
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · アニメ·コミックス
90 Chs

Final exam

After stepping out of Spirit Pagoda Nero saw Wu Zhangkong and class zero waiting for him. He could tell by looking at class zero faces that their first experience didn't exactly go well. Wu Zhangkong after seeing Nero come out focused everyone's attention and headed back to school.

On the way to the school Tang wulin who was feeling tired fell asleep with his martial soul and spirit soul automatically emerging. Wu Zhangkong after checking on Tang wulin explained to everyone how Wulin's spirit soul was evolving while this was happening Nero paid attention to the group of streams on Tang wulin. ' Golden dragon king bloodline is both a blessing and curse to him. Although GDK gives him tremendous strength, at the same time it suppresses Asura god's bloodline. If it weren't for Blue silver grass then the sea god bloodline would also be suppressed and the dark purple and light green clusters of light which i guess are the blessing of Destruction and Life god also can't be utilised to their maximum potential. The blessing of the Destruction god king and the Life God king which could have become a creation level power now acts like an icing on a cake for GDK bloodline and Blue silver grass but why does it feel like Tang wulin's spirit soul is the real child of luck i mean it went from a 10 year old defective snake beast to a god ' Nero thought as he observed Tang wulin's spirit soul evolution.

Arriving at school Nero first handed his fake performance recording to Wu Zhangkong who was carrying Tang wulin and went towards his dorm. Nero decided to call Leng Yaozhu after arriving at his dorm as the disappearance of the chimera will alert the ruling board of Spirit Pagoda. " Hello! Nero how have you been and how come you called me at this time did something happen " Leng Yaozhu asked Nero in a very sleepy voice. " Sigh! Aunt i am fine and did you again work overtime it's afternoon not night " Nero sighed as the position of vice master of Spirit Pagoda always gave his Aunt a lot of work messing up her schedule. Nero could hear his Aunt getting out of the bad hastily and opening the curtains of the window. " Well you know how much responsibilities i have and i am a Titled Douluo this much is nothing. Forget about this what's the matter i can hear the seriousness in your voice " Leng Yaozhu changed the topic and asked Nero. " Aunt Yaozhu i ... and it could have been dangerous if anyone else ventured into that area by accident and don't worry i am absolutely fine nothing serious happened" Nero narrated the whole incident to Leng Yaozhu and assured her that he was fine. " It's great that you are fine and Thank you for solving that chimera even though you had no obligation to do so. You saved both me and your Grandpa from a huge headache as the ruling board would have just put us under the bus to clean their hands. I will look more into this and try to find any other chimera or experiment. Do you need me to do anything else." Leng Yaozhu thanked Nero for killing the chimera and asked if there was anything else she could do. " Yes, Can you please remove the record of me ever being there and make it seem like the chimera died by the hands of the guardian beast" Nero requested Leng Yaozhu as he didn't want anyone to know about his capabilities yet. Leng Yaozhu also agreed to Nero's request as she understood that hiding Nero would be the best option for now.

The next day in the class Wu Zhangkong gave class zero a score based on their assessment in the spirit ascension platform. Zhang Yangzi scored 0 as he screwed up right at the start, Wang jinxi a 1 as he was eliminated by the Man Faced Demon Spider but managed some success early, while Gu Yue and Xie Xie scored a 4.8, with their good use of tactics and knowledge. Wulin only scored 4.5, as he somewhat used his martial soul and did not have enough knowledge of spirit beast abilities. " Nero you planned your every step with caution and tried to kill every soul as fast as possible to not attract a 10,000+ beast. You used the terrain and situation to your advantages so i would give you a 5. I would suggest you to focus on your tactics as you could have killed the group like souls with much more ease" Nero stayed silent at Wu Zhangkong's suggestion as he himself didn't know what was in the fake recording.


" Whoosh.. whoosh.." In a gray training room Nero whose eyes are blindfolded was dodging Iblis who was attacking Nero with a centipede like sword. " Beep..Beep.." Nero and Iblis stopped as the alarm for class sounded. " I still find it weird that You have mastered handling that sword this fast when you didn't even touch a weapon in your life " Nero said to Iblis after taking off his blindfold " I just felt in sync using this type of sword maybe it was destined for me master " Iblis replied to Nero after dissolving his sword in shadows.

Nero just laughed hearing this as it was just 2 months ago when Iblis chose that unique sword which acted like a whip {for reference search Bellion solo leveling sword although i will put an image in comments} after Nero advised him to master a weapon for his humane form. In just two months Iblis went from a novice to a master perhaps just like he said it was destined.

" I should get ready now Wu Zhangkong would probably tell us our final exam and i am curious to know what changes he will make and Aria status" Nero took a sip of water and muttered as he headed towards his dorm.


Name: Nero

Age: 9

Martial soul: Yamato

Rank: 26

Bloodline: Sparda (36% unlocked)

Legacy: The Alpha and The Omega

Spirit ring configuration: 🟣🟣

Spirit soul: Iblis ( 3100 years)

Qliphoth (18,000 years ) (Note: Available for fusion at 5th spirit ring.)


