
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · アニメ·コミックス
133 Chs


Next day, early in the morning, at the Shrek Academy in the cafeteria.

Everyone was again gathered there for the breakfast. From today, Grandmaster will again begin his second phase of training. Everyone quickly ate their breakfast and went toward the Shrek Academy ground.

As they arrived, they can already see Grandmaster standing there, waiting for them.

The eight of them immediately stood in a raw waiting for Grandmaster's further instructions.

Grandmaster glanced at all of them with a stern expression as he began :

"I believe you all have rested enough for the past week and from today onward your second phase of training will begin."

"For the past three months you all have been doing training to improve your physical fitness and the weekly battle with Tang Ming had also made your body's quite resilient to a beating."

"....." Everyone.

Even though some of them wanted to say something in protest, they all kept quite after looking at Grandmaster solemn expression.

"You all have improved significantly, so the next stage of training you all will be doing is fighting in the Great Spirit Fighting Arena. All your previous training will put at use in there to fight against opponents and to gain fighting/combat experience necessary."

The Grandmaster continued speaking slowly.

Everyone was a little surprised but didn't think of it too much.

"You all know the bad financial condition of the Shrek Academy, as the last three months of high-intensity training had made the already not so rich academy very poor. Therefore, the money you all will earn when winning will be spend on yourself to better nourish youself and your body."

The Grandmaster looked a little embarrassed while saying this as he thought to himself :

'Its really embarrassing to ask for money from the students of the academy to fulfill their basic needs.'

Who would've thought that all the savings of the Flender only amounted to a few thousand gold coin, which was all spent in the last three months for the students food and medicinal baths.

So they had no other way than to ask the students for the money they will earn when winning a fight for their foods and medicinal needs. Shaking his head, Grandmaster said, "The training in the Great Spirit Fighting Arena will continue untill each of you reach the Silver Rank Fighting Badge!"

"You all will also need to reach the Silver Fighting Badge in the team battles. Even though fighting against Tang Ming can be considered a very good experience, but you all need to experience to fight against a team." Grandmaster said as he glanced at all of them.

"There are countless martial spirit, spirit skills in the while Douluo continent, you all need to experience it. Only by really understanding and fighting with other soul master teams can it help you improve faster."

Tang Ming also nodded in agreement.

Indeed there are countless type of martial spirit and there are some even quite unique and rare ones. That's why having experience in fighting against different type of spirit master can help you adjust quickly to the situation when you encounter them.

"Now, except Tang Ming everyone quickly find your companion and form a team." Grandmaster said.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little surprised after hearing that she have to form a team with someone else other than Tang Ming. She quickly looked at everyone.

"Hehe, me and brother San is already a team." Xiao Wu said happily as pulled Tang San's arm.

Then, Oscar and Dai Mubai also became a team.

Ma Hongjun wanted to find Ning Rongrong but was interrupted before he can even speak.

"Fourth brother, don't look at me, I have already found a partner." Ning Rongrong said.

"Who do you became a partner with? Zhuqing?" Ma Hongjun was taken aback. He quickly counted and found that there are only seven of them and if Rongrong formed a team with Zhu Zhuqing, then he will be left alone.

Ning Rongrong smiled as she walked toward Tang Ming who was standing at the side, "Of course, it is Tang Ming. He is an assault system spirit master and I'm an auxiliary system spirit master, our team will be perfect and he'll also be able to protect me."

"...." Tang Ming was speechless. He looked at her as if she was retarded, 'Didn't she listened to what master just said.'

"....!" Zhu Zhuqing who was also looking at Tang Ming became stunned after hearing what Rongrong said.

"Tang Ming and I are already a team." After a moment of silence Zhu Zhuqing spoke in a cold tone.

Rongrong was taken aback for a moment but remembered that when they first entered the academy, the two formed a team.

It seems to be called Qing...Qingming?

'This is unfair!" Ma Hongjun at this time said as he looked at Grandmaster, "How can this work? Forming a team with brother Ming, it's impossible to lose! Master, I protest."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Tang Ming then again said, " In fact, in all the matches in the past three months, Tang Ming didn't make a move until we're going to lose."

During these three months, Zhu Zhuqing and Tang Ming had gone to fight in Great Spirit Arena everyday.

In the starting, when Zhu Zhuqing fought alone she sometimes lost the battle but after a few time she lose very rarely. Tang Ming had only helped her a few time when she was extremely close to losing.

Except Tang Ming, she had the most points among the seven and is already very close to silver badge.

"Then what's your current points?" Grandmaster eyebrows raised a little as he asked.

"Sevent-Eight points." Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Tang Ming as she said.

