
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Ch.22: Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors Part 1

Dugu Xin met with Luo Tian at the tranquil waterfall hidden behind the academy's courtyard. It was a place known for its calming ambiance, and it was no surprise that Luo Tian often came here to recuperate from his hidden injury. As Dugu Xin approached, he took out his jade flute and began to play a soothing melody. 

Luo Tian, hearing the melodious music, sensed that the healing of his wound, while still slow, was progressing slightly faster than before. He opened his eyes and spotted Dugu Xin playing the flute. A smile tugged at his lips, and he greeted his student, "Smelly brat, why have you come here?"

Dugu Xin, with a smirk, retorted, "Can't a student visit his teacher?"

Luo Tian burst into hearty laughter at this response. "Hahahahaha... If that were the case for you, then the sky would be green instead of blue." His comment caused a vein to pop in Dugu Xin's mind, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Alright, old man," Dugu Xin said, attempting to change the topic. "As you know, I've broken through to level 50, and now I need a spirit ring to become a Spirit King before the start of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament."

Luo Tian raised an eyebrow. "And what's the problem? With your power and some assistance from the others, you should be able to hunt a 20,000-year-old spirit beast without any problems. Don't tell me you've become lazy after your training in the past month."

Dugu Xin sighed, "It's not about laziness, old man. I could easily hunt a 30,000 to 35,000-year-old spirit beast by myself. But what I want is a spirit beast with at least a 50,000-year-old spirit ring."

Luo Tian fell into deep thought upon hearing Dugu Xin's request. "Brat, are you suicidal? Your fourth spirit ring is already a miracle. A 50,000-year-old spirit ring is way out of your league..."

He handed Dugu Xin a book from inside his cloak, saying, "Read this."

Dugu Xin caught the book and read its title aloud, "10 Great Core Spirit Competencies." He sat down and began to read. As he read, he couldn't help but think, 'Xiaogang must have met Bibi Dong and used his connections with her to gain access to Spirit Hall's knowledge. It happened a lot earlier than I thought.'

Luo Tian added his disdainful opinion, "It was written by Yu Xiaogang, the one considered a waste by the Blue Tyrant Clan. It gained popularity among civilian spirit masters recently."

Dugu Xin finished reading and tossed the book back to Luo Tian, stating, "That book isn't much. It's basically common-sense knowledge and information barely made out of logical connections. Most importantly, the best spirit ring configuration is only for those who don't train their physical bodies. Training your body alone can allow you to absorb an older spirit ring. In conclusion, it's useless."

Luo Tian nodded in agreement. "Exactly. It's not going to affect us, but it might influence future students."

Dugu Xin shrugged. "Not my problem, old man. But I suppose it might affect the future of my sect."

"Heh, you want to create your own sect, brat? It's not as easy as you think."

Dugu Xin replied confidently, "I think I can handle it. I've already recruited Yao Chen, Ma Jun, Meng Shu, and Chao Tianxiang. I also have some techniques that can be used as the sect's skills."

"Is it that second spirit of yours?" Asked Luo Tian curious. 'That technique of his is already enough to make his sect on par with the Seven Great Sects whose heritages go back hundreds of ears. If this kid has more techniques, well that might make him a big target. And if I not wrong the Spirit Hall will try to poach him first'

"That, and another one. If the opportunity arises, I'd like to make the Beast Academy part of my sect."

Luo Tian chuckled. "Brat, you dream big."

Dugu Xin smiled back. "Well, I'm pretty confident in my abilities. But let's get back to why I came to you."

"Alright," Luo Tian said casually. "What's on your mind?"

Dugu Xin considered it briefly and then decided to share his plan. "I think an Emperor-type spirit beast would be the best choice."

Luo Tian raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Emperor-type spirit beasts are become that when their cultivation reaches 50,000-year-old and are incredibly powerful. Some might even be able to contend with 90,000-year-old spirit beasts. I'm not even sure about defeating one. But knowing you brat, you will most likely want a spirit beast born as an Emperor in which case their strength might reach that of 100.000-years old spirit beasts. It would plain suicidal."

