
Douluo: Twin Martial Spirits

[Not following Tang San] [Faceslapping] [Long Prologue] [True Story starts at Shrek Academy] Ye Xiu was reborn in the world of Douluo Dalu, and he later found out a few things that only happened to him. When he was six, he awakened twin martial spirits, one of which was Blue Silver Grass. Remembering that his Blue Silver Grass would be suppressed if Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Emperor's Bloodline, Ye Xiu decided to rely on his other Martial Spirit to steal Tang San's opportunities. Later, Ye Xiu got to know a shocking thing, and it was related to his other Martial Spirit. A reckless decision changed everything, and from mortals, his enemies turned into God. Join the journey of Ye Xiu, and how he relied on his martial spirit and knowledge to gather a group of people to fight against the Gods. . . . Hmm, that's it for Summary. Read the story for more. Also, there won't be brainless Bibi Dong as Ye Xiu will join Spirit Hall early. Support me and read extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Teacher Bibi Dong!

While Ye Xiu was unconscious, Bibi Dong remembered everything that happened before, and she muttered, "His martial spirit isn't simple. It won't be bad to accept him as a disciple."

"A martial spirit that can make me feel danger, it's good that he is here, or he will be a danger in future."

Saying this, Bibi Dong read the book about Self-created soul skills and controlled her spirit power. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't create a Spirit Bomb, and when she sensed the situation in her body, she understood that it was Rakshasa's Divine Energy that was making things difficult for her.

Bibi Dong hummed in response, and she understood that she had gotten a new thing to try, and she felt that if she could control the Rakshasa's Divine Energy in her body, it would be beneficial for her.

"Also, I forgot to tell you. He is a Twin Martial Spirit like you, and his other martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass."

Bibi Dong heard Ling Yuan's words, and she looked at her. Her expression changed at her words, and she asked, "Are you sure about what you are saying?"

"Yeah, I saw it with my eyes." Ling Yuan said while looking at Ye Xiu, and Bibi Dong had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Blue Silver Grass, and an Original Spirit. Theoretically, only two spirits which are of the same level can exist as Twin Spirit, or else one would overwhelm and absorb the other." Bibi Dong said as she remembered something and she continued, "Are you sure it was ordinary Blue Silver Grass?"

"Ordinary Blue Silver Grass?" Ling Yuan muttered as she heard the words, and remembering what happened years ago, she asked, "You mean that it is mutated Blue Silver Grass?"

"Maybe, I will be sure when I see it. Is this the reason why he wants to become my disciple?" Bibi Dong said and Ling Yuan nodded at her.

"Hmm, you can leave. Don't let the news out and no one should know about him."

Saying this, Bibi Dong turned her attention back to the book, and with a nod, Ling Yuan left the place after giving a last glance to the unconscious Ye Xiu.

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Xiu woke up and he felt pain in his head.

"Ugh, where am I?" Ye Xiu muttered and then memories of the past came into his mind. He looked around and saw Bibi Dong sitting on her seat and reading a book. Seeing her, he was about to get up, but then he heard her words.

"Don't get up, focus on recovering your Spirit Power first. When you are done, we will have a long discussion, and you will tell everything you know about your Spirit."

"Yes, Her Holiness the Pope." Ye Xiu said, and he saw Bibi Dong looking at him with calm eyes, and he heard, "Call me Teacher from now on."

"Yes, Teacher." Ye Xiu said while suppressing the smile on his face, and he closed his eyes and started to recover his spirit power.

Bibi Dong looked at the smile appearing on his face, and she raised her brows at this. She didn't see any greed in his eyes, and she wondered what other reason he had for becoming her disciple, besides the position.

When Ye Xiu had recovered his Spirit power, he opened his eyes. Before he could say anything, Bibi Dong spoke first, "Eat lunch first,"

Ye Xiu looked at the table and chair that had appeared in the place, and he looked at a variety of dishes. He didn't say anything, and sitting on the chair, he ate food first.

While he was eating food, Bibi Dong also ate her snacks, and when they were done, Ye Xiu sat in front of her.

"Show me your Martial Spirits." Bibi Dong said, and listening to her words, Ye Xiu stretched his hands and released both of his martial spirits.

