
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Ch.3: New Abilities

As the soul ring's energy flowed into Dugu Xin, the process started out relatively smooth. However, the further the energy ascended through his body, the more turbulent it became. Beads of sweat formed on Dugu Xin's forehead, his once-stable soul power started to waver like a tempestuous sea. Dugu Bo's expression turned increasingly concerned as he observed the distress his son was in. He utilized his own soul power to probe the situation, and what he discovered sent a chill down his spine.

His voice trembled with worry as he spoke, "This isn't good at all. The Red Horned Golden Serpent's soul power within the ring is too strong. It reached around 890 years before it absorbed the mandala snake and surged to 900 years. That's nearly a century beyond the limit of Xin. My Xin'er, I've unwittingly put you in harm's way. Stay strong."

Driven by concern for his son, Dugu Bo's soul power erupted in an attempt to stabilize the chaotic soul power within Dugu Xin. Meanwhile, Dugu Xin's face turned pale, the strain evident even as the cracks forming on his skin gradually began to mend under the influence of his father's soul power. Despite their combined efforts, the internal struggle within Dugu Xin persisted. The amalgamation of two lifetimes' worth of experiences granted Dugu Xin an internal resilience that might have otherwise been impossible to gain. This resilience allowed him to endure the onslaught of power threatening to shatter him. Any ordinary soul master would have succumbed and died by trying to absorb a 500-years-old spirit ring, but Dugu Xin clung to consciousness through sheer determination, aided by his past life's tenacity.

Amidst the chaos, a warm and oddly familiar soul power emerged, a comforting presence amid the storm. It wrapped around Dugu Xin's soul, mending the fragile threads holding him together. As if guided by an invisible hand, the chaotic energies started to harmonize. A figure materialized at Dugu Xin's side, a figure both strange and yet intimately known. With a gentle kiss, the tensions gripping Dugu Xin dissolved into thin air. The soul power that had nearly consumed him was now calm as a serene sea.

Dugu Xin's soul power gradually found equilibrium, its intensity settling to a manageable level. Meanwhile, the mysterious figure lingered, ensuring the delicate balance was upheld. After a full day and, the soul ring above Dugu Xin's head descended gently, signifying the conclusion of the tumultuous absorption. A relieved smile touched Dugu Bo's lips as he watched the ring settle. Exhausted yet victorious, Dugu Xin could hardly contain his excitement. His first soul ring, which was with 500-years old than a normal one, had been integrated successfully. Though drained, he was aware that his soul power had ascended to level 15.

As Dugu Xin basked in the aftermath of his achievement, the atmosphere shifted with electrifying suddenness. A sense of impending danger loomed, sending shivers down his spine. Before he could react, a monstrous creature burst towards him from the bushes—a Hollow Thorn Cobra. Fear gripped Dugu Xin as he stared into the eyes of the spirit beast.

It was a 9,900-years-old Hollow Thorn Cobra, just one step away from becoming a 10.000-year-old spirit beast and becoming a dragon subrace. When it found Dugu Xin it knew that if it could eat that human it could successfully promote. However, the small human was guarded by a strong presence so it dared not attack until that person let its guard down. After Xin absorbed the ring, Dugu Bo relaxed his guard for a second so, in that instant the spirit beast took that chance and sprung into action.

But before the serpent could strike, Dugu Bo leaped into action. His eyes ablaze with fury, he activated his 4th Spirit Ring, Soul Tearing Jade Phosphor. This spirit ability allowed his poison to target not just the physical body, but the very soul, causing it to wither and writhe in unbearable agony. The attack was so potent that it could cripple even the most resilient of foes, leaving them helpless in the face of excruciating torment. The aura of Dugu Bo's Soul Tearing Jade Phospho enveloped the room, casting an eerie glow upon his features. He unleashed the poison-infused attack, its insidious tendrils snaking towards the cobra's essence.

The ancient serpent recoiled as the poison seeped into its being, its body writhing in torment. As the Hollow Thorn Cobra writhed and contorted in its death throes, its agony culminated in a burst of energy that could only be described as resentment—a final defiant act against its inevitable demise, it tried to detonate its cultivation, however before it succeeded it died. Its death however gave birth to something extremely rare and unexpected – a spirit bone. Not a normal spirit bone but an external spirit bone.

Dugu Bo recognized the significance of this unique occurrence. This external spirit bone, borne of the serpent's torment and death, held the potential to further augment Dugu Xin's abilities, and allow him to redirect the poison in his body towards it. With solemn determination, he detached the bone—an appendage resembling a serpent's tail—and turned to his son. In the aftermath of the battle, Dugu Xin's exhaustion paled in comparison to the triumph and relief that surged within him. With gratitude and determination, he accepted the bone, absorbing it without any problem.

