
doulou dalu:ten thousand worlds anime system

A young fan of novels and anime was reborn on the Doulo continent. Full of excitement for coming to his favorite novel, feng liang couldn't help but imagine his bright future, but reality gave him a bucket of cold water, drase realizes that not everything was so easy. Desperate as it was a year before the plot began, his long-awaited golden finger finally arrived and from that moment his life began to improve, coming to fulfill many of his dreams. [do not lick tang san, do not worship the teacher] Chapters will be uploaded every 4 or 3 days, in total 2 times per week. -----------IMPORTANT-------------------------------- This is my first novel, besides, English is not my native language. But I hope you like it and apologize beforehand if there are problems with the writing. In this story, I'm putting together several things that I would like, it won't be a perfect story.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · 書籍·文学
108 Chs


After writing the letter, I appeared again in my world, to make a first quick trip to the world of tensura, my goal is to find a companion for Xiao Bai to play with him when I'm not there and to accompany him at all times.

"Ciel take me to the world of Tensura, Just at the time when veldanava had not yet died and in a place where I can find him."

[Yes host, preparing to travel]

Suddenly, a small circular portal appears where I could cross to tensura world, I pet little Xiao bai a little and put him down on the ground.

"Xiao Bai, wait for me a little while, I'll go find you someone you can play with so you won't feel so lonely."

When Xiao Bai, heard me he nodded his head in understanding.

Also, I took the opportunity to speak to Xu Jiang:

"Xu Jiang, we are going to a place where a powerful being is located, he should have the strength of a God King of the doulo world at least, so please help me when we cross over."

When my guardian heard me, he just nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Then, without further thought, I stepped through the portal.

When I crossed it, I appeared in a very wide area, full of trees and with a house very close to where I was.

Just as I was about to investigate the place, I saw an imposing and majestic creature, easily over a hundred meters long. Its body is of a silvery color and its scales shimmer in the light. It has an elongated and sharp head, with huge, razor-sharp teeth. Its eyes are deep blue and glow with unmatched intelligence and wisdom. In addition, its scales are incredibly tough and it can withstand attacks of great magnitude without significant damage, I imagine this is Veldanava.

"who are you and where do you come from?" asked the great dragon with a serious tone.

"Hello, my name is Feng Liang and I come in search of Veldanava because I want to talk to him about a very important topic, which I know he may be interested in, about where I come from, I can only tell him." I replied in a calm tone.

"The people you are looking for is in front of you, so you can talk" Veldanava answered again serious, but with a tone of doubt, since he is the most powerful being in this universe, but he had never seen a person like me, since a human race has already been born in his universe, I had a rare energy in my body.

"Oh, that makes things so much easier for me. Well, as you can see, I am not from this universe, my place of origin is a place that has a power level very similar to this one and in which there are at least 5 people with a strength level similar to yours."

"But that's not my main issue why I came to you, my main reason is that I would like you and your dragon clan to join my world "I replied with a serious tone.

"Hahahaha that's the craziest thing I've heard in thousands of years, besides, why should we go with you, wouldn't it be too dangerous for us to go for that place, not to mention we don't even know you and you are much weaker than us, so why should we listen to you?" said Veldanava with a powerful tone and pressing his power against me.

When Veldanaba's power was directed towards me, a shield was created around me, which had been created by Xu Jiang who was hidden in the darkness, so I was not affected.

"Veldanava, I don't think you are so shallow. First of all, regarding my strength, it is only for the moment, since I am only 6 years old, so my growth potential is very great, even, I am sure that after a few years I can even be on par with you or stronger than you."

"Second, regarding whether the other people with a strength approximating yours will find you, that's impossible, since you will be in my world and they can't enter it. Also, in case you don't know, your universe is only a mid-level universe at best, even at a low level if compared to other universes, so there are many beings who are above us with level of forces"

"Wouldn't you like to go to a whole new world and get stronger, don't you get bored of not being able to do something else. To meet new forms of life, new species...."

Just as he was speaking, a woman's voice rang out, behind veldanaba:

"Husband, who are you talking to?"

The woman had long pink hair, she looked pregnant, she should be Lucia Nasca Veldanava's wife and Milim Nava's mother.

"What are you doing here, didn't I tell you to stay inside?" Veldanava said, who as he spoke transformed into a humanoid form.

"I was worried about you, and where is that little guy coming from and why are you bullying him?" replied the woman.

"Good morning, my name is Feng Liang and I am not from this universe, besides, don't worry Veldanava is not bullying me, but by appearing so suddenly in this place, he thought maybe I was dangerous" I politely replied to the lady.

When the woman heard me, she gave me a strange look, since she obviously didn't believe anything I said.

I didn't think much of it and looked at Veldanava: "We'd better go and discuss this somewhere better."

Veldanava nodded and looked at his wife, told her some things and we headed to a mountain that was near his house.

Then veldanava looked at me seriously and spoke to me, "I don't know what you are up to, but nothing assures me that what you say is true, besides I have a family so I am not interested in anything else."

"Before you are so sure, I want to ask you what will happen when your daughter is born, you should be very clear that many of your abilities will be lost and you will weaken, Even if you could use Primal Magic and she had her origin ability and three final abilities, she would no longer have the ability to use them correctly."

"Also, I remind you, you as God must love all beings equally. But that you no longer fulfill, since you love one specific individual more than any other, you broke the rules of the world. As such, you and your wife are marked for elimination, so it is very likely that you will die and you should know that very well, what will happen to your daughter then, what will happen to your clan of dragons, will you let them go extinct?"

When Veldanava heard my words, a huge pressure arose around him, he was angry, for he knew he was right.

"But all that would be solved if you come with your dragon clan to my world, for you would no longer be bound by the laws of this universe. Think about it, I am offering you a great opportunity, my world at this moment already has the same energy as this universe, but it is only for now, in the future the quality of the energy and its quantity will be increasing, not to mention that I will give you and the others the opportunity to go to a wider space."

"Hum, you really think I am an idiot, who assures me of what you tell me is true, besides, what do you gain by doing it, what is the price of it?" replied Veldanava

"You must not worry about me trying to lie to you, because, if I really wanted to do something to you, I would not come to try to convince you, regarding what I would gain, well it is very obvious, I would gain valuable allies, and the price, well it is simple, in the near future I will create a sect and I want your dragon clan to be a type of protectors, not the guardian type, only to appear if danger really happens. Also, I have a little dragon who has a very powerful lineage, you will know if you go with him and I don't want him to be alone, since I am not always in my world."

"You want our clan as minions? It's a joke" Veldanava said proudly.

"Xu Jiang" I spoke with a serious tone, since I was already losing my patience.



My sect should be:

for men only

for women only


The one with the most comments will be the type of cult I will make.

See you tomorrow for more chapters.