
doulou dalu:ten thousand worlds anime system

A young fan of novels and anime was reborn on the Doulo continent. Full of excitement for coming to his favorite novel, feng liang couldn't help but imagine his bright future, but reality gave him a bucket of cold water, drase realizes that not everything was so easy. Desperate as it was a year before the plot began, his long-awaited golden finger finally arrived and from that moment his life began to improve, coming to fulfill many of his dreams. [do not lick tang san, do not worship the teacher] Chapters will be uploaded every 4 or 3 days, in total 2 times per week. -----------IMPORTANT-------------------------------- This is my first novel, besides, English is not my native language. But I hope you like it and apologize beforehand if there are problems with the writing. In this story, I'm putting together several things that I would like, it won't be a perfect story.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · 書籍·文学
108 Chs

character summon

In the reception room, I was sitting in my seat, with little Xiao Bai in my arms and Xu Jiang standing next to me. After thinking about what I needed to do, I spoke into the system:

"Cial, use the character summon card."

[Yes host....congratulations host for summoning your first follower, but you are kindly reminded that your follower will only be loyal to you and will not betray you at first, but whether you really want him to be your completely loyal follower will depend on the host himself].

As I finished speaking, again spatial fluctuations appeared in front of me and I saw that from it, a very pretty girl with brown skin and purple hair was emerging. Seeing her I couldn't help but have a feeling of familiarity with this girl, I don't know why.

-------------- Yuroichi's point of view--------------

As I was walking to the store to buy the ingredients to cook myself a delicious black bean soup, I felt a great dizziness out of nowhere. I felt so tired, I was trying to stay awake, but after a few minutes struggling, I couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

When I woke up I was in a huge hall, it had a dark colored marble-like floor, and in front of it there was a staircase that halfway divided into two parts, reaching the top, where there were two people, a small boy of about 6 or 7 years old sitting on a throne, holding a cute white animal and next to him there was a beautiful woman.

When I was looking around, I felt a huge energy around me, which was much stronger than where I lived before, when suddenly I hear a childish voice:

"I see you woke up" When I heard the child's voice, I couldn't help but ask about the situation.

"Where am I, who are you and why am I here?........, also, why did I look like a child again?"

Yuroichi couldn't help but startle when he heard his voice, looking at his reflection, he realized that he had the same appearance as when he was young.

"This is my little world, about who I am, I can't tell you at the moment. Regarding why I brought you to this place... it's because I'm on an adventure and I need people like you, to accompany me on this great journey."

Hearing the words of the boy in front of me and noticing that he wasn't lying, I spoke to him again because I was a bit annoyed of the situation, no one would like to be transported to an unknown place without agreeing first.

"Why do you need someone like me? And why should I accompany you if I don't even know you and your things shouldn't be my business?"

"I need someone like you, as you meet the type of personality I value, for the fact that you are someone who can be trusted. About accompanying me, I won't force you, but I will tell you that if you do, you will know things you would never imagine, you will travel through worlds and places you would never think existed, you will have the greatest adventure of your life."

Hearing what the boy said, I was confused, I wouldn't believe what he is telling me in normal situations, but look at me right now. It is obvious that I am no longer in the same place as before, besides, there is an energy here that I have never felt before.

But, although it was very good what he was telling me, it shouldn't be all for free, there should be something I have to fulfill, so I asked him again:

"Can you really travel through different worlds and to what kind of worlds, also, shouldn't it all be free right, what do you need me to do?"

When I finished speaking, I saw the boy get up and start walking in the air, while raising his hand, he created a very beautiful table with three chairs.

"First sit down and let's talk about quietly, Xu Jiang, you come too, I don't like to see you standing all the time."

After sitting down, I couldn't help but think that maybe this guy doesn't have such a bad personality, at least he is a little kind to his subordinates.

"About what you asked, let me tell you that yes it is possible to travel through worlds. You should also know that there are levels for these worlds, from the lowest which is a world where you can't cultivate and there are only mortals, to worlds where there are Gods and immortals, people who if they want to with just a snap of their fingers, they can destroy many universes and planets."

"Also, regarding the price for letting you join me in this great adventure, it's really not much, it's just that you join my Organization, you may not believe it, but for any group to grow, it needs people who are trustworthy and worthy of being able to risk your life for that person. I can't just take any person and give them everything they need for cultivation, but in your case it's different, since my sixth sense tells me that you are a trustworthy person."

"Now, I'm not asking you to join my organization now, for two reasons, the first is because it's still in the testing phase, since the clothes and some other things are missing. And the second is because you haven't experienced other worlds and you won't know if you really like it and if you want to continue, so take this as a trial period, if you like it great and join us, but if not, in the future I will make you go back to your little world."

When I finished listening to what the boy in front of me said, I was tempted, since for now I couldn't go back to my world and I was very curious if what he was telling me was real, I decided to accept his proposal.

"Okay, I agree, but I still don't understand why I went back to being a 6 year old girl? And what is the name of the organization you want to create, also what is your name?"

When the boy heard my questions, there was a slight smile on his mouth, and he answered me:

"My name is Feng Liang, the little boy in my hands is called Xiao bai and the person sitting down is called Xu Jiang. You can call me whatever suits you best, as to why you are younger, it is because it is the most convenient for the moment, I will explain in a while, also the name of my force will be "Order of the Eternal Ascension of the Dragon and Phoenix." The Dragon and the Phoenix represent the geniuses that are in the organization, and my spirit Iggdrasil, which is what represents me, is what unites them and will take them to the highest place there can be, that is why I called it "eternal ascension". We will never stop becoming stronger, even the gods will fear us."

Hearing the explanation of the name of his organization and how excited he got when he explained it, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha, sorry, I can't help it, hahaha, it's just that the name is a bit extravagant hahaha , by the way my name is Yoruichi Shihōin."

It wasn't only me who was laughing, the girl Xu Jiang also made a smile trying to hold in her laughter.

"It's just that the young master's names, are to say the least "flashy", but you'll get used to it eventually."

Hearing Miss Xu's words, I could understand him and why he was now so embarrassed.

To change the subject, I decided to ask other questions, "What are martial spirits, since I heard about that while you were talking about your organization?"

"About that topic, To the first world I will take you to, it is called doulo continent, its energy level is lower than the one found in my world, but you can't get carried away by that, since the upper limit of that world is much stronger than in the world you came from."

"And martial spirits are supernatural beings that grant powers and abilities to their bearers. They are highly valued in the world we go to and the vast majority of people have them, in my case I have two, and for you, I will customize a martial spirit for you myself, do you have a preference?"

As Feng Liang spoke to me, I saw that in each of his hands two very strange beings appeared, one was a tree that looked very beautiful and the other I didn't know what it was honestly, but it looked very powerful.

---------------Fin from yuroichi's point of view--------------

note: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow.