
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Ch.4: Unexpected Encounter

3 Years Later...

Within the depths of the Sunset Forest, a solemn confrontation was underway. Dugu Xin's gaze remained fixed on the Spirit Beast in front of him - a 3.000-years Pink Queen. Around them, the forest floor was filled with the remains of countless pink maidens. The air was heavy with the scent of blood and their white and yellow soul rings adding an eerie luminescence to the grim tableau.

15 days ago, ...

The moon cast its gentle glow upon the courtyard, where Dugu Xin and his father, Dugu Bo, stood facing each other. The air was thick with tension, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Dugu Xin's resolve in obtaining a spirit ring older than 3.000-years was unwavering.

"Xin'er, you must understand the risks involved," Dugu Bo's voice was tinged with concern. "A 3,000-years soul ring is not to be taken lightly. The power it holds could easily overwhelm you."

Dugu Xin's eyes gleamed with determination as he responded. "Father, I know the risks, but I've trained hard, and I know my physical strength should be able to support a spirit ring of that age."

Dugu Bo's brows furrowed, his expression a reflection of his internal struggle. "It's not just about your training, Xin'er. It's also about your spirit power. Even if you have the physical strength required to support a 3.000-years spirit ring, if its consumption is too big, it will cause you more harm than good."

Dugu Xin's gaze held an unshakeable resolve as he met his father's eyes. "I am aware of the risks, however if I wish to reach my goals, to make the Dugu Family the great again I must do it."

Dugu Bo's gaze softened, his heart torn between paternal concern and the acknowledgment of his son's determination. "Very well, Xin'er. If this is your choice, then you must face it with open eyes. Just promise me that you'll tread carefully and remember the lessons I've taught you, and the most important, your life is what matters most."

A determined smile curved Dugu Xin's lips as he nodded. "I promise. I won't take unnecessary risks, and I'll make sure to be prepared for whatever comes my way." As they finished their conversation, Dugu Xin chooses to leave that very same night under the cover of darkness.

'If I continue at this speed, I should reach the Sunset Forest in about 6 days.' Dugu Xin thought to himself. 'With this occasion I should also try and search for the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. Neither the manhua nor the dongua really showed any details about its location. Sigh... I wonder I will meet any of the characters in the show... .'

After 6 days of travelling Dugu Xin reached the Sunset Forest. "Finally, I am here, ... let the hunt begin."

2 Days Later.... "Nothing. Absolutely no spirit beast that is older than 2,000 years and possesses a poison attribute." Dugu Xin murmured to himself, his voice carrying a note of disappointment. He let out a sigh, his gaze fixed on the expanse of wilderness before him.

"Sigh... I guess I have to go deeper into the forest." As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows through the dense undergrowth, Dugu Xin's thoughts turned practical. "It's getting late. I should find a place to camp for the night," he mused aloud.

Just as he was contemplating his next move, a distant sight caught his attention. Smoke rising into the sky, an unexpected sight in a place like that. "Huh, that's rare — to light a fire in a place like this. Let's check it out,"

Dugu Xin thought, curiosity piqued. Following the trail of smoke, his steps carried him closer to the source. Finally, he emerged from the underbrush to find himself at the edge of a small clearing.

Before him stood a young man with striking black hair and matching eyes. He exuded an air of confidence, his stance poised and ready for action. Dugu Xin's presence did not go unnoticed; the stranger's vigilance was evident as he rose to his feet, his gaze narrowing. Alert and ready for whatever lay ahead, the young man addressed Dugu Xin with a measured tone. "Who are you? What's your purpose here?"

Dugu Xin's own posture shifted; his hands positioned in a non-threatening manner. "My name is Dugu Xin. I'm here to find a suitable spirit ring for myself."

The tension in the air seemed to lessen slightly as the stranger processed Dugu Xin's words. His stance relaxed marginally, though his guard remained up. "Gu Rong," he introduced himself, his voice holding a note of caution.

"You look younger than me, are you here for your 1st spirit ring alone?" Slightly offended by the person's words, Dugu Xin replied hastily.

"Wrong. I am here for my 2nd spirit ring." As he spoke Dugu Xin took a closer look at the young man and thought of his name when it finally hit him 'He's the future Bone Douluo, one of the 2 guarding Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. I ques that at this point he still hasn't met Ning Fengzhi, nor does he have a rivalry with Chen Xin, the future Sword Douluo. I should make friends with him. The friendship of a future Titled Douluo is important, maybe I can even convince him to join my future Sect.'

