
Douluo: Twin Martial Spirits

[Not following Tang San] [Faceslapping] [Long Prologue] [True Story starts at Shrek Academy] Ye Xiu was reborn in the world of Douluo Dalu, and he later found out a few things that only happened to him. When he was six, he awakened twin martial spirits, one of which was Blue Silver Grass. Remembering that his Blue Silver Grass would be suppressed if Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Emperor's Bloodline, Ye Xiu decided to rely on his other Martial Spirit to steal Tang San's opportunities. Later, Ye Xiu got to know a shocking thing, and it was related to his other Martial Spirit. A reckless decision changed everything, and from mortals, his enemies turned into God. Join the journey of Ye Xiu, and how he relied on his martial spirit and knowledge to gather a group of people to fight against the Gods. . . . Hmm, that's it for Summary. Read the story for more. Also, there won't be brainless Bibi Dong as Ye Xiu will join Spirit Hall early. Support me and read extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Level 50

Ye Xiu looked at the skills he had received and a stunned look appeared on his face.

"These soul skills," Ye Xiu muttered while going through the soul skills, and he shook his head. What he cared about was the Water and Fire affinity he gained, and he planned on using these soul skills to understand Water and Fire.

After all, he didn't have to care about getting killed, and all he would lose would be some cultivation, which he could get by occupying others' bodies.

Shaking his head, Ye Xiu closed his eyes and he started condensing the fourth spirit ring for himself. As for the rules, Haha! He, Ye Xiu was once part of the world, and even if he had given rights to Gaia, the world wouldn't forget him.

Energy started to gather around him, and first, it formed the core of his Spirit Ring. Since Ye Xiu didn't care about the soul ring skills, he only focused on gathering energy.

Gaia, who sensed this nodded inwardly, and she looked at the Spirit which was about to get ready. Before starting the process, she had also put her consciousness and energy in the spirit, and this way, slowly, Bibi Dong would be influenced by her thoughts.

She didn't care about this, but she had instilled thoughts of loyalty in the spirit, and even though Bibi Dong wouldn't express it outwardly, she would never do things that would oppose Ye Xiu.

Besides, she can also use the woman to look for Ye Xiu and connect her senses to her. Everything that Bibi Dong did would be known to her, and with her, while staying in the core, she could take a look and talk with Ye Xiu anytime.

If Ye Xiu had seen Gaia's appearance at this time, he could have seen a severely obsessive face, and her eyes were like black holes with no life in them.

It's a pity that he didn't, and no one will know how Ye Xiu felt after seeing her gaze.

Moving on, fifteen minutes passed by and Gaia looked at the new spirit. The new spirit had the appearance of Bibi Dong, except that it had eight spider legs behind it, and she wore a suit that would charm all the men in the world.

But, even if her looks could charm all men, no one would make a move because of the cold aura and aura of death around her, and if someone dared to think, they would be courting death.

Looking at her creation, Gaia nodded with a proud look on her face, and she said in a lifeless tone, "With her, no woman would even think of getting closer to him, and if they do, I will see if they are worth something."

Saying this, Gaia left Bibi Dong's spirit of consciousness and looked at changes in her body. If before, Bibi Dong was beautiful and gave a noble feeling, now she had the charm of a temptress with her nobility, but the charm also had a cold aura, which would make others lose their will.

Gaia looked in Ye Xiu's direction and saw that he was still condensing the spirit ring.

A hum escaped her lips, and she looked at the orb getting used by her, and she gave a nod.

"He will reach at least 48, and then using the bones of Ah Yin, he would reach 50. Then, he can start rebuilding his initial spirit rings, and transform them to growth spirit rings that would grow with his body." Gaia muttered with a strange smile on her face, and she felt that by the time Tang San was in Shrek, Ye Xiu would have already reached level 70. After all, he still has five rings to condense for other spirit rings, and with all of them growing rings, by the time he is sixty, all the rings would be red spirit rings.

"Hehe, changing the world's rules, and taking everything for yourself, Tang San, you already have a way to die, but torturing you is better," Gaia said while laughing coldly, and she looked in the direction of the sky. Her eyes directly passed through the ground, and reaching the ends of the sky, she looked at the God Realm with a cold look in her eyes.

"Ten years, Hehe~," Gaia said with an evil chuckle, and then her expression changed to a normal one.

"Brother, you have finished condensing the spirit ring," Gaia said while appearing beside Ye Xiu, who had condensed a Ten-thousand-year-old growing spirit ring, and Ye Xiu nodded at his words.

"It's level 45, much less than I expected." Ye Xiu said while sensing the changes in his body and he noticed that all of his soul power had turned into liquid.

"So that's how it is," He muttered as he understood his situation, and then he looked at Gaia, who looked at him with her eyes sparkling.

"Brother, you gained much more than you expected," Gaia said while looking at his body, and she noticed the change in his spirit power. Seeing Liquid in his veins and meridians, she grinned as she understood the changes and Ye Xiu had gotten much stronger than before.

"Are you going to leave now?" Gaia asked as she looked at Ye Xiu, who had a thoughtful look on his face, and he shook his head.

"I will stay here for a week, and then leave." Ye Xiu said while smiling at Gaia, who nodded at his words and said, "You should. I will let you leave when you are level 50."

"Level 50?" Ye Xiu whispered and he shook his head at her words. From his calculation, it would take at least a year to increase the soul power to level 50, even after practising crazily and absorbing Spirit energy from most meridians in the body.

"Don't worry, In one month, I will let you break through to level 50," Gaia said, and Ye Xiu looked at her and thought of the soul bones.

"No need to look for them, let me do it on my own, or it would lose the point."

Gaia looked at him with a strange look in her eyes and she said, "But, didn't you prepare everything more, and get my help now?"

"Hmm?" Ye Xiu said narrowing his eyes at her, and Gaia laughed at him with a grin on her face.

"You sure have guts after getting back your position," Ye Xiu said while rubbing his head, and Gaia showed her tongue with a playful look on her face.

"It's your fault for giving up the 'inheritance'. Now, you can't do anything at all."

"Hah? Really?" Ye Xiu said while trying to flick her head, but Gaia moved to the side. Seeing the annoyed look on his face, Gaia chuckled, and she started to run away with Ye Xiu following her.


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