"Seventy-eight points? you're already very close to Bronze Fighting Badge." Oscar asked exaggerateddly.

"Not close to bronze, she has already reached bronze and is close to become a silver badge." Tang Ming interrupted as he continued, "And she fought in fighting arena everyday for the last three months. One solo and one team battles."

Everyone including Grandmaster became stunned as they looked at Zhu Zhuqing with wide eyes.

S-Silver Badge? She had already reached bronze badge and was only a few battles away from reaching silver.

Everyone looked at Zhu Zhuqing and can't help but think that this cold and indifferent looking girl, who even speaks very rarely has already surpassed all of them.

"Usually after training, we get tired from exhaustion and after coming back to dormitory, we usually fall asleep as soon as we can. How did she still have the strength left to fight in arena?" Oscar asked in awe.

"Tang Ming, you secretly fought in a team with seventh sister! Y-you..you cheated." Ning Rongrong said with dissatisfaction as she slightly felt uncomfortably in her heart.

"Cough..you both don't need to argue who will form a team with me." Tang Ming said, gaining everyone's attention.

"Master, I want to say something." Tang Ming looked at Grandmaster as the latter also looked at him with questioning look.

"Master, I'm already very strong and no one below a spirit emperor can hope to defeat me. So, I was thinking of going outside to adventure and experience the outside world. And as one of the few senior manager incharge of the Immortal's Love, I was required to make a few tour all over the Empire." Tang Ming stopped for a moment after saying this.

Everyone was shocked hearing this as no one expected him to announce something like this. Even Grandmaster was a little surprised hearing this.

"So I was hoping you would accept my request, master." Tang Ming asked with a bit of expectations.

Grandmaster have a contemplating look on his face as he thought to himself.

'What Tang Ming said was very reasonable and I too can't teach him anything more. His strength if what Zhao Wuji said can easily be comparable to early stage Spirit Emperor. Sigh, it's better for him to experience outside world.'

Grandmaster then looked at Tang Ming as he asked in a low voice, "When are you going to leave?"

"I'll leave tomorrow at dawn." Tang Ming answered.

"Hm, I'll tell my decision at the night. I need to discuss something with Flender first." After saying this Grandmaster then glanced at everyone and said, "There will be no training for today."

After saying this he turned around and left.

The seven of them immediately surrounded Tang Ming and started bombarding him with a lot of questions.

"Why are you leaving so suddenly, brother?" Tang San asked with a little concern. For as long as he can remember, he had always lived with his brother and this will be the first time they will be parting ways.

Even though he didn't show it but Tang Ming is one of the most precious person to him including Tang Hao and Xiao Wu. The two of them had always played together when they're small and had also trained together.

"Eh, are you sad, Xiao San? I'm not leaving suddenly, I have thought about venturing outside for a while. And it's not like I won't return back." Said Tang Ming with a slight smile.

"How long will you be gone for brother Ming, tell me?" Xiao Wu asked as it can be seen from her expression that she too was very sad.

"I'll be gone for atmost a year."

"If you leave, then who will eat my long and delicious sausage from now." Oscar muttered with an exaggerated sad expression.

The sad atmosphere immediately became a little light. And everyone looked at Oscar with strange expression.

"Tang Ming, you said you'll train me and now you're leaving. Won't you even keep your word." Ning Rongrong asked Tang Ming.

"Of course, I'll keep my word. From now on, you'll train with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, you too will accompany both of them in training." Tang Ming said with a stern look.

"Zhuqing, I'll trouble you to help me train this little princess of the oh-so great and magnificent Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda clan." Tang Ming said to Zhuqing who only nodded her head in agreement as he looked at Ning Rongrong with a smirk.

"Y-You..You bully." Ning Rongrong pouted as he pointed her finger at Tang Ming.

"Hahahahah..." Everyone laughed seeing this and can't help but remember the Ning Rongrong of three months ago.

"Take care, brother Ming." Ma Hongjun suddenly came forward as both he and Tang Ming bumped their fist together.

"You too fatty, don't slack in your training." Tang Ming smiled.

"If you managed to fight evenly with Dai Mubai or Tang San, the next time we meet, I'll introduce you to a girl who you'll definitely fall in love." Tang Ming whispered this in fatty's ears as his eyes immediately sparkled with new vigor.

"I'll definitely exceed your expectations." Fatty grinned.

Tang Ming suddenly remembered something as he took seven pouches from his Ameterasu Flames and gave everyone an each.

"This is a little parting gift. I don't have anything else to give you, i hope you all accept it."

He had prepared ten thousand gold coins for each of them.

Everyone checked the contents in the spatial pouch and immediately became dumbfounded seeing so much golden coins.

