
Douluo dalu : Tan Ming

The protagonist Tang Ming died and was reborn in the world douluo dalu becoming Tang San's adoptive brother From that moment on, he decided to become a martial spirit master in order to ascend and become a god. (Cover not mine)

Mihail_Reshin · 書籍·文学
6 Chs

New Beginning 2

Continent Douluo

Southwest imperial Dou

5 months later

The Village of the Holy Ghost


It has been five months since they began their training

And a few days ago, they reached the age of six.

Right now, Tang Min and Tang San

They are at their home in the forge.

After the morning training they decided to have some rest and eat something since after yesterday's training they were too tired to have dinner and went to bed right after coming home

Unfortunately due to lack of money they rarely ate meat or other animals

Most of their meals consisted of porridge and vegetables.

But they were fine with that because they were used to it.


In the early days, it was Tang San who cooked the food, mostly porridge, then cleaned and washed the vegetables and then finely sliced the food.

Only Tang Min then took over from him as chef because he cooked, you know, a few times better.

Tang Min lived in the modern world where the varieties of food were almost impossible to calculate.

And since his parents were at work and he was mostly at home, he learned recipes from the internet and cooked his own food.

But in this world, cooking was a little different because there weren't so many varieties of condiments or a stove to rugelier the fire.

So he had to improvise.

But in spite of that, the food always tasted good.


Right now, sitting at the table, Tang Min and Tang San were eating a salad of vegetables with porridge and a few slices of bread fried with eggs in a frying pan.

The silent atmosphere was broken by Tang San asking a question.

"Tang Min, what do you think our chances are of awakening a strong fighting spirit?"

After some thought, Tang Min replied.

"To be honest Tang San, I don't know if there's a good chance that you'll inherit the spirit from your parents."

"My situation is different I don't know who my parents are or what they were like so I can't speculate."

"Of course there's a chance that I could awaken a mutated spirit but the chances of that are very slim."

Taking a deep breath, Tang Min continued.

"I hope that the spirit I can awaken will at least be combat-ready even though our training has strengthened our bodies, it's just not the same with the fighting spirit."

And it's true.

The last five months of training has really helped their development.

They both got faster and stronger physically.

They trained together mostly fighting each other to get more experience in combat or carrying baskets of stones to improve their body strength

But what they didn't have was a technique to improve.

Or rather, one of them lacked it

It was Tang Min

Tang San had a mysterious celestial skill from the Tang sect that he learned about in his past life.

He perfected himself with it.

Tang Min, on the other hand, had nothing, so he had to solve this problem in order to become stronger in the future.


Luckily that was the first thing he thought of when he started training

For the first three months he began to absorb spiritual power and tried to create his own perfection technique

At first he couldn't do it at all.

He just absorbed spiritual energy, but it didn't help him much.

A few weeks after he had started to create a technique he wanted to use a different way of perfection

Instead of just absorbing spiritual power he started to conduct it through his body like blood and then after cleansing his whole body he started to absorb it

First he began to move it under the skin, then inside the veins until he reached the bones and nerves and soon he was able to move it throughout the body while widening the meridians and cleansing the body of impurities

This process was not only painful but also very dangerous.

But despite this, he slowly began to go through the process.

Soon he succeeded and created his own perfecting technique.

Even though it took him four months to do it, he was very happy that he had succeeded

The first thing he noticed was the lightness in his body afterwards his eyes color became richer and his skin became lighter in color and softer like a baby

But the best thing he noticed was the increase in strength and improvement in his senses, such as smell, sight, hearing, perception, and so on

That was the end of his changes for now.

Once he had created this technique and stabilized it.

He could safely improve with it.

No longer afraid of hurting himself as he was used to the process.

He was very happy that he could think of a way for himself to become stronger

Unfortunately, he did not yet know what to call it and what rank it had

But one thing was clear, he could become stronger with it, and with these thoughts he spent the last month of his practicing with Tan-san and improving his technique


{After dinner}

Tang San went to wash the dishes and Tang Min went out into the courtyard to think about his thoughts


POW [Tang Min].

Out in the courtyard, Tang Ming sat down under a tree and began to think about his next steps in this world

It's been about 6 years since he was reborn, and the most important thing is already far ahead of him.

[I hope in two days, during the ceremony, I can awaken the Martial Spirit and become a spiritual master]

He was very interested in his origins and wanted to know who his parents were.

But since no one knew them, he couldn't get information about them.

So he soon decided to forget about it and think about his current situation

[ My training is progressing smoothly, but I need to improve my technique]

[ Should I at least give my technique a name? ]

He thought about it for a while and discarded the idea.

[ All right, I'll do it later, I need to create my own skills, so that if something happens I won't be left without protection ]

Even though he had created a technique to improve himself.

He hadn't yet created a skill to use in combat, although he had a few ideas about it.

And sometimes strange things happened in his body that he couldn't explain.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to put his thoughts aside and start training

[Then I'll get to it later, but right now he has to train.]

Sitting down in the lotus pose Tang Ming began to move the energy through his body, slowly increasing the speed of its movement so as not to damage himself.

Day by day he expanded his meridians and strengthened his bones and inner facets.

He wanted to learn how to manipulate his energy perfectly so that he could easily improve his technique and learn to create skills

To do so he had to condense it and use his imagination to shape it

Slowly but surely he learned to manipulate it.

{Few hours later}

While he was perfecting it, it began to get dark outside.

After he finished perfecting, he slowly opened his eyes and went home to sleep and rest.

In two days time one of the most fateful days of his life would come and he had to prepare for it

He got into his room, took off his clothes and went to sleep to wake up the next day with renewed energy.