
Douluo: Reborn Huo Yuhao, I am not a succubus

The original title of this book is "Douluo: Shura Huo Yuhao" In the soul master competition, Tang Hao looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him with horror in his eyes. "Monster! You are a monster!" Tang Hao, who was seriously injured and dying, had regret in his eyes, and cried to Tang San beside him "Son! I was wrong! I shouldn't have messed with that terrifying monster!" —— Facing the catastrophe that swept the entire God Realm, Huo Yuhao, the God of Emotions, followed the guidance and threw himself into the turbulence of time and space. When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the Douluo First Period, the same age as Tang San. When I came to the starting point of my destiny, I originally wanted to become a god with my friends in my previous life, but I never expected that I would be entangled by my mother-in-law Xiao Wu as soon as I entered school. Many years later, facing Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong of Martial Soul Hall, Tang San’s mother A Yin, and soul beast co-master Gu Yuena... Tian Meng sighed softly: "Yuhao, why don't you just accept it..." Huo Yuhao exclaimed: "I am not a succubus!" This is the story of a young man who has regained his mentality and charmed all living beings by relying on his personality charm. —— This is a translation. (MTL + Edits) This is my favorite douluo fanfic by a CN author, So I wanted to translate it for you guys to experience. Original Source: [斗罗: 重生霍雨浩, 我真不是魅魔] https://www.qidian.com/book/1037298032/ Original Author (AN): 老尼亚 / Old Nia Translator Note (TN): Me Help with grammar is greatly appreciated.

AuroraCrest · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs


Seeing the group walking away, Flender clapped his hands and said, "Go back. You two can arrange your own training. I believe you two don't need me to worry about you."

Huo Yuhao smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Dean!"

Flender waved his hands and walked towards his residence while burping. After watching Flender leave, Zhu Zhuqing turned to look at Huo Yuhao, waiting for his arrangements.

Huo Yuhao touched his chin and said, "Let's continue as usual. You can practice alone first. We'll spar in the afternoon."

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement, the two of them walked towards the dormitory. The girl, who was half a step slower, tilted her head slightly, looked at the handsome boy next to her, and smiled.

"Your grilled fish is really delicious."

"Ah?" Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and laughed.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Can I still eat it in the future?" Zhu Zhuqing's voice came again.

"Of course, if you want to eat, just tell me."


After a few days, Zhu Zhuqing began to get used to this pattern of living together day and night. She practiced in the morning, fought with Huo Yuhao in the afternoon, and then in the evening, the two of them participated in the spirit arena, both two-on-two and single matches.

After returning to the academy, she went to Huo Yuhao's room to review the situation. In the next few days, because it was too late, she even rested directly in Huo Yuhao's room. There were two beds anyway, so she just had to bring the bedding with her.

Zhu Zhuqing had no complaints about such a packed schedule. Even if she couldn't handle it, she would grit her teeth and continue without saying a word, quickly adapting. Huo Yuhao couldn't be more satisfied with this, as if he saw his past self in Zhu Zhuqing. With such a strong mindset, it was inevitable that she would become stronger.

Zhu Zhuqing has also made tremendous progress in the past few days. Her combat skills have improved rapidly, and even her soul power has reached level 28. The two's martial soul fusion skills were tested, and Huo Yuhao named it [The Night Goddess' Gaze]." (TN: Originally called [The Watch of the Night Goddess], but I changed it to the current one because it is shorter.)

After the fusion, it was led by Zhu Zhuqing, with all-round amplification. In addition to Huo Yuhao's skills and teleportation, there was also a skill that even Huo Yuhao was amazed at, which could temporarily deprive the enemy of their five senses!

'This effect of this skill was enough to decide the outcome of a battle.'

The only regret is that the skill can only be released on one person, and the deprivation time is calculated according to the soul power level of both parties. If the opponent's rank is much higher than that of the two people, then it can only be deprived for a very short time.

But these are not problems. The cultivation of the two will not stop here, and this martial soul fusion skill will only become stronger and stronger in the future.



Looking at the serious profile beside her, Zhu Zhuqing's pupils became a little dilated.

"If only it could stay like this forever."

A soft whisper echoed in the dormitory.

"Huh? What?" Huo Yuhao almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Zhu Zhuqing no longer had the courage to say it a second time, "It's nothing, thank you for helping me so much."

"Haha, no problem."

Huo Yuhao tactfully did not bring it up again. He then closed his eyes and continued to recall the scene of Zhu Zhuqing's battle in his mind. Suddenly, a fragrant breeze blew into his nose, and before he could react, Huo Yuhao felt the soft and warm touch on his lips.