"What about you Gu Rong?" Gu Rong's expression grew more contemplative, his eyes narrowing as if weighing his response.

"I am also searching for a spirit beast for my 2nd spirit ring." Dugu Xin's gaze remained fixed on Gu Rong, and asked with curiosity. "What kind of spirit beast are you searching for?"

Gu Rong's features remained stoic as he answered. "One with bone-type skills, an undead spirit beast would be ideal" he replied cryptically.

Dugu Xin's eyebrows quirked in intrigue, feigning ignorance about his martial soul. "Bone-type and undead spirit beasts? That sounds intriguing. I your martial soul a bone-type beast?"

Gu Rong's lips twitched into the faintest semblance of a smile, but his gaze remained guarded "Yeah, a Bone Dragon to be more specific. he replied, his voice carrying a note of understated pride. "What about you?"

Dugu Xin replied without any restricton. "Jade Phosphor Serpent". Gu Rong's eyes showed a glint of acknowledgement as he spoke. "So, you really are from the Dugu Family."

"You know my family?" Asked Dugu Xin surprised. "Not really, I just heard about them from my grandfather."

"I, see" replied Dugu Xin while thinking 'It seems that dad was right, the Dugu family still has some presence on the continent.' As the Sun completely disappeared over the horizon Dugu Xin spoke.

"What do you say we team up? I think that together we would have better chances at finding the right spirit beasts and killing them."

Gu Rong's expression remained stoic, his contemplation evident. "Teaming up? It's not a bad idea. Hunting spirit beasts can be dangerous and having someone help could indeed increase our chances."

Gu Rong's lips curved into a rare smile, a gesture that spoke volumes. "Very well, Dugu Xin. Let's combine our strengths and increase our chances of success." Gu Rong's answear made a smile of satisfaction appear on Dugu Xin's face.

Dugu Xin's began to explain his current ability to Gu Rong so as they could support each other without problems in tomorow's hunt, "Allow me to introduce you to the power of my Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor." He extended his arms, revealing the transformation that his martial spirit's first spirit ring had granted him.

"This is my 1st Spirit Skill: Cursed Shroud." spoke Dugu Xin as his arms and forearms were covered with green-jade scales and four golden horns grew from his head. His nails elongated and turned gold. "It increases all my body attributes by 10%, and the nails are as strong as the fangs of a 1,000-year-old Red Horned Golden Serpent. And my body gains the defense of a 1,000-year-old Red Horned Golden Serpent as well."

Gu Rong's nod was one of appreciation. "Enhanced attributes and a formidable defense. That's a versatile ability. My Bone Dragon spirit grants me bone wings with a span of 6 feet, and my 1st Spirit Skill: Dragon Armament, expands my wings' size to 10ft while also increasing my bones' density to that of the bone dragon".

Dugu Xin replied with a small grin. "Not bad."

The following morning arrived with a sense of anticipation in the air. The forest was alive with the soft rustling of leaves and the distant calls of creatures awakening to the new day. Dugu Xin and Gu Rong stood ready, their expressions determined as they prepared to set out on their joint hunt for both of their spirit rings. With that, they set off, their footsteps carrying them deeper into the heart of the forest. The early morning sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

As they ventured further, their senses sharpened, attuned to the slightest fluctuations in the environment. Dugu Xin's connection with his martial spirit allowed him to sense any poisonous breath in their surroundings, while Gu Rong's martial spirit allowed him to sense all space fluctuations around them. Hours passed in their search, the forest yielding glimpses of various spirit beasts, none matching the criteria they sought. But then, as they moved through a particularly dense thicket, their eyes widened in unison as they heard a powerful roar.

Before them stood a wyvern, with its blue scales glistening in the filtered sunlight. The wyvern had a second set of black bones that acted as armor. It was a sight to behold, its body measuring a staggering 5 meters in length. Its wings, with an impressive wingspan of 8 meters. Gu Rong was the first to speak in excitement. "Its a Black Bone Wyvern. Its a bone-type spirit beast, and a dragon subspecies at that. Judging by the wingspan of the wings it should be about 800-years. Its perfect for my 2nd spirit ring."

Dugu Xin nodded in response ready for battle. "Let's do this," Dugu Xin declared. With a shared resolve, they stepped forward, their footsteps confident as they approached the Black Bone Wyvern.