His newfound appendage was a bone snake tail, reminiscent of his martial spirit, now coiled behind him. It wasn't the only feature that had changed; a barb resembling that of the Hollow Thorn Cobra adorned the tip of his tail. As the days passed, Dugu Xin gradually regained his strength. Dugu Bo was never far from his side, guiding him through the recovery process. The mansion bustled with activity, and one day, the news of Dugu Xin's awakening reached even the mansion's maids.

In their excitement, the maids rushed into Dugu Xin's room, their exclamations mingling. "Young Master, you're awake! Master has been tirelessly tending to you for fifteen days!"

Dugu Bo's face, previously composed, broke into a relieved smile as he saw his son's eyes flutter open. He enfolded Dugu Xin in a heartfelt embrace, his voice quivering with emotion. "Xin'er, I thought I might lose you. It's my fault... all my fault."

Dugu Xin managed a weak protest, his hand pressed against his father's chest. "Father, you're... you're suffocating me."

A chuckle escaped Dugu Bo's lips, mingling with a few stray tears. "You rascal, daring to tease your father even in this state." With a tender smile, Dugu Xin shook his head gently.

"Dad, I'm still recovering." A fond glint danced in Dugu Bo's eyes as he ruffled his son's hair affectionately. Then, lowering his voice, he whispered, "Rest up, Xin'er."

As his father left the room, Dugu Xin let his eyes drift shut. Unbeknownst to him, his father leaned against the closed door, an almost imperceptible tear glistening as it trailed down his cheek. In a whisper, he murmured, "Yue'er, you've truly protected our children."

After another five days of rest, Dugu Xin's vitality had been fully restored. Dugu Bo deemed him ready to resume cultivation. Stepping into the training room, father and son faced each other. Dugu Bo's eyes rested on Dugu Xin with pride, his voice brimming with satisfaction. "Xin'er, despite the danger you faced, the rewards are immense. Your first soul ring is 900 years, and its origin is extraordinary. This will undoubtedly solidify your path as a soul master and grant you an extensive advantage over all others from your generation. But remember, don't take such risks in the future. Now, I'm eager to see the soul technique you gained from your first spirit ring."

Nodding earnestly, Dugu Xin replied, "Father, I've learned my lesson. I won't let my impatience lead me into unnecessary danger again."

A hint of a smile tugged at Dugu Bo's lips, his gaze softening. "Good. Learning from experiences, both good and bad, is essential for growth. And now, let's explore the new abilities you've gained."

As Dugu Xin complied, the yellow soul ring with a purple outline beneath him glowed: "1st Spirit Ring, Cursed Shroud" The Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor materialized behind him and them its form melted within Dugu Xin as his arms and forearms were enshrouded in green-jade scales, adorned with four prominent golden horns that jutted from his sides. His nails elongated, transforming into gleaming gold as they filled with the potent venom of his martial spirit. Dugu Xin wasted no time in putting them to the test. Swiftly advancing towards a training dummy, he used his claws to tear though it with precision. The venom that dripped from his claws dissolved the dummy.

Brimming with satisfaction, Dugu Xin's determination remained unshaken. In a fluid motion, a bone snake tail emerged from his body, impaling four dummies and securing them to a nearby pillar. Dugu Bo observed the spectacle with a blend of surprise and pride.

"It seems that the poison of your Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor was enhanced by quite a lot. But I assume that the poisonous claws aren't the only ability or perhaps the other changes in your physical appearance are just for show?"

Dugu Xin continued to explain the abilities of his 1st Spirit Ring: "Actually, its true effect is to enhance all of my physical attributes by 10%." Dugu Bo's eyes widened in surprise. "By 10%? And all physical attribute at that? That's quite substantial."

Dugu Xin nodded. "Indeed, and for every additional spirit ring, the effect increases by 5%. Furthermore, my nails are as strong as a 1,000-year-old Red Horned Golden Serpent's fangs, and the defense of the scales quals that of a 1,000-year-old Red Horned Golden Serpent."

Dugu Bo was taken aback by the sheer power of this ability who was just the 1st Spirit Ring of his son. But Dugu Xin's gaze turned inward, his thoughts delving deeper. "And this external spirit bone—the Hollow Thorn Cobra's tail—is an entirely different sensation. It's like an extension of myself, but not a part of me at the same time"

Dugu Bo leaned in, intrigued. "Tell me more, Xin'er." "Well… it has one ability which activates when I use the tail called Hell Snake's Aura that increases my speed by 50% and it boosts my spirit abilities by 50%, mainly in terms of attack power."