Huo Yuhao immediately realized what was happening, but the touch of his lips continued. 

'Should I open my eyes? It's too embarrassing to open them now!'

The voice of Tian Meng suddenly rang in his mind.

"Oh oh oh!!! Congratulations to Yuhao's ancestor for getting another point! She's now far ahead!"

Huo Yuhao didn't have time to care about Tian Meng's teasing. He was going crazy.

'Why doesn't she let go?'

Finally, after a long time, the touch disappeared. Huo Yuhao opened his eyes and saw Zhu Zhuqing with her head down. The crimson color had already climbed from her face to the tips of her ears.


If Huo Yuhao didn't have good hearing, he wouldn't even be able to hear these three words. He scratched his head and coughed twice.

"Well, let's stop here for tonight. It's getting late. We can continue tomorrow."



"Yuhao! I'm back! I'm already a Soul Elder, aren't I awesome!" The girl's excited voice came from outside the door.

Standing in front of the door full of anticipation, waiting for the surprise when the door opens.


There was no response.


Xiao Wu tilted her head, raised her hand and knocked on the door, only to find that the door was only ajar and opened directly inwards with her touch. Looking up, I saw the clean bed, the spotless desk, and the neatly stored benches in the room. Everything was perfect.

Xiao Wu stood at the door, staring at the empty dormitory, then suddenly turned around and rushed out.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong? Didn't you go to find Yuhao?"

Ning Rongrong was looking at Xiao Wu running wildly with her head down, confused.

'Why did she become like this after arriving at Huo Yuhao's dormitory? Was she scolded for being captured by the Titan Giant Ape? But didn't Xiao Wu return safely? Would Huo Yuhao even scold her for being it?'

The image of the young man with a warm smile appeared in her mind. Ning Rongrong decisively rejected this answer. At the same time, her heart tightened and an answer appeared in her mind.

"Something must have happened!"

Without any time to ask, Ning Rongrong quickly ran in the direction Xiao Wu left. Not long after she ran, she saw Xiao Wu again. She was standing in front of a dormitory and raised her hand to knock on the door with a strong force, making a loud bang.

Even her tone was a little tearful, "Zhu Zhuqing! Where is Yuhao?"

Ning Rongrong finally understood what had happened.

"Yuhao is missing!?"

She didn't care about being shocked, and quickly walked to Xiao Wu's side, waiting for Zhu Zhuqing to give an explanation. After a while, the door opened, and the two couldn't help but shrink their pupils when they saw Zhu Zhuqing coming out.

The person in front of them looked completely different, with pale skin, dark circles under her eyes, and lifeless red eyes. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong almost failed to recognize that the person in front of them was the cold and beautiful Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's lifeless eyes swept over Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong, and her hoarse voice rang out, "He's gone. He told me to give this to you."

A letter was handed to Xiao Wu, and she was unable to react for a moment. It was not until Ning Rongrong gently pushed Xiao Wu that she shuddered all over. She took the envelope with some trembling. There was only a piece of paper in it, nothing else.

"Xiao Wu, when you see this letter, I will be leaving Shrek for reasons that I can't explain. You should practice hard. I hope to see you become stronger next time we meet. Don't cry, parting isn't a sad thing as it will only make our next meeting even better. Goodbye."

The girl's pupils trembled, tears welled up in her eyes, she suddenly covered her mouth, sobs flowed out through her fingers.

"Impossible, he won't just leave like that. What reason did he give? Zhuqing! Tell me!"

From mumbling to a tearful roar, Xiao Wu suddenly raised her head and stared at Zhu Zhuqing with bloodshot eyes. Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when she met that crazy look, her eyes flickered, and she spoke slowly.

"I don't know the specific reason. After he was called away by the dean that day, he came back and started packing his luggage. After handing me the letter, he said a few words and left."

"I asked Flender, but he didn't say anything. He just sighed and said he was sorry to Yuhao."

"Flender." Xiao Wu gritted her teeth, turned around and walked toward the dean's office.

At this time, the sound of the bell rang, which was the signal for an assembly.

Ning Rongrong held Xiao Wu's arm with some concern, afraid that she would do something stupid, and comforted her softly.

"The dean probably called us together to discuss this matter. Let's go and gather first and see what the dean has to say."


Almost finished with this arc. Yuhao is about to get a major power-up in the next arc as well as a reunion.

Also, RNGesus blessed me and I got another Firefly in 38 pull. So in total, I have spent 189 pulls for E2 Firefly.