Dugu Xin knew the challenge he was proposing was immense. "I'm sure, old man. I believe I can handle it, and besides an old relic like can't die that easily to a spirit beast."

Luo Tian sighed, realizing that Dugu Xin had made up his mind. "Very well, let's do it. Meet me tomorrow morning at the academy's entrance."

Dugu Xin nodded, and with their plan in motion, he left to get some rest before the journey to the Dou Star Great Forest the next morning.


Dugu Xin and Teacher Luo Tian began their journey to the Star Dou Great Forest. After three days of travel, they reached Soutuo City, a border city on the outskirts of the forest. The city was heavily guarded, and two Spirit King level guards stood at its entrance. Luo Tian presented his Heaven Dou Royal Academy soul token, carved with the face of a flaming tiger, and the guards immediately allowed them to pass.

As they entered the city, Luo Tian couldn't help but remark, "It seems that peace won't last much longer." He knew that the increasing number of spirit beasts and the fortified defenses were signs of an impending war. They spent the night in the city before continuing their journey towards the heart of the Star Dou Great Forest. Luo Tian extended his soul power, creating a protective aura around them as they ventured further into the forest.

Suddenly, a wolf's roar echoed through the woods, and countless black shadows swiftly moved through the trees. Luo Tian smirked, noting, "I wonder if they're seeking their own demise." Dugu Xin readied himself for a battle, and in no time, they were surrounded by Thunder Wind Wolves, led by a Thunder Wind Wolf King with green horns.

Luo Tian observed the situation calmly and said, "It's a pity they're not suitable for you, brat. The leader is a Thunder Wind Wolf King of about 30,000 years old, while the rest are around 9,000 years old. They're challenging me because of their king's confidence, but it's not enough. Today, I'll show them a lesson."

With that, Teacher Luo Tian released his soul power, and eight soul rings appeared beneath his feet—yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black. His Spirit Douluo aura permeated the surroundings, causing the 9,000-year-old Thunder Wind Wolves to tremble, almost prostrating themselves. The Thunder Wind Wolf King, however, remained vigilant.

Seeing the wolves trembling, Luo Tian chuckled, "Now they know fear, but it's too late." With that, he activated his Seventh Soul Skill, Martial Soul True Body, transforming into a giant black male lion enveloped in black flames. The Black Flame Male Lion roared, and with each swipe of its massive claw, Thunder Wind Wolves were sent flying, leaving behind purple soul rings.

The Thunder Wind Wolf King, seriously injured, collapsed, blood oozing from its ears, and its silver-white fur scorched. Just as Dugu Xin, who was engulfed in flames behind Teacher Luo Tian, began to regain his composure, the nearly defeated wolf king suddenly displayed a surge of soul power, transforming into a silver-white streak and lunging at Dugu Xin with a violent wind. Dugu Xin was ready to activate his 4th Spirit Skill, but before he could do it, teacher Luo Tian promptly intervened, pressing the Wolf King to the ground with a mighty lion claw. He calmly stated, "You had a chance to escape, but you chose death by attacking my disciple." He then exerted force, crushing the Wolf King's head, causing a black soul ring to appear.

The black flame lion gradually dissipated, revealing Teacher Luo Tian once more. He turned to Dugu Xin and advised, "Let's go. This place is a hundred times more dangerous than the outskirts.

Dugu Xin was still in shock. The entire battle had taken merely three minutes, yet the countless Thunder Wind Wolves, including their high-level Spirit Emperor King, had perished. He realized that the strength difference between soul masters in different stages was immense.

Teacher Luo Tian, noticing Dugu Xin's astonishment, explained, "The path of a soul master consists of ten stages, with each stage exhibiting significant differences in strength. Some individuals may leapfrog their opponents due to talent and martial soul compatibility. However, when one reaches the Soul Saint realm, the strength of a soul master undergoes a profound transformation. A Soul Saint can take on ten high-level Spirit Emperors and emerge victorious. And when you reach the Title Douluo realm, the power of a soul master reaches an entirely new level. Ten Spirit Douluo would struggle to defeat a single Title Douluo."