Dugu Bo nodded, his pride evident in his gaze. Pulling Dugu Xin into an embrace, he imparted a solemn piece of wisdom. "But remember, Xin'er, wield this aspect of your abilities with caution, only revealing them when you've truly mastered their control. If the need arises, act swiftly to neutralize any threat."

With a firm nod, Dugu Xin acknowledged his father's advice. With a smile, Dugu Bo said to Dugu Xin into bed: "Enough for today. Rest well."


The next day, Dugu Bo led Dugu Xin to a secluded chamber within the heart of the cultivation hall. The atmosphere shifted as they entered. Inside, a torrent of scarlet currents flowed, intertwining with various vials of potent medicines, each containing a different substance. Dugu Bo spoke in a tone that revealed the chamber's significance.

"These currents," he gestured to the scarlet streams, " consist of the blood of poisonous soul beasts, ranging from hundred-year to ten-thousand-year levels. Likewise, the surrounding herbs vary in toxicity, serving as antidotes, injury remedies, and cultivation aids."

He pointed to each vial, while naming them: "Bitterwater Fern, Hemlock Iris, Twilight Lotus, Ghost Orchid…" His voice trailed off recounting most of the items inside.

Amid the plethora of substances, a special enclave drew Dugu Xin's attention. Within, resting atop a velvet-lined pedestal, lay an assortment of objects of immense significance. Dugu Bo saw his gaze and began to speak: "Xin'er, these items you see before you are our legacy, treasures that have been safeguarded across generations, each one collected by one the previous family heads."

His gaze settled on the first object, a venom gland of a Jade Phosphor Dragon Serpent, a being whose age reached 100.000-years. "Here rests the venom gland of a legendary 500.000-years spirit beast, a Jade Phosphor Dragon Serpent. Its poison is so potent that it can cause the very air to become deadly. If a drop happened to fall to the ground, it will become a poisonous swamp that spirit beasts with an age lower than 10.000-years cannot approach for the next millennium. The container itself is made out of 100.000-years-old Life Gold."

As Dugu Bo continued, his eyes shifted towards another item— the Reverse Scale of an Abyss Demon Dragon. He gestured towards it, his voice carrying a subtle tone of awe. "Beside the venom gland lies the Reverse Scale of an Abyss Demon Dragon. Its power can help a spirit beast to breakthrough 100.000-years and awaken its bloodline."

Dugu Xin though about something and immediately asked his father: "If it can awaken a spirit beast's bloodline, doesn't that mean that we could use it to trigger a second awakening of our martial spirit?"

Dugu Bo shook his head when he heard it and said dejected: "Sigh… If only it was that easy. Dugu Hao, the one who obtained it also thought the same, however the scale rejected the spirit power of a human, killing him in the process."

Gazing upon these treasures, Dugu Bo's expression radiated with pride as he spoke: "Both of these items represent our legacy and the power of our poison. They are the most guarded secret of our family, known only to the head of the family and his descendant."

As Dugu Bo spoke, Xin'er's gaze remained fixed on the collection. "Father, the venom gland of the Jade Phosphor Dragon Serpent... its power must be astonishing. And the Reverse Scale of the Abyss Demon Dragon… its killing intent is truly frightening."

Dugu Bo nodded, a solemn pride in his eyes. "Indeed, Xin'er. These objects serve as reminders of the path we tread."

"Now, let's return to our business, and the reason I have brought you here." Spoke Dugu Bo as he finished presenting Dugu Xin the room. His words took on a weighty tone.

"Xin'er, I task you with mastering the pharmacology and applications of all these items within six years. We'll delve into pharmacology every three days, and I'll monitor your progress monthly." With that, Dugu Bo's soul power surged, sealing the room shut. His six soul rings—yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black—illuminated, and the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor appeared around him. Settling cross-legged, Dugu Bo the serpent coiled in the same position.

"Xin'er, I shall now teach you the most closely guarded secret technique of our Dugu Family: the [Heaven Snake Poison Pill]. Through this technique, we have refined a path that fuses our innate poison with external toxins, forging a symbiotic relationship that strengthens both. This process is aimed at utilizing your dantian as the foundational cauldron, ultimately giving birth to what we call a 'Poison Core'." Using his soul power again, Dugu Bo retrieved a highly toxic herb from the chamber.

