
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · アニメ·コミックス
90 Chs

Seen and Unseen History (Reuploaded)

After Nero walked out of the room what came into view was a large mansion mainly themed in white and blue.There were few servants doing various chores of the house.

"Wooh! this body was sure living in luxury or i should say my body now even though this was my body from the start" he exclaimed after seeing how luxurious this mansion was it may not be the most flashy one but its simplicity certainly brought a unique feeling.

"Young master, you are awake breakfast is ready please head to the dining table after refreshing yourself" Nero heard a sound from his back and after he turned around what greeted him was a 50-60 year old man in a butler dress bowing to him.

"Yes, Sebastian i will be there" he replied after finding the butler's name from his memory. ' Sebastian was the head butler of this mansion who has been taking care of our family for the last four decades.As far as i know he was a RANK 65 soul emperor although i don't know his martial soul i guess my previous self wasn't interested in it ' thought Nero after remembering all about Sebastian.

"Aria can you check his status" Nero asked Aria curiously because he didn't know if it was possible [ Yes i can check Sebastian's status and also other people's status but only the information which they subconsciously feel comfortable enough to let out here is what i can get]


Name : Sebastian Shaw

Age : 56

Rank : 79

Martial soul : Vanishing Moons

Special ability: Return

• Return :- Vanishing moons which take the form of two crescent blades can return to the owner's hands and can be controlled with a thought that creates a diverse fighting style for its users.

Soul ring : 🟣🟣⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫(means two thousand year old and four ten thousand year old soul ring)

Soul bone : Unknown


"Well it seems i was a bit misinformed he seems pretty strong" Nero thought [He is pretty strong according to world standard for you he is Mt. Tai as you are still weak] "I know you don't have to lecture me" Nero grumbled quietly.

After doing the usual morning routine and eating the breakfast Nero went towards the library because he wanted to know about this world and his family as he couldn't view this world with the perspective of a novel.

In a spacious room with artistic decoration a child is standing in front of a virtual screen.

"Hmm so far i know that 8000 after the second generation of gods ascended soul technology and blacksmithing matured at an astonishing rate and according to netizens from my past life it most likely happened due to the disappearance of God realm" Nero concluded .

' The martial soul of my father's family is an inherited katana which randomly exhibited a random effect while my mother's martial soul was space energy so even if yamato is my martial soul no one will suspect anything odd 'Nero thought to himself while remembering the so called history of his father's family and the other benefit to this is that he could learn Swordsmanship easily and Vergil's skills won't seem suspicious as his father's family always made their own soul skills based on their martial soul's effect.

"Aria which faction side do you think i should take" Nero asked Aria as he was wondering to which faction's side he should take [Nero i think the best path is to tag along tang wulin and wu changkong till you are eligible for Shrek and join spirit pagoda] suggested Aria "I get the sticking to wu changkong for opportunities part but why spirit pagoda?" Nero asked because he didn't understand why spirit pagoda [ I believe because it is relatively easy to control compared to other forces and you can stay balanced without taking anyone's side as spirit pagoda is the biggest organisation providing souls in current era and no one wants it gone at the same time you can interfere between soul beasts and humans easily while Sea god pavilion ,God of war temple,etc. are bound by many ideological things] stated Aria clarifying Nero's doubt ' now that think about it I don't want to be on anyone's side it is best if i make my decisions based on my desire not the circumstances ' Nero thought to himself after Aria's explanation.

"Aria do you by any chance know the benefit of last perk from Earth's will" Nero asked because he still didn't understand what he get out of his 5 year amnesia.

[The major benefit of the perk was that you can become a god without any position as the natural limits of human being is not at Rank 99 but Dragon god in his prime time imposed a ban on human bloodline and after his death the five god kings imposed ban on soul beasts so the final situation is that path for both human beings and soul beasts was severed] ' so that's why humans of the douluo star had limits while other beings such as elf and creatures of fairy continents in soul land 5 could cultivate continuously as long as they had talent to do so ' Nero thought to himself . After visiting through all the information he could collect Nero went out of the library.

"Ok Aria lets see what these EVOK can do" Nero said and got ready to experiment with Aria's ability.


Now chapters are a bit short as it is only a prologue the word count will exceed after the story steps into the main arc i don't want to reveal all the history of Nero's family and his past life i will slowly reveal it in future