Bibi Dong looked at the three balls in his right hand, and the blue-silver grass in his left hand.

"It's the ordinary blue silver grass." Bibi Dong said while looking at the blue-silver grass, and then she focused on Truth-Seeking Balls.

"What do you know about Truth-Seeking Balls?" Bibi Dong asked, and Ye Xiu told her what he knew about it.

When Bibi Dong heard everything, she had no change in her expression, but inwardly, she was shocked by the spirit. If considered as Weapon Spirit, Bibi Dong was sure that Truth-Seeking Balls would be considered the strongest weapon Spirit in the world.

Not only this, but this spirit was also the nemesis of all Elements, and knowing that it can be changed at will, it could be considered as the strongest attack and defense.

Also, knowing that he would have more Truth-Seeking Balls in future, Bibi Dong had no words to say, and with this, she understood that Ye Xiu wouldn't have any opponents in the same Realm, and he could even cross realms to defeat and kill others.

"What about Blue-Silver Grass? What plans do you have about this?" Bibi Dong asked, and Ye Xiu took a deep breath and said, "I noticed that if Plant Spirits are planted underground, they can absorb spirit power and help in cultivating."

"Huh?" Bibi Dong said as she heard the words, and she started to think of his words. A few moments later, she called a few people and asked them to gather plant spirit masters.

When they were gathered, Bibi Dong looked at Ye Xiu and said, "Explain the whole process to them."

Ye Xiu nodded and he talked about planting the spirit with roots in the ground, and it would be better to plant in mimicry or the place where the area has more spirit energy, and the ground is fertile.

When he was done explaining, they left to test it, and while this was getting tested, Bibi Dong looked at Ye Xiu and said, "Do you plan on trying to evolve Blue Silver Grass like what you wrote in the book?"

"Yes, teacher. But only when I can absorb 10,000-year-old spirit rings." Ye Xiu said, and Bibi Dong thought for a moment and said, "You need to have a strong body for this."

"Before, I thought of letting you absorb when you have reached Titled Douluo, but it would be wasting your time. After all, you have the low-level spirit with the most development, unlike me, who has a top-class spirit."

"When you can absorb a 10,000-year-old spirit ring, I will let you absorb the rings based on your physique, and since you don't need to care about the spirit ring for the first spirit, you can just take advantage of the increase in levels bought while absorbing."

"With this, it would be possible for you to become the youngest Titled Douluo in history, and as for the latter, you will develop on your own."

"Even without your contributions, you will have resources because you are my disciple, but if your methods work, your contribution will be huge."

"You can use them to get Spirit bones and use them to increase your physical strength. This way, you can increase the years of rings."

Bibi Dong analyzed everything and gave answers to his questions. Hearing her, Ye Xiu nodded and didn't say anything.

Both of them became silent, and minutes passed by with no one saying anything.

"Do you want to go to the Spirit Hall Academy?" Bibi Dong asked and Ye Xiu shook his head.

"I would rather stay in the library and learn than go to Academy. It would be a waste of time for me, and I don't really care about the connections. To be honest, Teacher, I came here because of backing, and the only things that I need are time and resources."

"Hmm, so that's how it is." Bibi Dong hummed at his words, and she understood his reasons. A chuckle escaped her lips and she said, "You could have gone to Heaven Dou Empire or other sects. Why join Spirit Hall?"

Now that Bibi Dong was free, she asked the questions that she wouldn't generally ask, and Ye Xiu said, "It's not Heaven Dou Empire or the sects who help me to awaken the spirit, why would I join? Even if the subsidies money was given by empires, if Spirit Hall didn't exist, those nobles wouldn't even care about commoners like us."

"Instead, they would be happy if commoners remained ignorant, so they can teach what they like, and keep control of them."

Ye Xiu said what he really thought, and since he had gotten a backing, he felt that a heavy boulder had left his shoulders.

Hearing his words, Bibi Dong was surprised, and she asked, "So, what do you think should be done?"

"I can't say anything because I have no idea about the situation." Ye Xiu shook his head and didn't dare to say anything. If accidently he spoke something that he shouldn't know, he would be in trouble which he didn't want.

Just like that, both Bibi Dong and Ye Xiu talked, and in an hour, the reports of Plant-Spirit Masters arrived.


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