" Tomorrow you all will give your final exam it will be divided into two phases. Except Nero you all have to survive 1 hour in spirit ascension platform. This time it will be different from your usual simulation as it would be a rebellion period where the souls are much more dangerous and you might encounter other Spirit masters. I will tell you all about the second phase after Phase 1 " as Nero guessed Wu Zhangkong told class zero about the final exam in the classroom. " Teacher Wu what will be Nero's assessment " Xie Xie raised his hand and asked Wu Zhangkong. " I was about to tell him that Nero you only have to survive 20 minutes against the Black flame dragon guardian beast of Primary spirit ascension platform " Everyone except Nero had a horrified face as the Guardian beasts are special 10,000 year beasts guarding the boundary between primary and intermediate ascension platforms. " Teacher Wu how.." " Ok i will do it " Xie Xie was about to question Wu Zhangkong's decision when Nero interrupted him and agreed. Xie xie also stopped talking as he remembered it was Nero they were talking about.

After class Nero was about to exit the class when Tang wulin stopped him." Nero do you need a chainmail armor i am a blacksmith i can make one for you " Tang wulin asked Nero with genuine concern on his face. " You don't have to just focus on your exam Wulin i will be fine and the chainmail armor won't work against a Guardian beat " Nero patted Tang wulin's shoulder and refused politely.

[ You don't seem to alienate him i thought you might keep your distance from him as he is Tang san's son]

Aria commented as Nero watched Tang wulin discussing a plan with Class zero. Nero smirked hearing Aria and said inwardly " Why would i hate him for being Tang san's son. I don't have any hostile intent towards him even if i know that he will help his dad. In future he would be just helping his father and family as every other person would do. Tang Wulin doesn't know the history and knowledge of this world as I do. The decision he is making and will make in future is based on what he perceives. So realistically speaking it's not his fault. I have my path to follow and he has his, i am not gonna hate him just because we happened to be on opposite sides ".

The next day everyone gathered before the usual timing in front of the school gate. Xie Xie and Zhang Yangzi were nervous as Wu Zhangkong threatened to eliminate the vacation if class zero fails. After arriving at Spirit Pagoda everyone entered the simulation pod while Wu Zhangkong and Long hengxu watched class zero's performance on the screen.

Nero opened his eyes and found himself in an open area. " It's exactly like a normal spirit ascension experience except the sky is purple and there is a smell of blood in the air " Nero concluded after looking around. Nero summoned his demon wings and started flying towards the guardian beast at his full speed. He didn't bother hiding as there were mostly 100 year old in the primary ascension platform.

At the end of Primary ascension platform a black sub dragon was resting with his eyes closed occasionally some unfortunate souls would become its prey. " So this is the Guardian beast it doesn't look anything special. Compared to the chimera it feels like an ugly wild cat and which brain-dead guy gave it a dragon name i mean it looks like a lizard with draconic features." Nero who was static in the sky stared at the Guardian beast and muttered while thinking of a certain abomination. " I thought the Guardian beast would be a fierce opponent but this beast is barely 10,000 years old well whatever let's get this over with " Nero said out loud and summoned Beowulf.

The Guardian beast of Primary ascension platform Black flame dragon was resting when suddenly his instincts screamed danger. " Boom! " before the beast could react he was embedded deep into ground by a heavy force from its back. The Black flame dragon opened its eyes to see what hit him and what greeted him was a smile from a 9 year old white haired human.

" Oye! Lizard let's have some fun " Nero said to the Black flame dragon and before waiting for it to react Nero grabbed its tail and started slamming the Black flame dragon right and left on the ground. " Boom.. Boom.. Boom.." the ground was tremoring by the after effects of Nero's power. Wu Zhangkong who was watching this all from outside had his lips twitching while rest of the staff and Long hengxu were wide eyed as they watched a 9 year old bully a Guardian beast.

The black flame dragon wanted to use its flame breath to interrupt Nero but before it could gather flame in its mouth Nero made the Black Flame dragon eat its own flame by punching its mouth with his tremendous force. After 10 minutes of bullying the Guardian beast Nero stopped and said " Time out" Black flame dragon who heard Nero was about to rejoice but despaired immediately after hearing Nero's next words " Iblis your turn i had my fun ". Iblis emerged in his human form and took Nero's place at this point even the staff was feeling bad for the Guardian beast.

Iblis didn't said anything but summoned his sword. The guardian beast was about to run when a whip like thing caught him. The Black flame dragon was confused at the sudden appearance of the whip it turned around to find out who did this. After seeing Iblis's centipede like sword the Guardian beast looked at Iblis with eyes saying ' Who uses that kind of sword why are you guys not playing cards according to common sense '. Unfortunately for the beast no one could understand it. Iblis caught the beast elongating his sword and slammed it around like a mattress.

10 minutes later Iblis finally stopped while the guardian beast was already unconscious. " Let's go back and wait for others " seeing the unconscious beast Nero said to Iblis who also nodded and pressed the ejection button.


Hi Nero here if some people are feeling it would be usual Vergil and Dante then i can tell you its not. In the next few chapters How Dante appeared and what role he would really play will be mentioned so stick around and if some readers are disappointed that Dante even appeared in the story then i can only say your preference.