
Douluo dalu: God king

A person reincarnate in douluo dalu world and his journey towards God king

Villain116 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 8

"Is it ok to kill?" asked Xiao Wu as Ray pull her to his chest.

"I know it is difficult for you but this is law of nature bunny strong and weak are term in this law, so we have to strive for, what we want?" said Ray.

"Hardening grass bind"

As blue sliver grass surrounds the thunder eagle and attacking it. This thunder beast escapes and swing its wings as the feathers of the wings formed into thunder attacks. Li Hua takes her grass spear and use hardening ability on it. She rotates the spear then all the thunder feather attacks are deflected. Thunder eagle moves towards her as it uses claws to attack her. Li Hua defends its attack by using spear. She gives a small smirk as all silver blue grass become sharp as sword and pass through the thunder eagle. The thunder eagle fell on the ground as its last breath last. A black color ring appears on the body of spirit beast. She takes some rest and sit-crossed as she begins to absorb spirit ring.

"My mother didn't use defense ability and she able to defeat it or may be because of bloodline oppression" said Ray as Luna give a smile to him.

"You are correct Ray, she still can't control her bloodline powers but her fighting power is becoming more aggressive" said Luna.

"So, my mother family is not so simple" said Ray as Xiao Wu thinks Ray family should be so mysterious.

"Who knows?" said Luna as Ray sees her and understand that her mother still doesn't want to talks about her. It's been 3 hours Li Hua absorbed the spirit ring but suddenly she felt pain on her back as she controls herself. A pair of wings formed on her back everyone taken back seeing this scene.

"This is .." said Xiao Wu

"External spirit bone" said Ray.

"How are you feeling mother?" asked Ray as she opened her eyes in respond she smiled brightly.

"Well not bad but controlling these wings are somewhat difficult" said Li Hua.

"Don't worry about it now never try to fly in the sky until you are able to use it easily" said Ray with concern as she is happy that her son thinking about her.

"So, what is your spirit ability?" asked Xiao Wu.

"Thunder blast"

Two thunder spears formed and attack the trees as all the area blasted and a big hole formed in the that area. Both Ray and Xiao Wu have cold sweat on their forehead.

"My spirit ability is thunder blast- increase my attack to 100% and my speed to 90% and my level is 43" said Li Hua.

"You are becoming so powerful mother" said Ray as Xiao Wu nodded her head.

"Ok let's take the body of spirit beast it will go high price" said Ray as everyone are looking at him with blank faces.

"What! Do you know how much money takes for a single shopping for all of you?" said Ray as they twisted their mouth.

"Ray after graduating Nouding academy, where will we go?" asked Luna.

"Oh, for that I know a place so don't worry it but not Shrek" said Ray as Luna excited somewhat and waiting for night. They left forest as Li Hua and Luna went inside to spatial world. Li Hua start training with her wings, as for Luna, she is reading books. Ray and Xiao Wu go shopping and went to Nouding academy.



Name: Li Ray

Spirit: ultimate darkness (can be evolved)

Spirit power: level 20

Spirit ring: 1st spirit ring 1000 years- spirit ability- black fire shot, fire control

Spirit bone: left hand bone

Bloodlines: special bloodline (locked), unknown bloodline (25%)

Powers: Eyes change- mind daze (10 mins), clear vision, illusion immunity (entry level)

Techniques: yang god technique (level 2)

Divine spiritual technique (level 3)

D.P: 1050 pts

"huh.. so, my spirit can evolve if its not how can it be a god- level spirit, and my special bloodline is fully locked even if I want to know there are only 1050 pts tsk tsk and for attack techniques within one month I can easily use fire control and make my fire element to ultimate with that I can create my own soul abilities and with the help of my mother my sword attacks and battle instinct increased" said Ray as he sees all the area in front of was full of holes, cuts and burn. He smiled by seeing the destruction of his created soul ability.

"Both mother and son are monsters" said Xiao Wu as a white glow appear on her hands stopped while she practicing and her cute face has a proud smile about Ray strength.

"But he still needs to become strong" said Luna.

"Why he is so determines for becoming strong?" asked Xiao Wu.

"Reason maybe you, as a 100000 years spirit beast so many title Doulou, you are a jack pot and mainly also for his mother and Ray knows that his mother having a burden on her shoulder, so he has to determine himself" said Luna. Xiao Wu looks at him and clenched her fist.


"Where am I? this is my… room, Didn't I reborn in Doulou Dalu world?" said Ray immediately whole place change into a greenery place as a female person is sitting in front of him. He moved towards the her as his heartbeat increased looking at her. She looks at him with a beautiful smile, she has black hair and deep black eyes and her whole body has elegance and peacefulness. Ray was shocked seeing the face of that person.

"It's been long time Ray" said she.

"Mio.." his eyes become moist by seeing her. He run to her as he touched her face with him trembling hands and looking at her with so much love. He starts crying as he hugs her tightly.

"Ma ma crying like that, its ok Ray you did your best at that time" she gentle touch his head.

"But I….I was a failure and didn't save you Mio" said Ray.

"So, what you are safe and everything is past Ray and you have new life now, there are people you have loved right" said Mio.

"I didn't say at that time, I love you Mio" said Ray as bright gold light formed on her as slowly vanishing. Ray feared seeing this but Mio shook her and smiled.

"I too Ray, I love you so much" said Mio as she gives a kiss to him as her tears falling from her eyes and gold light become even brighter and vanished into thin air.


Ray opened his eyes as tears on his face. He getup from his bed quietly because Li Hua and others are sleeping besides him and he doesn't want to make them sad. Suddenly two hands hugged him tightly, he turns his head and sees it was Luna.

"Ray, why are crying? Are you perhaps thinking about her" said Luna as she knows about Ray's love in his world?

"Well, I always feel sad about her and know I have a new life and you all" said ray as he felt his soul and body somewhat change.

'Now finally you accepted your reborn Ray as your past life regrets are gone' as she hugs him and Li Hua Xiao Wu on bed wake up.

"Ray what happened?" asked Li Hua as Xiao Wu also sees him with concern but he smiled happily as they go for breakfast.

'You are right Mio it is past and thank you as always for helping me up'- Ray