"Brother Ming, t-this is too much. I can't.." Ma Hongjun said but was interrupted as Tang Ming immediately interrupted him, "You don't need to feel bad. I have more than few millions gold coins. You should know that Immortal's Love is the richest organization in all of the Heaven Dou Empire and possibly in the entire Douluo continent."

"And Xiao San, I have also prepared some rare and unique ores for you as you love to create hidden weapons. It's in the pouch." Tang reminded Tang San who immediately checked as his eyes brightened.

"Thank you, brother." Tang San was jubilient seeing so many of rare metal and ores.

"Now you all can go and enjoy an extra day of rest."

Everyone then left the ground except Zhu Zhuqing who was still there standing and looking at Tang Ming with various emotion in her eyes.

Tang Ming also looked in her eyes and smiled as he motioned her to come with him.

"Come with me." Tang Ming said as he turned and started walking toward the entrance of the Shrek Academy.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say anything and quietly followed him.

None of them spoke anything as they both walked outside of the academy in the silence.

To be honest, Tang Ming actually really enjoyed the silence between them, even more than talking and chatting. It was quite a special feeling for him, walking together in silence looking at the scenery.

Even Zhu Zhuqing, really liked the peace and silence as a small smile can be seen forming at the corner of lips.

Both of them didn't say anything and continued to walk all over the Suotuo City, the whole morning and afternoon. They also ate some of the local cuisine together in a small stall at the corner of one of the streets.

It was already late in the evening when they returned to the academy.

At night all of them celebrated and held a feast. Tang Ming also gave hundred-thousand gold coins to Flender who was very persistent to accept it. Even though he might look like a fellow who was a cheapskate but he was really generous if you get to know him personally as it can be seen how he spent all of his savings in training all of them.

He was very reluctant to accept the money and only accepted after both Zhao Wuji and Grandmaster persuaded him by saying it was for the students and he can even pay their salary that he hadn't paid them for months.

After partying till midnight, everyone headed toward the dorm. Tang Ming also slept for a few hours.

The next day, at the early dawn, when the darkness of the night has still not gone, Tang Ming woke up and went outside of his room and stood at the roof of his room as the cold wind of the night brushed passed him.

He looked at everything as if to memorize this place. He knew that the next time he will arrive, the Shrek Academy would have moved and would be at the Heaven Dou City.

He washed himself and put on a different clothes then usual. Usually he like to wear platinum-lilac coloured clothes but this time he wore a black coloured traditional Tang Suit with button opened. He then walked toward the gate of the academy.

Just as he was going to leave the, he sensed someone following him. He immediately became alert and used his Divine Sense and found that it was Zhuqing.

"Why do you always follow me? Zhuqing." Tang Ming asked with a little smile forming at his lips.

Zhu Zhuqing walked from behind one of the trees and walked toward him while locking her eyes with him.

"You are going to just leave like that. You don't have anything to say to me?" Zhu Zhuqing asked coldly with complicated emotions visible in her eyes.

Tang Ming's eyebrows raised a little hearing what Zhu Zhuqing said. But then he suddenly vanished from his place and appeared in front of Zhu Zhuqing instantly.

Before Zhu Zhuqing can even react to what happens, Tang Ming held her waist and then immediately teleported both of them in the air.

She can't even comprehend what just happened now suddenly, before she knew she was in midair held by Tang Ming who was standing atop his spear in the midair while smiling at her.

Tang Ming didn't say anything else and kissed her lips without even giving her a chance to protest.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened realising Tang Ming kissed her. At first she wanted to resist but melted after a few moments. They both kissed each other lovingly as the spear slowly descended.

After reaching ground, the spear slowly moved away from the foot of Tang Ming.

Tang Ming then broke the kiss as he looked in the eyes of Zhu Zhuqing who too was looking at him. He smiled brightly as he said, "I don't need to say anything as I can't express my feelings toward you in mere words. This is all I can do."

After saying this, he didn't wait for her to reply as the floating spear again landed below his feet and purple snakes of lightning can be seen coursing through it. At one moment the intensity of the lightning reached the maximum as crackling of lightning can be heard.

He then stepped on it as he looked at her for a last time before suddenly disappearing from his place as purple lightning bolt can be seen traversing across the sky.


A/N : So here's today's chapter folks. Enjoy.

I hope you liked the chapter. And yes in the last what he used was 'CHASING THUNDER'.

The next chapter will be released the day after tomorrow at the same time as today, so stay tuned if you want to know what's going to happen next.

Any suggestions reviews and comments are appreciated either positive or not. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious. Peace Out ✌️.

Thank You all for your love and support.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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