As they closed the distance, the wyvern's obsidian eyes fixed on them, its wings stirring with a hint of agitation. The air crackled with tension as Dugu Xin and Gu Rong approached the formidable Black Bone Wyvern. Their eyes were locked on the creature, a mutual understanding passing between them. With a nod, they activated their first spirit ring abilities, a surge of energy enveloping them. Dugu Xin's body was adorned with the Cursed Shroud, his arms encased in jade-green scales and elongated golden claws. He crouched low, his movements fluid and poised for action. With a flick of his fingers, his golden nails gleamed ominously in the sunlight.

Gu Rong's aura shifted, his bone wings unfurled, their span extending to ten feet, and his bone density increased, bolstering his power. Without warning, the Black Bone Wyvern unleashed a torrent of scorching blue fire breath, a searing wave that roared toward them. Dugu Xin's agility shone as he dashed to the side, narrowly avoiding the blaze. Gu Rong, his eyes unflinching, shielded himself with his expanded bone wings, the fire's heat dissipating against his defenses. With the fire breath dissipated, Dugu Xin seized the opportunity. He launched himself forward, his movements swift and elusive as he circled the wyvern. His claws struck with precision, aiming for vulnerable spots on the creature's scales.

The wyvern lashed out with its tail, but Dugu Xin's agility allowed him to dance away, narrowly avoiding the strike. His claws met the wyvern's scales, leaving deep gouges in their wake. He utilized hit-and-run tactics, delivering deadly hits before retreating to safety. 'This wyvern's defense is quite strong and it seems he also has a resistance to poison. Still, my poison should affect him soon enough.'

"Gu Rong, let's keep it off balance! You keep distracting it while I go for its vulnerable spots."

"Got it. I'll focus on its head and wings. You keep it guessing and create openings." spoke Gu Rong as he approached the wyvern head-on, his demeanor resolute.

He braced himself as the wyvern summoned bone spikes from the earth, the massive projectiles hurtling toward him. With a powerful flap of his bone wings, Gu Rong surged into the air, narrowly avoiding the bone spikes that pierced the ground below. He descended swiftly; his fist clenched as he aimed a direct strike at the wyvern's jaw. The impact resonated through the clearing as Gu Rong's blow connected. The wyvern let out a furious roar, its obsidian eyes narrowing in response. Unfazed, Gu Rong met the wyvern's gaze with unwavering determination.

Back in the fray, Dugu Xin's agile attacks continued to take their toll. His golden claws sliced through scales and sinew, leaving trails of green poison in their wake. With each hit, he danced out of reach, avoiding the wyvern's retaliatory strikes. The wyvern, undeterred, summoned another wave of bone spikes. But this time, its movements were slower, its energy drained by the relentless assault of Dugu Xin and Gu Rong.

Amidst the flurry of movements, Dugu Xin's voice reached Gu Rong. "Gu Rong, its underbelly! Aim for its underbelly!" Gu Rong's eyes flickered to the wyvern's exposed belly, a vulnerable point that he had noted earlier. With a determined exhale, he adjusted his stance and unleashed a powerful punch, his bone-infused fist connecting with the wyvern's vulnerable spot, causing it to let out a furious roar. It was the opportunity Dugu Xin needed. With a calculated leap, he vaulted onto the wyvern's back, his golden claws sinking into its tough hide.

As he did so, the movements of the wyvern became more sluggish. Dugu Xin's voice was edged with excitement. "The poison is finally working!" The venom coursed through the wyvern's veins, its body faltering under the effects of the poison and the continuous strikes of Gu Rong. It released a final, desperate roar before falling to the ground, unconscious due to the poison.

With a sigh of relief, Dugu Xin quickly spoke. "You should kill it quickly before it dies due to the poison." Gu Rong nodded and pulled a knife and pierced through the creature's eye, into its brain, completely killing it. With this a yellow rose from its body. Gu Rong lowered himself into a cross-legged position beside the wyvern, attracting the spirit ring towards himself as he began to absorb it. Time seemed to slow as Gu Rong's absorption continued, the yellow spirit ring's energy gradually merging with his own. The air buzzed with energy, and the clearing held an air of anticipation. After about 4 hours he completely absorbed the spirit ring, Gu Rong raised from his position and spoke. "It seems that my spirit power broke through level 22."

"Congratulations. It's already night. Let's rest and tomorrow we will continue to search for my spirit ring" spoke Dugu Xin while thinking. 'This Black Bone Wyvern was quite strong and even resisted most of the effects of my poison. Without my help Gu Rong wouldn't have been able to kill it. It seems that I have begun to affect the future more and more. Not that it matters now, my simple presence is enough to ruin the entire plot. For now, let's get some sleep and focus on finding my second spirit ring.'