
So..... What happened before?

The door closed with a 'bam' as Ryan's mother stormed out, with a hidden disdainful smile on her face, after giving a huge speech to and disowning her son. "Well, what are you gonna do, when they don't want you, they don't want you", Ryan thought with an indifferent face. A tear slowly found it's way down to his chin. The next moment, he started laughing hard, like a maniac. Now, if thought those tears were of sorrow, you are mistaken. He was trying so hard to control his laughter in front of his.... "mom" that his eyes bulged up and eventually started hurting. "Those losers sure showed their true colours fast. For their son to inherit Nana's money, they even revealed the truth that I was adopted in front of everyone. Wasn't exactly a shock to me or her though, as we both knew it already. However, as there is no official will yet, if she does, all her stuff will naturally go to Sabreena, that piece of shit condescending younger sister of mine." Ryan thought out loud, with a pensive look on his face. His mom and dad, who were unable to have kids had adopted him as a baby, 20 years ago. But then they heard about IVF and guess what, they got a baby of their own blood! Ryan was very protective of his sister when she waa small, and she loved him a lot too, but as she and especially her chest grew in size, she learned that he was not her real brother and viewed him in disdain ever since. That opportunistic bitch! Just as Ryan was slowly "reminiscing" about his life, his cell phone rang loudly. He attended the call and a smile bloomed on his streched face. Yeah, Ryan was really fat. Being treated like an outsider, he developed a habit of "stress eating", where he eats a hell lot when he's tensed up. As he was adopted, such conditions were not extremely rare. Hence, he weighed 250 pounds by the time he was 18. And was only 170 cms tall. Thus, no girl ever spared him a second look. That is, no girl except Dina, his cousin, who was now on the other side of the phone, frantically panting, trying to get words out of her mouth. " Ryan..... Nana..... Admitted.... Evening..... Gone....." As he placed those words together, the smile on his face was now replaced by shock, disappointment, regret and pure sorrow. He asked, trembling: "What?". " Nana is go-" the rest of the sentence was inaudible as a sound which was a mixture of squeak and sob replaced Dina's usual cheerful voice. The phone slowly fell down from his hands as Ryan fell into the couch right behind him. Nana was..... Gone? My Nana? The only one who supported me? The only person I truly cared for in this world? Then what is the purpose of my existence, if there is no one I can trust here? That's right, Dina is here.... Dina is here....Dina is here.... Ryan thought this as he slowly closed his eyes, which caused two drops of tears of pure sadness to fall down on his shirt, as he dozed off.

Ryan opened his eyes to a bright sun shining through his window on to his face. "Son of a..." He said angrily as he thought someone was shining a flashlight on his face. But, before he finished that thought, everything came flooding back into his memory. And his body shook as he said to himself: " Nana's death right now only means one thing.... That I'm now out of my family and out of money. Fuck! What am I gonna do?!" He quickly ran to his kitchen, opened a pack of chips and started eating like a hungry dog. His habit had come forth. But, during this episode of mental breakdown, he forgot to drink some water, which, he noticed quickly as he started choking on his food. After ten seconds of that infernal suffocation, he started feeling like someone was constantly hitting on his chest, causing it to burst everytime. Ryan started sweating like crazy and fell on the ground. But, his focus was still on the chips in his lungs as he thought:"is this a heart attack, if it is, and if a god exists for this, I'm so sorry heart attack-sama, i can't focus on that now, as suffocating is more annoying than this and damn it! I'm gonna die anyway! Get out of there chips, that is not the hole you wanna go through!" (indeed it wasn't).

After this last thought, he completely lost consciousness and the hands around his neck loosened, as he succumbed to the sweet temptation of death.

Hey, author here, this is my first piece of writing so please feel free to correct me (anything, including grammar) but do try to go easy on me. Throughout the series, I might refer to other DD fanfics I'm currently reading which I love. Those won't be in the novel, but in my notes. Plus, me being a teenager, there will be a lot of swearing in the novel and little kids... U have been warned. This is something important, but I'm making the story up as I go along.

So, here I go, Mazel tov!

Godofjerkscreators' thoughts