
Douluo Rebirth of Evil Soul Master [DROPPED]

An isekai'd evil soul master has rebirthed again, this is his story. [No Harem] [Evil MC]

MetaQuill · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Rebirth of An Evil Soul Master

Ru Jen stood tall, his torn black robe flapping in the wind. He looked down from the sky, his disheveled hair and blood-covered body only adding to his intimidating presence. But instead of feeling fear, he sneered at the sight below him: countless soul masters working together in formation, like ants.

With a smirk, he raised his fist, and nine rings materialized behind him. Soul energy began to gather around his hand, and his fist was enveloped in a blue glow. With a fierce punch, he released a massive force from his thin arms. Just as it was about to collide with the soul masters, three figures appeared and barely managed to block the attack.

Looking at the three figures, Ru Jen realized that his fate was sealed. But even in the face of death, his expression remained calm and collected. His gaze was deep and serene, his eyes like pools of water in a well, so deep that they seemed to go on forever.

"You demon! We trusted you, the entire Tang sect trusted you, the gods trusted you, the entire world trusted you!" the burly old man shouted, his eyes filled with hatred and anger.

"WHY! Why would you betray everyone?" he bellowed.

"Stop it, Tai Tan. It's of no use," a muscular middle-aged man calmly interjected, but the anger in his voice was palpable. He looked directly at Ru Jen and shouted, "Ru Jen, you have no way to escape now. The entire soul master world has gathered here to end your life."

Just as Ru Jen was about to respond, an extremely fast attack was launched in his direction. But thanks to his excellent reflexes, he narrowly managed to dodge it.

"Yes, my brother is right. This shall be your death day, Ru Jen!" a blue-horned young man with a cold voice shouted.

"Hmph, pathetic beasts like you think you can kill me? Perhaps you have forgotten my 'accomplishments'? Should I remind you of how I slaughtered the hypocritical lord's clan?" Ru Jen replied, his voice playful despite his stony expression.

"You bastard, how dare you slander the sea god like that!" the young man retorted.

Just as the young man was about to launch another attack, a fourth voice echoed across the hellish battlefield.

"Wait, Da Ming," an old man with black hair appeared and shouted, "Ru Jen, you're right. All of us together might not be able to defeat you. But what about the sea god?"

No sooner had the old man finished speaking, an extremely powerful force struck Ru Jen's body. Countless blue silver grasses arose from the ground below and started to tie him.

"Yu Xiaogang, you bastard! What have you done!" Ru Jen shouted, struggling to break free from the blue silver grasses, which were blessed with divine power. As Ru Jen fought against his bindings, countless dew drops merged together to form a trident that shot straight towards him.

At that moment, Ru Jen's mind was consumed by one thought - dodge. But just as he was about to make his escape, a massive amount of killing aura converged to form an illusory red figure. Ru Jen recognized the aura immediately - it was none other than his "old friend," Tang San.

"So, the law of gods not interfering with mortals has been forgotten?" Ru Jen said with a voice full of exhaustion.

"No, it wasn't. I'm here because of you, Ru Jen. The threat you pose is too great to ignore. Even if it means breaking some rules, I must end it here," the illusory figure replied with a sigh, his voice filled with both pity and caution.

The figure was right. After all, who wouldn't be wary of an evil soul master who had abandoned all morals and lived for over 700 years?

Just as the figure spoke, a two-meter-long blood-colored giant sword emerged and surrounded by a huge amount of killing energy.

Ru Jen, now tied and unable to move, could only sigh as he looked at the scene before him. He knew this moment was coming soon, but he didn't know when. The only thought in his mind was to test the strength of the god-king in front of him.

His thin arms grew thinner, his pale body grew paler. The illusory figure looked at Ru Jen with disgust and pity.

"Do you regret it?"

"Regret? Don't make me laugh," Ru Jen replied with sarcasm. "Listen, Sea God, I, Ru Jen, accepted my death the day I chose this path. The world may have forgotten what you have done, but I never will."

"Or have you forgotten? Should I remind you of some of your great deeds to your dogs?" Ru Jen added with a smirk.

Memories of his previous life on Earth flooded his mind. He was once an engineer on Earth who stumbled upon this world after reading Douluo Dalu. He had lived a hard life for 300 years, helped the protagonist reach the level of gods, and managed the Tang Sect for another 200 years. But in the end, was he just a dog? The only thing Ru Jen was proud of in his entire life was the 200 years he lived as an evil soul master. Over 700 years of his life had flown by in the blink of an eye.

The illusory figure raised his sword and prepared to strike. Ru Jen knew that even at his peak, he wouldn't be able to withstand this blow in his current, tied-up and exhausted state.

A huge red light appeared in front of Ru Jen, the light of destruction, eradicating everything in its path. Silence and eternal darkness followed.


Heaven Spirit Village

The night was dark, with a gentle breeze blowing and a light rain falling. But the Heaven Spirit Village was far from dark. The houses were lit with dozens of tiny lights, shining like a bright ribbon in the night.

Suddenly, a baby's cries filled one of the houses. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" a middle-aged woman exclaimed, holding the newborn wrapped in a wet towel. The excited father rushed into the house, and the woman handed the baby over to him.

"Who am I? Where am I?" the baby started to ponder, but before he could continue, he was enveloped in a giant hug and swiftly wrapped in swaddling clothes.

"Wife, do you think my son looks like me?" the stout, gray-haired man asked with a laugh.

"How would I know? He was just born," the tired, delicate woman lying on the bed replied softly, as she took the baby to her side and began to breastfeed.

The confused baby, Ru Jen, remembered being killed by Tang San's sword. But when he saw his parents' faces, he was filled with surprise. His mother was a beautiful, younger woman, while his father was a tall, young man in his twenties.

"Mom and Dad!" Ru Jen thought to himself, but all that came out was baby talk. He realized that he had traveled back in time, 700 years into the past, to the Heaven Spirit Village.

"How did I travel back in time?" he wondered, but before he could ponder more, he felt something stir in his spirit consciousness.

Ru Jen quickly realized something was in his spirit consciousness. As he looked inside his consciousness, he saw a gray-coloured lightning which quickly disappeared while a mark was left on the place where the lightning was.

As he tried to look deeper into this mark, the mark suddenly vanished. At first, Jia Ye was shocked but calmed down and tried to search for the mark but couldn't find it, so he was vigilant of his mark.

Because of his low mental strength, he couldn't peek into his soul consciousness anymore. When he was out, he quickly fell tired and just slept.

While he was sleeping, an old man came and examined him.

"Mental strength is strong, but body bones are weak. Exercise more and make up for it."

The unnamed old man came to a conclusion.