Using his spirit power, he transformed into a concentrated liquid that fused with his spirit energy, unleashing his soul power in torrents in the process, his visage cycling through hues of purple and turquoise before settling on a bloody hue. The air swirled with poisonous miasma, encircling both Dugu Bo and his Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor. With a controlled inhale, he beckoned the mist inward, guiding it to mingle with his soul power. As his soul power activated, even the eyes of his Blue Scale Snake Emperor took on a blood-red hue.

Observing his father's exercises, Dugu Xin marveled, recognizing the scent Tang San said: "No wonder Tang San mentioned that my father's aura reeked of blood. Nourishing poison with poison, fighting poison with poison—it's no wonder he struggled to suppress it. If not for his martial soul, the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor, and the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well suppressing it, he might have succumbed long ago."

As Dugu Bo demonstrated, Dugu Xin's thoughts began to race. He had grown up with the knowledge of the [Heaven Snake Poison Pill], but only in abstract terms. He thought that like in the manhua, the pill was physical entity, made out of the crystallization of the poison that accumulated over the years, that being the reason that, he though, in the manhua Dugu Bo was able to extract it from his body without dying or lowering his level. But now, witnessing his father's demonstration, a realization dawned upon him—the "Poison Pill" was, in essence, a Spirit Core! Dugu Xin's mind continued to race as he thought 'This doesn't make sense, to create a Spirit Core requires immense amounts of spirit power. It shouldn't be possible for me to create one without being a Spirit Saint at minimum, anyone would die from the quick extraction of spirit power… Wait… What if… I don't believe it… The poison of the martial spirit and the one obtained from different plants is used to substitute the missing spirit power. … … To think that suck a technique existed at this time.'

Inhaling a deep breath, Dugu Bo continued, "Our Dugu Family embodies poison in every aspect of our existence. Using poison to counteract poison might seem treacherous, but it's a necessary path. It reigns in our internal toxins that grow as our soul power advances. If left unchecked, they could erupt, resulting in our death."

He continued, "Using poison to counteract poison aligns with our cultivation method. While risky, it's the path our Dugu family has chosen generations ago. Xin'er, your youth enables you to externally guide toxins using a soul bone which can reduce the toxins in your body while allowing you to practice the technique at maximum efficiency."

Dugu Xin acknowledged his father's words. 'The Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and the Infernal Delicate Apricot within the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well can detoxify our poison while granting immunity to fire and ice. But it's insufficient. For the future of the Dugu Family, I may have to compel Tang San to reveal his secrets.'

Interrupting Dugu Xin's contemplation, Dugu Bo's voice returned, grave and resolute. "Xin'er, begin your cultivation. Your father will guide you."

Without a second thought, Dugu Xin engaged in the practice, adopting a cross-legged posture. The yellow soul ring beneath him emanated light, conjuring the Jade Phosphor Emperor that entwined him. Dugu Bo's guidance commenced.

"Due to your current soul power level being low you should absorb the blood and venom of century-level poisonous soul beasts." He produced a less toxic herb, instructing, "This weed is suitable for your current stage. I'll assist you this month, but afterward, you're on your own."

Dugu Xin nodded, absorbing his father's instructions with determination. And so, another year slipped by, marked by relentless practice. As toxins coursed through his external soul bone, the New Year's arrival brought forth his first poisonous backlash. Agony unfurled within him, resembling the sensation of a thousand biting ants. His soul power surged erratically, and the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor roared within his consciousness, its eyes a feral crimson. Dugu Bo, behind the closed door to his room, listened to his son's agonized cries, providing silent accompaniment. As the night passed, the door finally opened, revealing Dugu Xin, exhausted, eyes red and drained. Dugu Bo extended his soul power to aid his son's recovery, whispering, "Good job, Xin'er."

After a period, Dugu Xin gradually regained composure. He voiced his gratitude, but Dugu Bo sighed, dismissing the formality. "Such things are unnecessary between father and son."

Unburdening himself, Dugu Xin asked, "Father, have you endured these hardships all these years?" Dugu Bo remained silent, prompting Dugu Xin to continue inwardly, 'The fate of our Dugu Family is truly cruel. I've been exposed to toxins since childhood, even more father causing the eruptions of my poison to be stronger than normal. Without dad's help, I would have been dead.'

With a heavy heart, Dugu Bo departed, leaving behind solemn words, "Endure, Xin'er. Endure and rise above your fate." The rain continued to fall outside, Dugu Xin oblivious to his father's nightlong vigil at his mother's grave. His expression hidden by rain, Dugu Bo stood motionless, lost in thoughts known only to him.