Teacher Luo Tian patted Dugu Xin's head affectionately and encouraged him, "Keep cultivating diligently. One day, you'll surpass me and attain the Title Douluo realm. But for now, focus on your growth." With that, they resumed their journey to find a suitable soul beast for Dugu Xin.

For the next few days, Dugu Xin and Luo Tian continued their journey through the inner area of the Star Dou Great Forest. They encountered multiple 10,000 years old spirit beasts but none were a what Dugu Xin was looking for. However, today was different. Their attention was drawn to the pungent scent of blood through the forest. Luo Tian, ever alert, remarked, "Brat, let's go check it out."

Dugu Xin nodded, and they followed the scent to its source. Soon, they arrived at a massive canyon. At its entrance was a cave, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of Fifteen Ton Ants. Luo Tian's brow furrowed in concern. "This is unusual. To wipe out an entire colony of Fifteen Ton Ants, besides the queen must have been at least 40,000 years old."

Descending into the canyon and entering the cave, they found even more ant corpses. Dugu Xin's thoughts raced as he recalled information from his past experiences. 'I remember from the show there were three brothers who liked to consume Fifteen Ton Ant Queens to increase their cultivation. If they are who I think they are, then we're in trouble. Even the Sea God Trident couldn't penetrate their armor when they were 90,000 years old. I can only hope they're still young enough to be able to defeat them."

As they ventured deeper into the cave, they reached the spot where the queen should have been, but all they found was a pool of blood. "They've devoured the queen," Luo Tian observed grimly.

"Let's exit the cave and search the surrounding area," Dugu Xin suggested. They emerged from the cave just as a sudden tremor shook the ground, accompanied by three thunderous roars.

Luo Tian's expression turned serious. "Let's go."

With their remarkable speed, they quickly arrived at the source of the commotion—a fierce battle. A figure with golden hair, appearing more like a woman than a man, floated in the air. A chrysanthemum with countless petal blades extended, suppressing three monstrous ants with a tornado made of thousands of petal blades. Beside this figure stood a young and beautiful woman, her elegant form enhanced by a pair of cicada wings. The moment Dugu Xin laid eyes on them, he didn't need his 4-pupils mystic eyes to identify them: Chrysanthemum Douluo, Yue Guan, and the future Pope of Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong. 'Her cultivation seems to have reached level 60. She must be here to seek a spirit ring,' Dugu Xin thought. But as soon as they saw them, they also noticed the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors.

Examining the ants, Dugu Xin estimated their cultivation to be around 60,000 years old. "Old Man Luo, those ants appear to be the ones that killed that colony. They're the only Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors, and their age matches my requirements. They're perfect for my fifth spirit ring."

Luo Tian, however, raised a skeptical brow. "Kid, even though they're emperor-level spirit beasts, they're earth-type and insects, while your snake specializes in poison. They're not a suitable match for you."

Dugu Xin corrected him, "Actually, you're mistaken. My Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor mutated, gaining a metal attribute. That's why my body is more resilient than a typical snake user's."

"I see," Luo Tian nodded in understanding. "I have noticed your Jade Phosphor Serpent had that dark or metallic sheen before."

As they conversed, one of the ants broke free from Yue Guan's suppression and charged towards him. Yue Guan was forced to utilize his eighth spirit ring, summoning a colossal chrysanthemum that radiated an intense golden light. It struck the ant directly, causing it to fall to the ground with only minor injuries. Unfortunately, this allowed the other two ants to break free and make their way towards Yue Guan. He then activated his sixth spirit ring, summoning a giant chrysanthemum above his head. This massive flower unleashed several beams of light that rained down upon the battlefield.

However, the two ants were undeterred, with one of them targeting Yue Guan while the other moved to strike down Bibi Dong, who, despite using her external spirit bone to fly, couldn't escape in time…