Chu Heng.

"Eight...Eighth Tier Beast!"