
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

VdV · アニメ·コミックス
75 Chs


In the Douluo Continent, inside Heaven Dou Empire, there is a medium-sized village, Sun village, an unknown village to the majority of the world, like many other unimportant villages.

Looking from outside, it can appear as a normal one with some wooden houses and a bigger mansion at the center, however, this village has a very special group of people. This special group is the Tè Clan.

The Tè Clan is a clan of spirit masters, a hidden but strong clan with a spirit sage as its clan's head. Even with a spirit sage, it is a very unknown clan, this is due to their instability of power. Some generations are strong while others are terribly weak.

This is caused because unlike other clans that usually have a common spirit or at least similar ones, the Tè Clan didn't have a common spirit. Their belief was that to create the strongest spirit, the key was its adaptability and variation. So they married people with very different spirits, creating strange combinations, trying to create a strong spirit. For this matter, they are always trying to incorporate powerful spirits into their family, increasing the overall talent. But it wasn't so easy, as the most powerful spirits are very protected by their clans that won't permit them to marry an unknown clan.

In the Sun Village mansion, in one of its rooms, it could be found a boy. The boy seemed to be 6 years, was 120 cm tall, with straight short black hair and cute big purple eyes. This boy was Tè Er.

"Finally, tomorrow is the awakening day! The start of my adventure. I waited for 6 long years for this" Shouted Er enthusiastically.

The truth was that Er was not your everyday boy, he learned to walk at 6 months, 1 year to start talking. He was considered a genius, and his elders were happy relating his intelligence to his future talent. He was also the grandson of the current clan's head, Tè Bian, and the son of the heir, Tè Huoshan, both of them being spirit sages.

But overall, his most peculiar characteristic was that he had memories of a previous life where he had died at the age of 16. He was one of those called reincarnators. Even more, from his past memories, he remembered a novel called Douluo Dalu that talked exactly about the world he was in now.

Tè Er had waited for his awakening all these years, always dreaming about the future, becoming strong and surrounded by a bunch of cute girls.

"Rongrong, Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and even the antagonist like Hu Liena or Qian Renxue. I'm looking forward to meeting them, making them fall in love showing my mighty strength" Er disillusioned "I will make the biggest harem!"

In the Tè clan main family, the birth name was based on the order of birth, Tè Yi, Tè Er, Tè San... This was until their spirit awakening when they would receive a new name based on their awakened spirit. Making people with similar spirits to have similar names. With this habit, it could be seen how much they are obsessed with the evolution of spirits, even treating themselves and their family like test subjects.

Er had two brothers, Tè Huoyi who was 5 years his senior and Tè San who was 1 year younger. Their father, Tè Huoshan, had as his spirit the Fire-Water Crocodile, a beast spirit with the power of fire and water. He was a rank 72 spirit sage, only 2 under his own father. Their mother, Hu Nair, who had a rare body spirit, Hands spirit, was only rank 42. Both their union was a strange one for the clan as the Tè clansmen usually had more than one wife, having more variate children in search for a strong one, especially the future clan head was expected to do the same. However, Huoshan denied any other women in favor of Nair.

In the Sun village there was a stone building, inside there was a stone formation used for the awakening of spirits. In this world when children arrive at the age of 6, they go through a spirit awakening ceremony, awakening their own spirit.

In the Sun village, this ceremony is made only twice a year, on the two days of the year when the Sun is the nearest, the equinox. In these two days, the spirit energy concentration in the village increases so the villagers considered it beneficial for awakening in these conditions, even thinking that it could improve the innate talent of the children.

Today is the autumn equinox, outside the stone building you could find 8 children who were waiting to start their ceremony. It could easily see in their face how worried and expectant they were. Around them, there were adults, familiars who cheered from them while waiting to see their spirits.

This children's generation could be considered a very special one. 5 of children could be ignored as there are children of non-spirit masters that live in the village working in the fields or as servants. The special ones were the other three, the clan having great expectations in them.

The first one was Tè Er. As the clan's head grandson, he was really important. His elder brother having inherited their father's spirit with a rank 8 innate talent, showed that there was really good potential in their parent's union.

