
Chapter 10: Energy runaway, healing

Yun Yun was the first to be alarmed.

Because the returnees were too hasty, they had just announced that they had accepted new direct disciples, and they were called over by the Presbyterian Church. Some things were too late to arrange. Yun Yun directly took Chen Mo back to the palace where she lived.

But he lives in the inner hall, and his is the partial hall.

The surrounding vindictiveness changes, how can I keep my eyes on Yun Yun in the side hall without hiding the moment.

"This kid, here again. But what kind of technique is this? So overbearing."

Despite the doubts in her heart, Yun Yun still took action and used methods to shield the palace.

The result of this is that, because the movements were too fast, many people noticed this for the first time, but they didn't doubt that the direction was the palace of the sovereign.

Therefore, this incident did not cause much movement in the Yunlan Sect.

After such endless sucking and plundering, I don't know how long it took before the movement of the Partial Palace finally decreased.

At this time, Yun Yun was also sweating profusely, covering the palace with no big means, but it was time-consuming and laborious, and it consumed a lot of vindictiveness.

Partial palace.

Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes, and there was endless confusion in his mind.

First, such a large swallow swallow did not even awaken a giant elephant blastoderm. (Only one awakened in total.)

Second, apart from the rapid progress in the cultivation of idols and prisons at the beginning, he has made no progress at all in his cultivation just now, except for the first level of achievement.

Third, it was also just after Chen Mo discovered that the Shenxiang Prisoner Jin absorbed the fighting energy very quickly, but it was incorporated into Chen Mo's body and converted into energy very little.

Fourth, he seems to have encountered a bottleneck.

"Gan, the other traversers are invincible every second, and some even start directly invincible. And I only have a few chapters, and I don't even take advantage of it. Why is it empty?"

"Where is the problem?"

"Is it because of the difference in the plane world, one for practicing vitality and the other for fighting energy? Also, the description of the holy king plane is much more advanced than the fighting energy continent, but what's the matter of the rapid progress at the beginning?"

Let me think about how the protagonist in the holy king got the idols to restrain the prison.


No, that is their emotional experience.

"Is it a thunder strike?" Chen Mo asked in a little shock.

Although this is the continent of fighting spirit, the world of cultivators, it is common practice to absorb fire and water, but if Chen Mo is required to attract thunder, he will never be able to do it.

Even if you practice the Thousand Thunder Jue, the above has also said that bringing thunder into the body is the fastest cultivation method.

But even if he Chen Mo died and jumped from the top of Yunlan Mountain, he would never go to induce thunder.

"Try the associated amethyst source again."

With a thought, the four bottles of companion amethyst source were placed in front of Chen Mo.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo picked up a bottle and uncorked it.

Suddenly, Chen Mo came up a little.

That's right, it is indeed the upper head, the whole head is red.

The body is getting hotter and hotter, a wave of heat oozes from all over the meridians, and the veins on his arm also suddenly soared.

Only more than ten seconds passed, and even the skin gradually turned purple.

"TmD, is it so exciting?" Chen Mo hurriedly refining his idol-suppressing jail force, resisting the discomfort everywhere in his body.


The mutation started again.

The Yun Yun of the main hall noticed this sudden change, her eyes widened, "Are you coming?"

There was no way, so I had to block it again.

But she found that the fluctuations caused this time were greater than the previous two, which made her a little powerless.

"Come, come, that feeling is back again."

Chen Moxi went to his heart, and the pure energy transformed by the companion amethyst source wandered between the meridians. He closed his eyes and meditated, meditating that he turned into 840 million tiny particles, guiding the energy towards one of the particles. Sprinted over.


A faint sound similar to the breaking of glass was transmitted from Chen Mo's body, and a tiny particle suddenly cracked, exuding a breath of the awakening of an ancient behemoth.

And just when Chen Mo felt that the giant elephant was about to come out of the particles.

The energy is gone.

That's right, it feels like your kind of thing has reached its climax, when you are about to reach the ultimate soul and get sublimated, suddenly w.

mmp, another bottle.

Another bottle of companion amethyst source poured into his belly.

Yo Xi, I feel like I'm back again.

Come again.

It is another sublimation of the soul.

But this time when the fierce beasts were about to come out.

w up.


Fill the third bottle.

This time it finally lived up to expectations.

The breath of the wild beast completely awakened.

All of a sudden, the entire palace seemed to be trembling in fright by this breath.

"Puff." Yun Yun, who was shielding the palace in the inner hall, was spit out blood by this breath.

The breath spread outside.

The elders living near the palace, all the elders turned their eyes to this side.

This breath made them feel threatened and tremble.

At the same time, they also noticed that this breath did not belong to their suzerain, Yun Yun.

There are other people in the palace of the overlord.

As for Chen Mo, he also awakened the power of the second giant elephant, and his cultivation level also reached the Second Star Fighter.

Sadly, the third bottle of the companion Amethyst Source Zhi was refined, and more than half was not refined in Chen Mo's body.

Therefore, before Chen Mo could feel it carefully, he passed out in a coma.

"Dang." The fallen Chen Mo accidentally touched the teapot next to him.

Hearing the movement inside, Yun Yun hurriedly walked in.

But when she saw Chen Mo who had fainted, her face changed drastically, and she hurried over, helped Chen Mo up, and put her head in her arms.

"It's hot." When Yun Yun first touched his skin, she felt a little hot. Jade hand touched his arm and input a trace of vindictiveness, and she couldn't help but be surprised: "What the **** did this guy do with such domineering energy?"

After a glance, Yun Yun picked up a jade bottle by Chen Mo's feet and smelled it. Based on her knowledge, it took a while to discover that it was the source of the companion amethyst.

"Good fellow, drink three bottles of Amethyst Source in a row, don't you want to die?" Yun Yun showed a touch of anger, but instead she showed a trace of heartache.

Because she felt that the Zongmen Grand Competition was putting pressure on him, the arrogance before was just trying to reassure herself, and as soon as he was gone, he practiced desperately.

"You blame yourself for being so stupid. But don't worry, I won't let you have something to do." Yun Yun's eyes were full of determination, and she decided to hold another presbytery after Chen Mo was all right.

Once again, convince people with reason.

Yun Yun's jade hand brushed Chen Mo's face, and there was a slight struggle in her eyes. After a while, she gritted her teeth, first untied Chen Mo's robes, then her own, and then her whole body was attached to Chen Mo's back. back.

She decided to control the violent energy in Chen Mo in this gentlest way.