

After returning to the dormitory, San stood up and prepared to go to the smithy. As Yash saw him preparing he stood up and asked him," Why are you going to the smithy? As we do not need money." To which san replied," I am not going for money rather for the experience." After which he left.

After thinking for a while he called up xiao wu and Chen and left with them towards the school entrance. While walking xiao wu went up to him and asked "Where are we going?" in response Yash smiled and replied," We are going to our first business transaction as tang pavilion." Hearing which Chen's eyes widened while xiao wu was puzzled.

"What is tang pavilion?" xiao wu asked Yash. Yash replied to her, "Tang pavilion is an organization which we tang brothers plan to create which will be purely business-oriented." Xiao wu was astonished to know about it and wanted to join it but refrained from doing so as she was afraid of them knowing the truth.

Yash understanding her situation asked," xiao wu, do you want to join our pavilion? If you don't like you can always leave it." Chen of course didn't negate him, as he fully trusted her. Surprised by the question, she stopped but after pondering a bit she decided to take the risk as she had started to like the company of brothers. Chen seeing this was happy smiled and patted her hand saying," san is also in it. So you won't be feeling lonely." Hearing it xiao wu blushed and quickly slapped away his hand, and in response to her antiques, Chen and Yash continued to laugh.

As they reached the entrance Yash nodded towards Chen who seeing it swiftly went into the nearby bushes and after a few moments came with a beautiful white dove with some green feathers who then flew towards Yash and proceeded to sit on his shoulder. It was of course joy.

Xiao wu seeing the dove was surprised as she had never seen the bird asked," Which bird is it? And why is it sitting on you? "in response to her question rather than Yash speaking joy spoke, "As my master here can't speak I will relay his intentions to you. I was roaming in a big forest and liked it very much. While master here was waiting in his class I was roaming there." which surprised xiao wu as she saw a beast spoke knowing full well its meaning.

Chen seeing her surprised face laughed and said," That bird name is joy. It is Yash's pet. Joy is not speaking rather with a special technique Yash is speaking while closing his moth making you think that joy is speaking." which astounded her to know that such thing existed. But they didn't continue to dwell on it and continued their walk.

After reaching, Yash turned his head everywhere like finding someone, and then after seeing a particular direction he walked and met up with xiao Chen yu who upon seeing the same monster who single-handedly defeated ten students nearly peed his pants. But still, he stood still and with a flattering face asked," boss Yash, how are you here? Do you need anything? "

As he waited for Yash to speak he heard a voice from the bird sitting on Yash's shoulder saying "Master and his friends wanted you to take them to the most popular restaurant in nuoding city. As you are the city lord's son, he is expecting very highly of you." Chen yu hearing it was frightened to see a talking bird but rather than saying anything he nodded and made them sit in his carriage, which then started to make his way towards a certain prosperous street.

After waiting for some time, the carriage stopped and everybody came out from it. In front of them was a magnificent building that excluded an aura of nobility. Many people with similar carriages were going inside of it which was proof of its popularity. As they walked towards the entrance of the building Chen yu started speaking about it to Yash and others," This is the most prosperous restaurant in the city. Its name is Noblesse restaurant. It is a very dining place for the nobilities of the city and many business meetings and banquets are frequently held here."

Hearing his words Yash nodded in appreciation while joy spoke out his intention," Master is very pleased with you." Upon hearing it Chen yu was very excited as he had refrained from offending the monster with a mysterious background as it is not possible for a common person to reach the present situation without something strong backing them up.

As they reached the entrance a very beautiful lady came up to them with a very revealing dress along with noble-like elegance and said," Young master, we are very happy to know that you decided to dine in our humble restaurant. Please follow as I will lead you to the VIP room."

As he was the city lord's son it was very natural that everybody knew him and also respected him, so without further delay, they followed her and arrived at the room. When it was asked what to eat Chen yu respectfully asked Yash about it, in response to which joy spoke that as they are new here they would eat anything good recommended by the staff.

The lady knowing his intention nodded and left while keeping in mind not to offend him as even the city lord's son was respectful to him. After waiting a while, the lady came back along with a waiter who served them their dishes.

After finishing their meal they called over the lady who turned out to be the manager and asked her to call out the cook of the food. She naturally agreed to her request as it was common as when some customer liked a dish they would call over their chef and praise him. Thus lady went away and brought back the head chef along with warning him not to offend them.

As they reached the room and the cook entered Yash looked towards Chen who then nodded his head and turned to look towards the chef with a fierce light and said," Your dish is very good but it needs some improvement in a variety of places. As you can see here the rice is not soft enough which means it needs to be boiled a little more. Along with that gravy is not sweet what you need is ... "

In this way, he continued to lecture the chef who was very embarrassed and repeatedly bowed in forgiveness. Seeing this situation the manager's face turned ugly and knew that they had come here with bad intentions. She then turned towards the Chen yu and asked with an ugly face," young master did you come here to make a scene?"

Chen yu could only have an awkward smile on his face thinking why is that brother Yash is finding trouble here. As the lady was going to ask Yash about it, the chef gave a ninety-degree boss to Chen which surprised everybody present, and said," Thank you senior for guiding this junior. With the help of the senior's knowledge, this junior will able to improve his cooking. This junior makes a presumptuous request to senior to demonstrate his skills."

He then turned around to the manager and whispered," these young masters here are for some particular reason as rather than shouting and making a scene they showed us their skill and want something in return." The manager has a stroke of realization nodded her head and hurried away to call the owner.

Yash then turned to Chen yu while joy spoke up," the master says thank you for your cooperation and says that your work here is done and you can go." Chen yu then nodded and left while paying money as well as some extra for xiao wu who was continuously eating her carrot dishes without a thought of her surroundings while Yash and Chen left towards the kitchen.

As they arrived inside it head chef had already prepared everything for Chen who then respectfully called him over. Chen naturally agreed and with the help of a stool, due to his small stature, started his cooking. While cooking he also continued to explain his process thoroughly which all the cooks listened carefully, occasionally having a face full of realization and admiration.

After Chen finished his cooking a lavish smell permeated throughout the restaurant as well as the noble street. Many guests smelling the flavor started ordering that dish along with many people continue to pour into the restaurant which made it very difficult for them to control the situation.

After some time and very difficultly controlling the situation the manager came to the kitchen and courteously said to Yash," the owner is waiting for the young master. Please follow me." In response to which he smiled and followed with Chen.


hello guys so the first step of tang pavillion has been taken. also we have now reached 15k words and now are officially in rankings. thank you for your continuos support.

please continue readind it and gice good comments and plz give the much needed reviews.

thanks guys

Talkingdovecreators' thoughts