The second one was Ma Biyun. Biyun was taller for her age and overall she seemed almost 8 years. She had long blue hair tied into a ponytail. She had been part of the already destroyed Phoenix Clan who had one of the strongest spirits. All the elders were looking forward to her to awaken the famous Ninth Heaven Rainbow Phoenix.

Finally, the third one was Chen Meijing. Meijing was shorter and much cuter. She had silver-white hair cut at her shoulder height and ruby-colored eyes. Her circumstances were similar to Biyun. Like her, Meijing was also brought at the clan from an already ruined one when she was very little, having no memory of it at all. In her case, she came from the Seven Kill Sword Clan so the elders were waiting for her to awaken the Seven Kill Sword, considered to have an offense strength no inferior to even the Clear Sky Hammer.

How could such girls of destroyed clans have appeared over the Tè Clan? The answer laid in the actual head, Tè Bian. He was a spirit sage with the strange spirit of the Otherworldly Chamaleon. It had almost no offense power, but its stealth abilities were extreme, even able to pass undercover against titled douluos. With his adaptability, he had the best spirit to test for the perfect spirit. That was why he was made clan's head and had 8 wives with more than 30 children.

Tè Bian took advantage when Spirit Hall attacked the girls' clans to destroy them. He used his stealth abilities to infiltrate and kidnap the little girls when they were babies taking advantage of all the chaos. As babies, they would not be very known, Spirit Hall never knowing their disappearance. Also, as babies, it would be easier to brainwash them as part of the clan.

In the end, the girls were specimens to reach the dream of the Tè clan, the perfect spirit. With their strong possible spirits, the Tè clan strength would reach a new level, their sons fusing their spirits with the actual clan.

"Li Fong!" The first boy was called. He stepped over the formation and an elder awakened his spirit. He had a cat spirit without any spirit power.

After him, the other servants' children came. All of them had different spirits, but all of them without any spirit power, unable to cultivate.

"Ma Biyun, please come" Finally it was the turn of the important ones. Even at the elder's voice, it could be sensed expectations and a warmer tone than the other kids.

Biyun breathed nervously and looked at Er at her side. "Good luck, Yunyun" Tè Er said squeezing her hand in comfort, giving her strength. Biyun nodded and stepped forward.

The formation shined under her and her body started to glow.

"Griiiiiiiiiii!" A beautiful and elegant blue phoenix sang as it appeared over Biyun. Her surrounding started freezing, ice accumulating around her.

"How majestic!" Some elder exclaimed and everyone started clapping. It was clear that even it wasn't the Ninth Heaven Rainbow Phoenix, it was a highly talented phoenix spirit nevertheless. It was the Frost Fire Phoenix.

One elder quickly approached her with an orb to test her rank "Rank 9. What a genius" He said excitedly. All the elders were excited and happy, especially the head, Tè Bian. All his work and even risking his life had made fruits. With her addition, the next generation would be a stronger one.

Biyun smiled at all the attention, knowing that she was talented. She quickly returned to Er's side and hugged him for the emotion. She quickly discovered what she was doing and broke the hug with a blushing face.

"Chen Meijing, please come" the elder called Meijing.

Meijing jumped in fright surprised, hugging Er's arm. She was trembling nervously.

"Don't worry Mei" Er smiled radiantly at her as he patted her head "You can do it. And it doesn't matter what will be your spirit, I will always be here for you."

"Thanks, big brother" Meijing smiled shyly, now a little less nervous.

Both, Meijing and Biyun, treated Er as their big brother who will always protect them, even having some romantic feeling for him in the future. This was all due to Tè Er's doing.

Er knew that it was highly probable that they would be strong spirit masters. With their talent and their cute looks that promised to become beauties in the future, Er was already thinking of adding them to his harem as it was normal for his clan. For it, he chose the route of the Sweetheart.

Being the only children of the same age, it was extremely easy to be with both girls. With time and being little children, it had been too easy for Er to make himself the most important in their life. Even the elders had helped him in teaching them about their future. In the future, if all went well, they would become two strong beauties wishing to be part of his harem, completely accepting to new members forming part of it.

Meijing slowly stepped to the formation. The formation shined, but it wasn't such a show-off as Biyun. Instead, there was a little light and a sword appeared over Meijing's hand. It was a crude and wood sword without any edge, even a kendo sword seemed far stronger.

