
Chapter 101: The alliance of five nations, Chen Mo broke the seal.

"Teacher, your injury is healed?" Yun Yun was surprised to see Yunshan's appearance, because Yunshan's injury was too serious.

"That girl Yanran brought an elixir to the old man. She said it was given by Chen Mo, which is quite useful."

Yunshan smiled, and immediately glanced at the woman in the red dress behind everyone. She felt the same breath from her, and said with a trace of awe: "This must be the Queen of Medusa."

Queen Medusa nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to be alive."

"Ahem..." Even Yunshan, who was already indifferent, couldn't help coughing at this time.

Queen Medusa was not looking at him, she was still looking at the side of the Ten Thousand Toxic Desert. Her soul had a feeling. Not only did Chen Mo not die, but she was still slowly growing.

Everyone introduced each other and returned to the conference hall.

Dou Wang, who was in charge of intelligence work, explained the information he knew so far.

"In the Five Nations Alliance, the Heaven Dou Empire is constraining the Gama Empire, while the remaining four nations are attacking the Yun Empire with heavy troops.

Among the four kingdoms, the Shentian Empire is headed, and the biggest powers in the country, the Valley Master and the Great Elder of the Valley of Smoke, is a real fighting sect powerhouse, followed by the Golden Goose Sect of the Falling Goose Empire, whose lord Yan Luotian, It is also the strongest of Douzong.

Although the other two countries do not have the strongest Douzong, there are two strong Douhuang peaks, and five are the junior Dou Huang. Dou Wang is temporarily unknown. "

I have to say that this Douwang powerhouse did a good job in intelligence work, and the general information collected was quite clear.

After listening, everyone looked a little dignified. Yun Yun initially estimated his own combat power, and said: "Now our strength is still weak, we can't collide head-on, we can only defend temporarily, and then find the enemy's gaps and break them one by one. "

After speaking, Yun Yun glanced at Queen Medusa and Yunshan.

In this kind of situation, only the strongest fighting sect can dominate the battle.

"Jin is not shy, send more spies out, pay attention to the whereabouts of those fighting emperor strong, see if there are no singles." Yun Yun said to the fighting king who is in charge of intelligence work.

"Yes." Jin answered.

At the same time, the four countries are in the camp.

Chu Heng, Master of the Valley of Flowing Smoke, said: "Yandie, you send more people to pay close attention to those high-level officials in Lingyan Pavilion, especially those who are in charge of major issues, and those who are strong in fighting the emperor. Single."

"Yes." A glamorous woman retreated immediately.

After Chu Heng finished speaking, the people below started arguing again.

"In my opinion, our strength is greater than that of the opponent, and the other party's chief pavilion does not know the life or death, and is also a fighting sect powerhouse. We can completely crush it."

"I think this matter is strange. How can we judge the life and death of the other party's chief pavilion only based on the words of others."

"This Xiongtai is reasonable. I think we should send someone to the Ten Thousand Toxic Desert first, and we can't act blindly."

"I also agree with this Xiongtai. The other party is Dou Zun after all. If that person is false, you and me will not survive."

"It's the same for me..."

The various suspicions of the people seemed to have not put Chu Heng in their eyes at all.

Chu Heng's face suddenly became gloomy, and he said in a deep voice, "You guys don't believe that I am in the valley of smoke?"

"What the Lord Chu Gu said, we are not disbelief, but we are worried that you have been deceived. After all, this is a matter of losing our heads."

"Yes, we just want to know the news of the death of Lingyan Pavilion's chief pavilion, and the news that the forces behind him have dealt with them. Who said it?"

For everyone, currently only the Shen Yun Empire has attacked the border of the Izumo Empire, and they still have a choice.

"Then I will tell you that the person who told me the news is a behemoth, and neither of you nor I can offend. What's more, if you don't attack Lingyan Pavilion, will you be guaranteed that Lingyan Pavilion will not attack you? Izumo The empire is a stark example." Chu Heng said coldly.

This remark shocked everyone's minds. Indeed, the Izumo Empire was a clear example. It was a good example and was destroyed by others.

"Since it is a behemoth, why doesn't it take action against Lingyan Pavilion on its own?" Someone still raised a question.

This question was recognized by the majority of people, and there was a clamor again.

As a result, the first meeting of the four-nation lineup was declared over.

Although questioning was questioned, the alliance's army did not disperse, but stopped advancing to the Izumo Empire.

Two days later, Canaan College.

"A bunch of trash." The girl was extremely angry when she heard the report and saw that the plan was not as she had hoped. Although she asked them to go to death, it is good to make Chen Motian mess with them before they die.

The girl's thoughts changed immediately, and she said, "In this case, go and add a handful to provoke the contradiction between them."

"Yes." The green figure receded.

Three days later.

The two branch masters of Lingyan Pavilion died on the western border of the Izumo Empire in a tragic manner.

The war broke out completely.


The poisonous desert.

The bottom of the abyss.

The silence in the stone room was finally broken by a slight clicking sound after a long time. I saw cracks spreading quickly on the black light cluster tightly entangled by the vines.


Several black rays of light exploded from the entwined vines. After the rays of light dissipated, several huge vines banged several times and fell to the ground.

The figure in a white robe, holding a black spear, holding the woman covered with a black robe in one hand, slowly fell to the ground.

The white robe figure had a stern face, and there was a hint of anger in his dark eyes. Before the vines attacked, he just slashed away.

As a dazzling black light burst out of the spear, the vines wrapped in layers in the upper right corner broke one after another, revealing a nine-color poisonous flower still emitting poisonous smoke.

Chen Mo's eyes were cold, and he flew away while holding the woman. On the spear, there were different fires one after another, surrounded by layers, like a divine weapon that was constantly changing the skin of flames.

Seeing Chen Mo rushing, the poisonous flower also counterattacked, one by one vines broke through the stones, broke through the ground, and struck towards Chen Mo. At the same time, the poisonous smoke doubled.

But at this time, Chen Mo could not be resisted by the vines, and the poisonous smoke seemed to be immune to him.

Within a few breaths, countless pieces of vines fell one after another from the sky above the stone chamber, and instantly turned to ashes in the burning of the different fire.

And Chen Mo was also in front of the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower at this time.

Without the slightest hesitation, the spear in his hand dissipated, and he decisively grasped the rhizome of the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower and uprooted it.

At the moment of pulling it up, a ball of green light seemed to be beating, adsorbing on the rhizome of the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower.

And the root veins of the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower that pierced the soil were a reduced version of that huge vine.

After the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower was pulled out, the huge vines that had attacked Chen Mo from behind also fell and withered.