Seeing Meijing's spirit, the elders' faces turned downcast "It's a fail, eh?" They said with fury. One elder threw the orb to Meijing, the previous goodwill replaced by contempt. A trash spirit was unnecessary for the Tè clan.

Meijing took the orb and it didn't even shined "Rank 0, unable to cultivate" The elder said coldly as he pushed Meijing outside the formation.

"Ah!" Meijing fell to the ground, tears falling over her eyes as he looked at the angry faces of the elders. Where were the friendly old people that usually gifted her sweets? She had done something wrong and now everyone hated her. She positioned in a fetal position as she trembled before the gazes of everyone.

"Girl, get out!" One elder shouted angrily, trying to kick her.

"Elder Hu, stop!" Er had stepped forward, reaching Meijing's side. He hugged her and lifted her in his arms.

"Big brother" She said with tears "I am bad. You must hate me" She couldn't even look at his eyes.

"Mei, look at me" He forced her to look at his determined eyes "I said that I would always be there for you. Even if you don't have spirit power, I will protect you"

"Big brother!" Meijing hugged tightly at Er, clenching over his body as her tears became of joy.

"Er, you shouldn't waste your time with trash" Er's grandfather stood up "It's a pity about her, but we can't tarnish out blood with such trash. She will be abandoned."

"No!" negated Er angrily "She might not be able to cultivate, but she isn't useless to be abandoned. I will make her my maid" Ignoring his future plans with Meijing, Er considered Meijing like a cute little sister now, he really didn't want her to be abandoned and forced to heavy work or even worst, being abandoned in the forest at the mercy of spirit beasts.

Looking at Er's determined eyes, Bian knew that it was difficult to reason with him "Let's make a deal, Er. If you awaken with an innate rank of 8 or better, it will make you the foremost of your generation. I will make you the successor of the clan and you can have the power to choose your maid. Even trash." He looked at Meijing with contempt causing her to flinch "However if your talent is low, you will abandon her and do like the clan orders you."

"Okay" Er quickly accepted and stepped forward the formation. He was always at the mercy of the clan, so it wouldn't change much if he lost, but if he won, he would be able to keep Meijing at his side.

"Young master" The elder made a little bow and activated the formation.

'Please, reincarnated cheats help me' Er prayed to be like the cliche reincarnated being overpowered with a full innate.

The formation shined and Er sensed spirit energy entering his body.

"Aggggg!" Er shouted as he felt all his body in pain like being burned alive as the spirit energy flew all over his body.

"What happens?!" Some elder asked shocked, never having seen such a reaction, not knowing if it was a good or bad sign.

Just as they were about to stop the awakening, the pain over Er disappeared. His body had changed a little, muscle appearing over it and making his body very fit even if not buffed. There was also a shine all over his body, creating a charming and divine image around him. Er found his body much stronger than before, strange energy overflowing over his body.

"What is the spirit?" Someone asked "It should be a mutation for the mother." "It's a body spirit!" Someone exclaimed. However, everyone asked for the same "Calculate his spirit power!"

An elder approached Er and gave him the orb. Taking it, the orb made a blindly light "Innate Spirit power! Heavens!" Everyone was shocked, their smiles growing and their eyes shining with greed. Even if it wasn't a clear sign of success, there was no weak spirit able to awaken with full spirit power, demonstrating the Er's spirit was extremely strong.

Er smiled as he clenched his hands 'Thank god. I am a cheat reincarnator!'

"You win, grandson" Bian smiled warmly at Er, for the first time in his life calling him grandson "You can have that trash as your maid" He stood up the aura of a spirit sage surging from him and causing everyone to quiet down "Since today, I declare my second grandson as the future successor of the Tè clan. And now, I rename him as Tè Shenti."

"Eternal luck to Tè Shenti" Everyone in the room made a little bow towards the now renamed Shenti. A new genious had born over the Tè clan.

After this introduction of the clan, there will be a time skip in the next chapter, going to the true start of his adventure.

As it's said in the summary, it would be an harem. I am planning a total of 9 girls, you can comment your favourites and some ways to get them.

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